Machine God Of The Multiverse

Chapter 12 - First Battle Autobot’s vs Decepticons

As Luke arrives at Megatrons chamber he sees Megatron just broke free and was about to take off, instantly Luke pulled out a modified Glock 17, upon activating a hidden trigger the Glock begins to changes and transforms into an alien blaster that shot out three energy electrical shots that collided with Megatron's shoulder, c.h.e.s.t and abdomen.

Megatron was immediately pushed back from each shot from the blaster causing bits and pieces of his armour to break apart and fall off, after a couple of energon bullets missed Megatron's body he decides to transform and exit out of the Dam asap.


Awhile later Luke regroups with Sam and the crew who are currently running away heading towards to the city so they can hide the All Spark, once regrouped Luke and Sam partner up and traveled for a building.

(Luke's Pov)

After reuniting with my brother we are immediately under fire from Brawl, Blackout and Starscream. Explosion erupt from everywhere as we take cover under a stone wall, ash, dust and sand cover us as the ground in front of us explodes due to a misfire which fortunately for us didn't caused any casualties and Sam and I survived with just minor scratchers.

Continuing forward I had to engage in a gunfight between the Decepticons and of course i'm the distraction, honestly running from giant alien robots who want to kill me is not what I had in mind for today but what can you do, this is what I thought about when I jumped up from behind the covers and charged forward and making a b line straight to Blackout.

As I nearly reach Blackout I 'borrow' a M4 Assault Rifle from a nearby corpse of some poor guy, oh well he served his country proud anyway I begin firing multiple shots at Blackout just to get his attention which in end worked out.

"COME GET SOME!" I scream out as I release an entire clip of rounds directly aiming for the eyes forcing Blackout to use one of his giant metal hand to over his face and by extension his eyes, the bullets bounced off the metal hand but that still didn't deter me as I rushed towards Blackout jumping over obstacles while shooting.

I jump on a nearby police car and use it as platform as I jump off it and land onto Blackout, I land on Blackouts head and I immediately bashed its face with the b.u.t.t of the rifle causing Blackout to be momentarily stunned giving me enough time to unleash a full clip into his face causing large amount of damages and tearing off several pieces of metal as well as a piece of Blackouts eye leaving the the helicopter Decepticon with only one eye leaving him half blind.

The Decepticon collapsed onto the floor in a half dead like state, I exhausted a large breath before reloading the M4 rifle and once again move on to regroup with Sam, as I move forward the building in front of me collapses revealing Megatron chasing after Sam.

"Ah shit here we go again." I signed before once again chasing after Megatron with the intention of drawing as much attention from Sam as I could.

(End of Luke's Pov)

The chase continues as Luke jumps over multiple obstacles just trying to catch up, as all this happens Secretary Keller, Glen, Simmons and Maggie just managed to escape their pervious confinement in being trapped in a room with a little Decepticon (Not Frenzy) once they exit the room they encounter more than several men in hazmat and black and white suits, seeing these people walking around and taking things from the former Sector 7 base Secretary of Defence John Keller and Agent Simmons walk directly at him.

"What the hell is going on here, who are you people." Simmons demands with John Keller backing him up.

"Yes i'll like to know what's going on here too." hearing this most of the men wearing hazmat suits turn to there partners before stashing away there scanners, as this happens a man and woman wearing both black and white suits as well as mask walk up to the two men before both of the suit wearing partners pull out a metal pen shaped device.

"No need to worry about that Sir." The man says as he adjusts his metal device.

"Now please look this way, keep your eye on this red eye." The female partner says as she press a button on the device which sets off a bright light causing Glen, Keller, Simmons and Maggie to enter a dazed state as they look into the light.

"Now Sir if you'll please follow us." The man said as he directed the confused and mentally blanked group, as the man leaves with Glen, Keller, Simmons and Maggie the woman turns to the rest of the workers.

"Let's get a move on we got less then 10 minutes, remember our goal is to Secure Contain and Protect this is the objective of the Foundation and the benefit of all Humanity." The woman said causing the hazmat group to speed up there work.

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