Machine God Of The Multiverse

Chapter 19 - 17: ROTF Prep 1

[Next Day, Diego Garcia, 1000 (Ten hundred) hours]

[Pov Narration]


Sitting inside a fancy and organised office was Major Luke Archibald Witwicky (L.A.W) who was too busy doing paperwork to notice someone entering his office.

"Sir." A random Sergeant said before saluting, Luke returned the salute and allowed the Sergeant to proceed.

"These are the files you requested, Sir." The Sergeant said before handing over a stack of files.

"Very good Sergeant, you may go." Luke said before once again returning the salute as the Sergeant leaves the room, a few seconds after the Sergeant leaves the office Luke's second in command (in the logistical and administrative department) enters his office.

"Sir, you got a call for you know what." The Captain says while pass a page of paper over to Luke who reads it quickly.

"Thank you Captain, inform the others that I will not like to be disturbed at this moment." Luke ordered, the Captain quickly leaves the room as Luke presses a hidden button on his desk that shuts all the windows and doors in the room and covers them with steel shutters that block and prevent any sound to leave the room.

Luke who's still in his chair spins around and faces the painting behind him before pressing a series of hidden buttons on the arm of his chair, the 'painting' becomes static before disappearing revealing a large screen TV in its place the frame of the holographic painting splits into four parts and moves aside.

The TV comes to life revealing a middle age looking male scientist with a 'nerdy' appearance who looks shocked to see Luke.

"What is it Jerrold, I trust you have something good to show me?" Luke asks while Jerrold the scientist adjusts his tie and glasses.

"W-Well Sir w-we did managed to look into the project you provided to us." Jerrold stutters.

"And?" Luke asks again.

"W-Well I-I am afraid that we currently do not have the technology to complete it." Jerrold nervously stutters.


"So what you're saying is that while we currently have in our possession three giant alien robots, a near unlimited supply of Transformium that is biomechanical metal with the ability to literally transform into nearly anything and a alien artefact that's grants life to machines not one of them, not one of them helps with your research to create Nano bots. Is that what you're telling me." Luke questioned with large amounts of annoyance in his voice.

"Y-Yes Sir." Jerrold said while starting to sweat.

"Are you making fun of me." Luke said coldly while adopting a frown.

"N-No Sir, Iwouldneverdosuchathing." Jerrold spews out unintelligible apologies.

"I am...a little...disappointed." Luke said while his right hand begins to furiously type on a keyboard on his right arm chair.

"And if there is one thing I do not like it is to be disappointed." Luke said while his left eye was twitching and his right hand was still typing.

"S-Sorry Sir this will never happen again." Jerrold said as he was sweating heavily.

"I know." Luke said before pressing the middle key activating a miniature chip inside Dr Jerrold's head delivering over 7,000 volts directly into his head, electrocuting Dr Jerrod and cooking him inside and out leaving a charred corpse as the only piece of evidence that Dr Jerrod was there.

Instantly after Dr Jerrod's charred corpse collapsed to the floor a young a.d.u.l.t scientist arrives and looks down at the corpse.

"Congratulations Dr Bob, you have just received a promotion." Luke cheerfully said dismissing the fact he killed someone just a second ago.

"Thank you Sir, I hope to live up to your expectation." Dr Bob said.

"I hope you do, as of today you will ignore your predecessor's research I will handle it personally. Instead you will start a new research program code name 'Star Gate', the purpose of this program is to find a way to travel to other worlds. Think you can handle it?" Luke explains.

"Yes Sir, I'll provide you with results in the following months." Dr Bob said while pushing his glasses up to bridge of his nose, the glasses shine due to the light in the background giving it glare.

"Do not disappoint." Luke said before cutting communication.


[Name: Luke Witwicky

HP: 120/120

Race: Human

Age: 20

Machine Transformation: 36% (Skeleton fully coated in Transformium giving it the ability shape itself, Muscle's have been strengthen and compacted)

Machine Enhancements: Advance Vision Enhancement (Allows the user to see 15x further away than normal humans)

Advance Mind Enhancement (Improves mental capabilities such as Eidetic memory, control over emotions, require just 6 hours sleep a week and increase 5x reaction time).

Advance Nerve Enhancement (Decreases pain receptors 10x and increase 6x healing factor heals minor and moderate wounds in seconds while serious will take half an hour)

Advance Muscle Enhancement (Can lift over 250 Kilograms as well as increased speed and destructive power, can punch and kick through solid steel metal wall 3 inch thick)

Moderate Endurance Enhancement (Body can tank a couple of assault rifle rounds before bleeding)


STR: 7.8 (Peak HumanLevel)

SPD: 7.8 (Peak Human Level)

PWR: 8.9 (Inhuman Level)

DEF: 7.8 (Peak Human Level)

STA: 6.3 (High Pro Athlete level)

THREAT LEVEL: Elite Super Soldier


A/N: If anyone wants to be an OC let me know in comments after all the Decepticon's outnumber the autobot's and there are a few unnamed characters working under the Mc.

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