"The human heart has so many crannies where vanity hides, so many holes where falsehood lurks, is so decked out with deceiving hypocrisy, that it often dupes itself." - John Calvin


My name is Luke Smith, I know not a very uncommon name but i'm just your ordinary average 22 year old college student, but there's one thing not "normal" about me though it's a secret nobody knows about me, not even my parents know that I am a otaku- sociopath even do I don't possess some of the symptoms like anger or acting impulsively and lack regard for my own safety nevertheless I still feel something for people or for society.

Society is an interesting word which means "the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community." Though I rather call it a glorified sheep pen with the "farmers" tending to the sheeple, well enough about that let's move on to something else.

I was born second eldest to my family with my eldest brother being two years older then me and strange enough my family happens to have history with the military which meant I was shipped to attend a military boarding school at age 7, needless to say my childhood and schooling years compared to other kids were dog sh*t but at the same time I mean what child doesn't want to be allowed to physically and mentally insult and punish there senior years due to corporal punishment.

After graduating from boarding school instead of joining a military organisation like the rest of my family I spent 2 years in collage before being drafted into the US Army Rangers.

I was just returning home after be let off for the winter breaks when all of a sudden a large truck hits me after I just got out of the car and all I see now is black.

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