Machine God Of The Multiverse

Chapter 22 - Chapter: 20 Stargate Adventure

[Few months later]

[Narration Pov]

[Secret underground facility]

Inside a underground secret facility a figure in a navy blue armoured combat suit is seen mimicking multiple martial artist's as the giant cinema screen behind him plays various scenes of Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Chuck Norris and Donnie Yen using their own martial art styles to combat multiple opponents. The figure copy's each one of their move sets as they demonstrate the effectiveness of their style, suddenly a mannequin popped out of the floor in front of the figure who did a spin kick and kicked its head off.

As he the mannequin's head popped off several other mannequins popped up from the floor and walls, the figure jumped and did a front flip over the headless mannequin before unleashing a series of kicks and punches at the other surrounding mannequin who deform at each punch and kick.

After that last set mannequins of mannequins collapses to the ground the back of the rooms wall opens revealing 7 metal more humanoid mannequins, as soon as the new metal mannequins are revealed the ceiling above the figure opens a drops down a large metal looking shield instantly reacting the figure jumps up and catches the shield in mid air and finally the figure face is revealed but it was covered up by the skull like mouth helmet he was wearing.

Inside the helmet a series of icons scan and highlighting the mannequins as well as highlighting the best method of attack before passing the information directly into the brain, instantly the figure while still in mid air time seemed to slow as he threw the shield towards the mannequins.

The shield glides through the air before slicing through the heads of metal dummy mannequins causing sparks to erupt as metal and metal collide, the shield continues to cut through the dummy's causing it to tilt a bit and forcing the shield to collide and stop at the last dummy piercing halfway through the dummy before stopping causing the mannequin to fall to the floor due to impact of the shield.

"I see you have improved master Luke." A man dressed in a butlers uniform said as he entered the room.

The figure removes the helmet revealing Luke with strains of his dark brown hair covering his face, pushing aside the strains Luke walks over to were his shield was and tried to pry it from the metal dummy.

The shield got pulled out of the dummy and instantly Luke was made aware of its condition, the edge along with the side that crashed into the dummy was heavily deform like somebody crushed a coke can, the shield began to slowly reshape itself due to the fact it was made of Transformium.

"Well Jarvis, I certainly could have done better just like this shield. Did you bring me the report on the current status of the Insecticons that I wanted?" Luke said before turning to Jarvis.

"Yes sir, the Insecticon hive are rapidly increasing their numbers, they are willing to give their lives should you order it." Jarvis said.

"Also sir, you have an upcoming appointment with Dr Bob." Jarvis said while fl.i.c.k.i.n.g through an iPad that transformed from his phone.

"Ah yes, flick him a message, I want to see him asap." Luke said as he walk past Jarvis who immediately span around and followed him down a hallway.

"Right away sir." Jarvis said before taping and typing on his iPad as they reached an elevator.


[Secret Location, Washington, D.C.]

"Ah master Luke I heard you were coming so I thought it would be best-" Dr Bob bargain before getting cut off.

"Enough of the pleasantries doctor it's time you showed me the results of your work." Luke said.

"Of course sir." Dr Bob said before leading the way with Luke and the other scientists following.


The group continues to walk down a series of hallways and doors before coming to a large room, inside the room was a large circular object that was 5 meters tall and 6 meters wide, carved on the object were Cybertronic runes that glow green, red, blue, purple and yellow every so often.

"So this is it." Luke said as he looked at the futuristic object.

"Yes sir." Dr Bob said before moving over to monitor where screens displayed several icons and diagrams.

"Well done doctor, you certainly exceed my expectations something your predecessor failed to do. Now here's the part where you tell me what's on the other side of the gate." Luke said while observing the star gate structure.

"Um sir we haven't got the faint clue, we haven't sent test subjects in yet but-" Dr Bob began but was quickly interrupted by Luke.

"Sir we don't recommend that course of action-" Dr Bob began until he was smacked in the face by a stack of hundred bills.

"Shut up and take my money." Luke said as he arrived at star gate.

"If someone doesn't start this thing up you are fired!" Luke shouted causing the group of scientists to rush over at the controls while Dr Bob just stands there.

"Not you." Luke shouts out at Dr Bob who was about to leave the room.

The scientists start pressing buttons causing the runes on the gate to glow the colours of the rainbow before the ring like structure turns and turns until it starts spinning at the high speeds, the energy from the spinning is transferred outwards causing the energy to clash against each other while it starts to spin around like the ring causing a portal to form.

As the star gate's portal stabilises Luke is slowly drawn into the portal due to being so near it, despite his resistance Luke is drawn into the portal and vanishes in a flash of light before the portal automatically shuts off.


[Lukes Pov]

[3 January 1900, Linz, Austria]

I took off my jacket and thrown it away into the bush next to me, just then I noticed the change in scenery, I was no longer in my underground lab but instead in a small park that was near to city filled with old looking buildings, I walked out a bit and discovered a newspaper in a bin nearby.

I grab the paper from the bin and started to read through it, my eyes widen not only was the newspaper in German but the date and location caused me to look up from my paper and at the city. Looking at the city I spotted several blimps.

"Did I just pull a reverse Er ist wieder da (Look Who's Back)." Luke said as he dropped the paper at his feet.

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