Machine God Of The Multiverse

Chapter 24 - 21: Family introduction

[Luke's Pov]

I collect myself before heading into the city while pocketing the newspaper for future use, as I continued to walk I noticed that I was being watched upon by the passing citizens. Understandable I doubt that they seen many Americans walking around the city with burnt and dirty clothes.

Finding myself quickly lost I just proceed forwards with no idea what I should be looking for, I stopped in my tracks and my eyes widen in shock as I spot a familiar figure walking on the other end of the street. Dressed in a black suit and top hat the figure was bald or was quite close to it as the only hair he had was his moustache that looked like a brush, all together the man looked old.

The old man turned into the next street, I run to try and catch up only to see that he was entering a two story house that was right next to another park what was strange about this house was that it was alone with no other houses being next to it.

I waited for a few minutes before walking towards the house and up to the door.




I knock on the door three times making sure that each knock was loud before standing there and waiting.

The door opened revealing the old man who took a brief look outside when he spotted me he quickly shut the door.


[Narration Pov]

Once again Luke knocked on the door causing the door to be opened again, the old man spotted him a quickly tried to closed the door but wasn't able to as Luke's foot stopped it from shutting.

"I don't believe that was very nice, Guter Herr (good sir)." Luke said in perfect german.

"You need something, boy." The old man said with a glare.

"Yes, well as you can see sir I have-" Luke began to talk but got interrupted by another voice that came from inside the house.

"Uncle who's at the door?" A woman's voice asked.

"Just some foreign bum don't worry yourself about it." The old man turned his head and said to the voice, a thick vein appeared on Luke's forehead.

A few seconds later a middle aged lady appeared at the door.

"Well that is certainly an interesting story mister Stroheim but what could we do to help?" The lady giggled and blushed at his compliment and story.

"Well Fräulein all I ask is that I can stay temporarily at this accommodation, in return I can help with whatever is needed." Luke said

The lady looked over at the old man with puppy eyes causing the old man to release a deep sigh before turning to Luke.

"Fine, you may stay but you have to earn your keep." The old man said.

The lady immediately went back into the house and started cleaning up, Luke steps inside when all of a sudden the old man grabs him by the collar of his shirt and pushes him against the wall.

"Listen here I am only saying this once, don't even think of anything funny or else, got it." The old man said.

"Yes, sir." Luke said causing the old man to let him go and walk away.

"F.u.c.k.i.n.g walrus." Luke whispered before quickly dusting himself off and went off looking for the lady who was in a small bedroom cleaning up, inside was a king sized bed and a single wardrobe.

"Herr Stroheim this will be your room, I hope it's to your liking." The lady said.

"Ah my mistake i'm Klara Hitler my husband that you met is Alois Hitler we also have a son that you'll shortly meet." Klara said.

"I see, Hitler that's a unique name." Luke said.

"Yes the name change originally was meant to be Hiedler but there was an error in spelling check causes the name to be changed, sadly we currently don't possess the funds to change it again." Klara said while both she and Luke exited the room and headed up stairs.

Once up the stairs Klara and Luke arrive at a door, Klara step forward and knocks on the door. Getting no response Klara knocks on the door again before waiting for a few seconds, seeing that she still wasn't getting a reply Klara twists the door knob and opens the door before entering the room.

The room wasn't that big only 3 by 5 meter room which was bigger than Luke's room by a meter and a half, inside the room staring outside the window was young 11 year old boy with black combed hair. Through out the room were several paintings each one while were no means Vincent van Gogh or Leonardo da Vinci it was certainly better than any painting those he age could make if they had no experience in the subject.

"Adolf, I want you to meet Herr Stroheim, he will be staying with us for a while." Klara went up to and turned young Hitler around so he could see me before speaking.

Hitler's eyes widen as he spots Luke, Klara gentle shoves the back of Adolfs head into her c.h.e.s.t before stroking his hair.

"Don't worry he's got strong german blood in him, now why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself to Herr Stroheim." Klara said while rubbing Adolfs back.

"Okay mother." Adolf said before stepping forward and began to examine Luke with a blank stare.

"Is it that obvious." Adolf said before looking around his room particularly the paintings.

Lukes left eye twitched before he walked forward and crouched down to Adolfs level.

"Yes, you see I am quite curious on what type of artist are you." Luke said while looking Adolf in the eye.

"I am afraid I do not understand, I want to be a painter that's the only art I know." Adolf said causing Luke's left eye to twitch again.

"You see young Adolf art takes all sorts of forms with the help of the artist, some artists believe that explosions are works of art others believe puppets and dummy's, but more often or not it's paintings and sculptures that are primary source of art work and use that as a foundation. Again my question is what sort art, what sort of style gets your mind working let's your imagination flow?" Luke asks causing Hitler to pause and zone out for a few seconds before coming back to and saying three words.

"I don't know."

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