Machine God Of The Multiverse

Chapter 26 - Great War Part 1

[Time Skip, Narrative Pov]

[Unknown day and month 1907, Vienna]

Inside a large building several men were setting up their painting equipment when a lady entered the room dressed in a red dress, she walked towards a large bed with lots of red sheets and items covering it.

The lady steps on the bed and begins to undress as she does this the men rush to their large pieces of paper that are held up by stands and grab pencils ready to draw (I don't know what they were called back in those days), one of these men was young Adolf Hitler who was there to take part in the entrance exam to join the Fine Arts Academy.

"You may begin, at the end of thirty (30) minutes I will collect the sketches and this time tomorrow the names of those who have passed this part of the examination will be posted on the door." The instructor said before starting the timer causing the men to start sketching in a fast pace.

Meanwhile Adolf began at a slower pace than the others as he was looking at the shape and figure of the lady and the items before starting to draw in great detail, things started off well until a few minutes in Adolf notices numerous mistakes in his sketch. Adolf looks around at other sketches before looking back at his.

In a panic state Adolf tears down the sketch and runs out of building, once outside the building Adolf throws his drawing equipment to the ground and starts kicking a near by trash can.

"Scheiße! (Scheisse meaning crap, shit, f.u.c.k, ect) Scheiße! Scheiße!" Adolf yells out as he kicks the trash can harder putting dents into it.

"Scheiße!" Adolf shouts out as he kicks once more knocking the trash can over.

"Ha.....Ha....Ha." Adolf panted heavily.

"Well judging from your actions, I am guessing the examination didn't go well?" A voice spoke out catching Adolfs attention as he turns around to face the person who spoke.

The person who spoke wore a dark grey overcoat with a white collared shirt underneath and black tie, the man wore a dark grey blank peaked cap upon his head this man was of course Rudol Stroheim (Luke).

"Nein nein, you don't have to apologise to me after all it's understandable that you are upset on not passing." Rudol says as he walks up to Adolf.

"But tell me my boy, what are you going to tell your mother." Rudol says causing Adolfs eyes to widen in realisation.


[Flash back, Few weeks ago]


[Linz, Austria]

"I'm going to Vienna mother to see opera great opera, I want to study at the Fine Arts Academy." Adolf said to his mother who was being checked on by the family doctor.

"It's too far you'll get lost, I heard too many stories of Jews and Gypsies taking advantage—" Klara began until Adolf walked up and interrupted her.

"I'm not a boy mother!" Adolf said angrily shouted before storming out of the house.

"She's very sick she won't live till Christmas, she has cancer of the b.r.e.a.s.t." The family doctor said as he exited the house.

Adolf sits down on a bench and looks down his face is filled with grief.

"It's a lie." Adolf cried.

"I know it's hard." The doctor tried to comfort him.

"She'll do anything to ruin my career." Adolf whispered to himself as his face turned briefly into rage.


[Flash back ended]


"I'll just tell her the truth." Adolf said as he held his head high.

"Some day I shall be a great artist. I'll show them, i'll show them all." Adolf said while his face twisted into a crazed expression.

"Hehe heheh, heheh hahahahahahahahah." Adolf let out a series of laugher that echoed through out the area.


[Somewhere outside Vienna]


A Vauxhall D-Type Staff Car stopped right outside a small cave, a figure hopped out of the car and made their way inside the cave occasionally ducking and crouching to avoid hitting the unnaturally sharp rocks that hang from the cave's ceiling.

The figure stopped as a blue glow entered their sights, moving towards the blue light the figure's eyes widen in shock and surprise as he sees row upon rows, hundreds upon hundreds of 5 meter tall 3 meter wide blue crystals that emerged from the silvery metallic alien like sue stance that covers the cave floor.

"Pure...Energon." The figure gasped as he walked up to one of the large piles of Energon crystals, the figure tears off a small piece and holds it in his hand examining it.

Once touched the crystal shines blue before transforming itself into liquid, the liquid seeps into the figures skin and is absorbed into their body.

The figure looks back at his hand as he begins to shake and a blue glow emerges from his body and eyes.

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