Machine God Of The Multiverse

Chapter 29 - Great War Part 2 and Time Issues

[Time Skip, Narrative Pov]

[18 December 1907, Linz, Austria]

"Were you accepted?" Klara asked as she laid sickly in her bed with a tired and worried look.

"Some day I shall be a great artist, mother." Adolf said as his eyes lowered to his mother's bed end as he couldn't look his mother in the eyes due to the shame.

"I know you will." Klara said while smiling, hearing this Adolfs eyes widen and he looks up at his mother.


Half an hour later Adolf left his mother's room and discovered his older half-sister Angela right outside, seeing her Adolfs eyes narrowed and he gave one last look at his mother before leaving the house causing Angela's face to be filled with sadness before she calmed herself and walked into Klara's room.

Seeing that Angela entered Klara called her closer until she was barely a meter away.

"Angela, I know that he's only your half-brother but I want you to take care of him as if you were your own, he's very s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e I don't know how he'll survive without me." Klara said seriously as she stared into Angela's eyes.

"I will I promise." Angela said before holding Klara's hand tightly.


[21 December 1907 , Linz, Austria]

In the middle of a graveyard Adolf stood once again next to his younger brothers grave as he watched his mother's coffin being lowered next to his fathers the sky was dark that day as all of Adolfs relatives and friends (Which was a lot due to Adolf listening to Luke and started public speaking) gathered around, however despite the thirty five gathered people (Not including Luke, Adolf or the Preist) the only one who was near Adolf was Rudol Stroheim. the funeral lasted an hour before everyone left leaving just Adolf standing there staring at his mother's gravestone before he was escorted inside by Rudol.


Angela entered Klara's room only to discover Adolf was on his knees by his mother's bed grieving into his hands (Basically he's crying on his mother's pillow without making any sound).

"Don't tell me how to feel." Adolf words were filled with sorrow and heartache.

Adolf slowly got up and glared at Angela his expression is that of madman his eyes are bloodshot, his breathing heavy right now he wasn't the boy his half-sisters knows.

"You didn't love her, she was only your step mother you wouldn't know how to love anyone your just the lump a peasant. Good for nothing but breeding more bitches like you." Adolf said venomously as he grabbed her throat and held her up against the wall choking her.

Angela's eyes began to water as she felt death closing in one her until Adolf let go of her and she collapsed to the floor coughing and gasping madly for air, Angela look up and discovered why Adolf let go standing in the doorway was Rudol Stroheim with a cold blank look plastered all over his face as if he was telling them 'Is now the appropriate time for that'.

Without saying a word Adolf left the room before taking a small part of his belonging with him and leaving the house, Stroheim watched as the late teen Hitler left.

"I'm afraid that it's for the best if he stays with me." Stroheim says to the recovering Angela who's eyes widen.

"But I promised Klara that i'll take care of him." Angela argued and was about to continue but was stopped by Stroheims glare.

"Tomorrow morning Adolf and I shall head for Vienna and stay there for a while." Stroheim said before exiting the room and shutting the door causing Angela to finally weep at all that's has happened.


Rudol Stroheim was wandering throughout near the city hall when all of sudden he heard a familiar voice.

"I'm alright just waiting for my inheritance that's all." The familiar voice said causing Stroheim to turn around and discover Adolf sitting with a bunch of homeless men.

"It's the Jews fault you know they swarm into our country steal the bread from teeth, just ask our Mayor." One of the homeless men said to Adolf as an elderly man stood up on a platform.

"They are wolfs beasts of prey in human form." The Mayor said as the small crowd around him yelled out.

Adolf just walked away with a newspaper in his hand before he bump into Stroheim causing Adolf to fall to the ground.

"Herr Stroheim!" Adolf shouted out in shock after quickly recovering.

"Come one kid we're going to Vienna." Rudol Stroheim said with a smile.


Hey guys sorry for uploading late this chapter was meant to be longer but i'm just flat out exhausted so i'll finish it off after I get some bloody rest, also don't forget to leave a comment and if you wanna be part of the Decepticon/Luke's army as a transformer just comment with a name and/or vehicle form since ROTF and DOTM isn't to far off.


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