Machine God Of The Multiverse

Chapter 5 - Kid life (2)

[Third Person P.O.V]

Rumble, ash and dust that's what remained of a torn down and destroyed apocalyptic city, in the centre of city stood a 3 meter (over 9 feet) greyish silver metal robot that had 3 sets of red glowing eyes going down its face while a large singular eye is centred in the forehead (A/N: looks like Ultron from Marvel ultimate alliance 3 but add a large eye on the forehead), the machine's shine red red for a second before it lifts its right arm and fires a large red energy laser wave from its palm.

The red energy wave blows up an entire city block engulfing everything in flames as the machine swings his palm from the left side to the right, the machine then let's its right arm down before turning its head to the side the three pairs on eyes (all together making making six) glow an ominous crimson as they shoot out smaller red lasers that zig zag, curve and change directions (A/N: like Darkseids omega beams) the beams land and explode causing remaining human survivors to be panicked or killed due to the blast.

The robot's centre eye pulses and glows purple 3 times before the machine is then coated in a dark aura which it to grow and grow till it reaches above the city, even with the dark shadow coating the newly giant robot it was quite obvious that it changed shape and design, the now giant robot proceeds to lifts its right hand and as it does the entire ruined city shakes and slowly brake apart as bits and pieces of it lifts into the sky where a large skeletal metal planet hangs above.

{End of dream}

[Luke's P.O.V]

I sat up in my bed awake from this dream I received though many would call it a nightmare but in the end it doesn't matter, it is currently the year 2000 and I just turned 13 naturally I skipped most of middle school and positioned myself into 9th grade or known as the 'Freshmen' year even though i'm not of age to attend by due to my 'natural' genius ability thanks to the system.

[Name: Luke Witwicky

HP: 100/100

Race: Human

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Machine Enhancements: Minor Vision Enhancement (Allows the user to see 2x further away than normal humans), Minor Mind Enhancement (Improves mental capabilities such as Eidetic memory and increase reaction time), Minor Nerve Enhancement (Decreases pain receptors and increase healing factor)


STR: 2.0 (Teen Level)

SPD: 2.8 (High Teen Level)

INT: 6.5 ( Mid Genius Level 130 IQ)

PWR: 2.0 (Teen Level)

DEF: 2.8 (High Teen Level)

THREAT LEVEL: Athletic Teen


(2) KILL/STOP MEGATRON BEFORE SAM (Reward: +30 Relations with Autobots, +25 Relations with Optimus Prime and 2.5Kg Transformium)

Side Missions: (1) JOIN THE DECEPTICONS (Reward: +10 Relations with the Decepticons and Cybertronian blueprints)

(2) JOIN THE AUTOBOTS (Reward: +10 Relations with the Autobots and Cybertronian Language)

(3) SHOW INTELLIGENCE BEFORE YOUR FIRST BIRTHDAY (Reward: Gain the Genius boost, +5 Relations to meeting someone for the first time and a book on Machine Engineering and Programming skills| Status: Completed)]


After reading over my status I hopped out of bed and opened my blind which allows the suns solar rays to hit my skin causing my body to greedily suck up all solar radiation and Vitamin D produced, I exited my bedroom when all of a sudden I was tackled by a blur cussing me to fall yo the ground.

When I got up I discovered it was my 10 year old little brother Sam Witwicky was the one who tackled me, over the years I developed a brotherly bond with Sam while Sam looks up to me at the same time I help him in study's and teaching him martial arts so that he would be able to defend himself.

"Why'd you do that squirt, you trying to be a car?" I jokingly ask Sam who gets off me and adopts a confused expression.

"What's the matter big bro? did I damage your old man back." Sam snarky remarks causing a vein to show on my forehead and if this was a anime I would defiantly have a tick mark on it.

"Who you calling old! brat!" I shout just as I was about to hit him on the head we got called by Mum for breakfast.


I was dropping Sam off at school when I noticed three other kids in Sams year walking up to us and judging from they way they're look at us i'm guessing they're not friends of his.

"Hey Sam, I need some money I was hoping you could give me some." The leader of the bullies didn't even try to sound genuine as a arrogant smirk is plastered on his face which was then copied by his goons behind him.

"I'm afraid I don't have any money on me Kevin sorry." Sam said in a bored tone as he gave the bullies a sideways glance before moving on, this of course pissed of Kevin causing him to rushingly grab Sam's shoulder in an effort to stop him from leaving as well as intimidating purposes.

"Where are you going Witwicky! I haven't finished talking to you yet." Kevin said as he gritted his teeth in anger trying and failing not to show his anger, seeing this happen Kevin's two goons circle around and surround Sam leaving me outside the circle, I walk up to the back turned Kevin and place a hand on his shoulder causing him to turn around in a confused stupor as if he's wondering who I am which pisses me off considering i've been here the entire time.

"Let me tell you something kid." I say as I kneel down to his level to meet face to face, once our eyes meet I immediatley headbutt him breaking his noise and causing his blood to splatter on my forehead.

"Don't f.u.c.k with a Witwicky, especially by little brother or your nose won't be the only thing I brake." Saying that I give my brother a head pat before leaving and heading to class.


[Few days later]

I just picked up Sam from school and are now walking home when we're met with 5 Senior students standing in front of us.

"Hey dipshit are you the one who broke my little bro's nose." The leader? shouted out to me I think, seeing this I could only sigh.

"Oh are you approaching me?" I said with a bored tone as I turned to the group in front of me with a small grin plastered on my face.

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