Machine God Of The Multiverse

Chapter 7 - Plot Begins (2)

After filling up all the paper work and driving back home Luke receives a call regarding a meeting inside the Pentagon with the Secretary of Defence, before leaving Luke gave some extra money to same to fix up the car.


[Inside the Pentagon Washington, D.C.]

As Luke enters the Pentagon the Secretary of Defence John Keller beings his presentation, "Ladies and gentlemen, Secretary of Defence." an officer said as everyone stood up. "Please be seated, I'm John Keller obviously you're wondering why you're here so these are the facts at 1900 local time yesterday a forward operations, base was attack so far as we know there were no survivors the objective of the attack was to hack our military network ... not sure exactly what they're after but what we do know is that they were cut off during the assault, which would lead us to assume that they will try again." John Keller said before pointing to a giant TV.

"The only real lead we have so far... is this sound." after the Secretary of Defence said that the TV produced an alien like sound file that confused the rest of the staff.

"That's the signal that hacked our network NSA's working at full capacity to analysis it and intercept further communications but we need your to find out who did this-" just as John Keller was going to continue he was interrupted by the sounds of doors opening.

"Sorry i'm late." Luke Witwicky said as he passed through glass doors in his military service dress uniform causing everyone to stare at him due to his sudden intrusion.

"Excuse me but who are you?" John Keller said confused.

"Sorry sir, the names is Luke Archibald Witwicky, 1st LT in the 75th US Army Rangers." Luke said as he saluted the Secretary of Defence while shocking everyone in the room with his identity.

Maggie Madsen went over and whispered to her friends "Hey did he say he was 'THE' Luke Witwicky the man who is a top level specialist and a genius at coding and analysing."

"Yeah I guess so, must be serious if they called him here." Maggie's friend whispered amongst each other but loud enough for the surrounding people can hear including John Keller who sweats a bit.

"Well *cough* thank you for coming Lieutenant, i'm sure with your help we'll be able to crack this code in no time." John Keller said.

"We shall see." Luke said as he sat down.


[After Frenzy's hacks into Air Force One]

Maggie slips into the meeting between all high military officers plus Luke and the Secretary of Defence.

"North Korea along with other nearby countries are amassing their fleets therefore the signal must come from one of them." a officer says.

"Actually that's not quite correct." Maggie says causing all members in the room to turn to her.

"I'm sorry Miss but you are who?" a officer asks.

"I'm just the analyst that detected the virus." Maggie says

"Wait your the one who found it?" John Keller asks to which Maggie nods.

"All im trying to say is that they hacked your firewall in 10 seconds even a supercomputer with brute-force attack will take 20 years to do that." Maggie explains.

"Maybe you can explain how our lasted satellite imagery shows doubling its naval activity."

"Maybe it's a precaution because isn't that what we're doing." Maggie says while trying to hold in her laughter.

"The signal pattern is learning, its evolving on its own and you need to start considering quantum mechanics." Maggie says.

"There's nothing on Earth that complex." another officer says.

"What about an organism a living maybe some kind of DNA based computer and I know that sounds crazy." Maggie says as she was about to explain but gets interrupted by the Secretary of Defence.

"That's enough now if you can find proof to back up this theory of yours, i'll be happy to listen to you but if you continue like this you'll be off the team." John Keller says before signalling to get Maggie out but they were interrupted by Luke finally talking.

"An interesting theory Miss Madsen your not half wrong but if we consider it to be a an organic computer than someone must have built it and considering no country on Earth can do that... that leaves." Luke said before pausing which catches the attention of all the occupants of the room.

"Has anybody been able to discover what information that was stolen was?" Luke asks which in turn allowed the high ranking officers to discuss the information before coming to a negative result.

"Right then that's the first thing to do, is anybody up to it?" Luke asks causing some murmurs to raise from the officers before Maggie raises her hand.

"I have a friend who's a hacker I bet he can find out." Maggie says causing the office to engage in discussion once more.


[Few hours later]

Luke arrives at an abandon site where he sees a badly damaged Barricade slowly fixing himself, Luke approaches Barricade who notices his presence and try's to arm himself but fails miserably seeing this cause Luke to smirk before kneeling/crouching down near Barricades head.

"You want information about the All-spark and the location of Megatron don't you." Luke saids to a Barricade who's to injured to put up any resistance, Barricade is helpless to do anything and is only able to nod in response causing Luke's grin to spread wider.

"Now i'm sure we can come to some sort of negotiation." as Luke says this be presses a button on his phone and after a few seconds multiple black cars and armoured van and trucks arrive at his location before multiple men in black and white tactical gear exit out of their vehicles and surround the Decepticon.

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