Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 227 A bit fierce

Xiao Yun, the defense system on the Tianren, had never interfered with what Luo wanted to do. Now that Xiao Yun looked at it, he realized that Luo had actually reversed the GN particle shield used on the MS on the steel walls of the entire space. It was so huge. Xiao Yun really didn't know when the workload would be completed.

Luo Zhisuo finally made such a thing purely because there were too many GN particles to use up. He always had to find a place to consume the GN particles produced by various double-furnace experiments. Directly discharging GN particles was not consistent. Luo's character, and judging from Luo's birth as a waste recycling businessman, this guy actually has unknown hamster characteristics and he will not do such wasteful things.

In order to keep these useful things and turn them into usable things, people like Luo are often willing to invest more things. In fact, not only the huge space where the door is located has been completely transformed, but many important The areas have been similarly modified with the addition of pipelines that can release GN particles.

As those drones rushed towards the sickle team members in the small mouths like an army of self-destruction, Xiao Yun and others could hear the terrifying explosions outside, and felt the ground shaking and even the dust on the ceiling. It was as if everything had fallen on them, and each of them remained silent and did not dare to move.

"That's it!"

Luo's voice suddenly sounded, and then the heavy iron door blocking everyone was opened. Xiao Yun and a group of barking teams behind him rushed directly into the space full of smoke and could not see anything clearly. At this time, there was no one left. There is no need to talk about fighting, let alone morality.

I saw Xiao Yun and the members of the Wangwang team starting to use their own methods after rushing in. All kinds of random attacks were directed at the group of people who had been stunned. Those who don't survive can wait until later. The knight is just a knight. Although he is strong, he is not a god. Captain America could not survive the violent explosion earlier. Even if he did not die, he would still be seriously injured and there was no way to avoid it.

When the thick smoke was quickly pulled out, all that was left was a group of guys lying on the ground in a mess, and there were quite a few people alive. What surprised Xiao Yun the most was that there were big holes on the bumpy ground and walls. It was created by the self-explosion of the drone. Instead, it seemed that these people used something to explode but ultimately did not leave any traces of blasting through the bottom of the wall.

Such a picture of Xiaoqiang made Xiao Yun want to give these people a thumbs up, but Xiao Yun was very cautious and did not approach those people, and the same was true for others until Luo led a group of equally well-armed people. The combat-type pseudo-reformers came to this place, and the remaining clean-up work was handled by those pseudo-reformers who were not afraid of death at all.

One injection of strong anesthesia for each person made the living person lose consciousness with a hum. Luo was a little surprised when he saw the two big pits that appeared: "Why are there two such big pits? I'm still covering the wall here. How can the PS armor be blown through?"

Xiao Yun felt that he had underestimated Luo a little. It seemed that even if he didn't rush over here in a hurry, Luo could still rely on the various defense methods he deployed to deal with the TMCs that suddenly appeared on the Tianren. It's a pity that he was still so nervous. Quickly put on your equipment and run over.

"There are still people alive. You can find out if you ask."

Xiao Yun replied Luo, stepped forward and circled around the door which was still empty and solid twice. Apart from not daring to touch it with his hands, he just looked at the door up and down.

After Xiao Yun confirmed that there was no problem with the door, he said to Luo: "Restore these quickly. If TMC can send people here the first time, they may be able to send them here the second time. Those who are still alive can take off their equipment and send them for treatment."

The people who wanted to change heard the news and immediately started to take action. The paw team was divided into two, half of them cooperated with the people who wanted to change and sent TMC people for treatment, and the other half stayed behind just in case.

When something happened here, the alarm was naturally turned off. Aeolia and Professor Raphael looked at the cleared alarm and continued their business as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Yun was full of doubts that could not be answered. Suddenly, he felt that many things happened that were completely different from what he had imagined before. Wasn't it definitely on the Jupiter side? But why did someone appear here?

Isn't it possible that you can only go out but not enter? Could it be that the people who appeared on the other side of Jupiter didn't open a new door but used the door over there to come to this world?

What is appearing here now is TMC, is it also TMC over there? What happened if two groups of people were sent here?

What caused Kruse's reaction was actually not the opening of the door but the ELS in Jupiter?

Although Xiao Yun wanted to know the answers to these questions right away, those people were injured and died, thanks to the various arrangements made by Luo, including GN particle shields, PS armor, countless drones, and cannons. The self-propelled combat robot faced these people who were stunned as soon as they came through the door. Otherwise, it would be a real big trouble when these people really ran out of the area where the door was.

Thinking about it this way, Luo's arrangements actually look more reliable, but his arrangements in the Phantom Pain Base are not bad either. If someone really comes out from the door, there will only be one result, and there is no need to fight. Captured without hesitation.

When Xiao Yun returned to the hall where the Tianren appeared many times in the plot, he saw Cruze sitting leisurely and calmly.

Xiao Yun took off his helmet and sat next to Cruze. He picked up the cup in front of him, poured a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp: "So leisurely? Aren't you worried about those people attacking you?"

Cruze smiled faintly: "I know very well what Luo did on the Tianren. There are traps everywhere. Even if you and I know about those traps, it will not be easy for us to escape, let alone those who have nothing at all." For those who don’t know, when these traps are activated, there is no way out, and there is no way out. It’s because you are too nervous.”

"If even our own base camp can be easily breached and captured from the inside, then we have failed too much."

"Okay." Xiao Yun put down his cup and said, "I'm getting more and more confused about the situation now."

Cruze glanced at Xiao Yun and said, "I'm anxious. That's not your style."

Xiao Yun did not refute, frowning slightly and said: "I was worried that something beyond my expectation and control would happen. I don't understand how they opened the door."

Cruze said: "Actually, you should have expected this. You can open the door without any hindrance, and the forces that control the door may also be able to do so. According to what we know, the time for these forces to control the door should have passed. After a long time, it’s not surprising that there will be some research.”

"Yes." Xiao Yun muttered: "Well, after those people's treatment is completed, these questions I have now should be answered."

Cruze said: "We can't catch everyone every time. You said that the door is evolving, so it is very likely that we will face a different situation next time, and we can't do it either. We have to block the door every time. We can’t always let them get the technology from other worlds. Have you ever thought about what to do in the future?”

"It doesn't matter, we just need to stay ahead." Xiao Yun nodded and said seriously: "I also know that it is impossible to take it all forever, but as long as we can ensure that we are ahead in technology and prevent our opponents from getting the most important technologies. good."

Kruse also agreed with Xiao Yun's words and said: "It's enough to be able to do this, but we have to find a way to get in touch with the door as soon as possible. We can never rest assured that things are in the hands of others. Before that, we must first get in touch with the door as soon as possible. To establish our own power, we must have our own companies and armed forces. If the current scale and strength cannot forcefully seize the door, then we must find a way to join the brawl and become one of the organizers.”

"Medical bay."

Hearing these three words Xiao Yun said, Kruse smiled and said nothing more, because he already knew that Xiao Yun had his own plans for this.

Xiao Yun suddenly thought of something and informed Xiaodao and Menghan to come over and find him.

After letting the two people sit down, Xiao Yun asked: "Xiao Dao, you said these people are the knight team of TMC. Do you know this team? Death Scythe?"

"Yes." Xiao Dao nodded lightly and said, "It's the Sickle Team. Many people call them the Border Death Gods. They are one of the strongest knight teams deployed by TMC on the border and have great achievements in combat. This Sickle Team often handles some unscrupulous things for TMC. Hikaru's actions were an assassination force, and many people died in their hands without any reason. Over time, they became known as the Border Death Gods. "

"I saw the coat of arms on their combat uniforms, a black scythe. I didn't expect that they would also come to this world."

Kruse asked: "Who were you before?"

Xiao Dao was silent for a moment, and then said: "The remnants of the rebel army."

Cruze glanced at Xiao Yun, who was not very clear: "Resistance to the revolutionary army?"

"No." Xiaodao shook his head, and the fierce man suddenly said: "I know, they are the rebels of the TMC. A few years ago, General Li on the border of the TMC led his troops to suddenly declare their separation from the TMC and occupied several TMCs for no reason. They controlled the bases and planets, but they were defeated after the TMC gathered forces to attack them and did not last for a few months. "

"At that time, the rebels were being encircled and suppressed by the TMC. This rebel army showed up and helped the rebels. I remember that the TMC's suppressive operations against both sides swept through almost half of the border."

Xiao Yun rubbed his eyebrows unconsciously, and his fingers touched a scar under his eyebrows that could not be seen without paying attention. He suddenly felt a little itchy for no reason.

"years ago?"

The fierce man thought for a moment: "It was probably more than three years ago, right?"

Xiao Yun nodded slightly: "The rebels, the rebels, TMC, the Federation, the Brawl Alliance, it's really a mess."

The fierce man agreed with his face: "The border is relatively stable compared to some places. There are some chaotic places where even the TMC can't get involved. The environment of the planet where you can live is extremely harsh and it is a barren land. I have been to the chaotic star field. , even a child over there might be able to kill you, if you are not careful, you will get caught."

Xiao Yun pinched the bridge of his nose and suddenly felt that he needed to learn more about the situation in the main world. Now he didn't even know what the situation was like in the border star field where he had lived for three years.

After glancing at the knife, Xiao Yun did not continue to ask about her identity or the rebels, but asked another question: "How many integrated knight teams like Sickle are there on the border?"

"I don't know." Xiaodao shook his head and said, "But when there are more important operations, one or two teams are often sent to carry out tasks. Sometimes mercenaries are also sent to carry out tasks that are inconvenient for TMC themselves."

Xiao Yun thought for a while and suddenly asked: "What is the difference between the Resistance Army and TMC in your eyes?"

Xiaodao thought for a while and said: "There is no comparison. There is no possibility of even competition between the two sides. TMC is just an armed security company under the federation. The resistance...maybe can only be regarded as a small workshop."

Xiao Yun shook his head. If you want to say that, Xiao Yun Kruse and the power of the entire SEED world combined are just a small shrimp? The gap is obvious from such a comparison. The main world is too big, and there are too few things that can be understood. If it weren't for Men Xiaoyun, he felt that there was no need to compete with TMC or even the Federation.

But sooner or later, Xiao Xiami will be able to evolve into a giant, standing on the same level as TMC, or even on the same level as the Federation.

After looking at the fierce man, Xiao Yun asked, "What happened when you met that knight who could teleport?"

"I don't know." The fierce man shook his head and said: "That guy was chasing us for no reason. He dropped us like a cat teasing a mouse for a long time. It took a lot of effort for me and other people to seize the opportunity to hold down the guy and kill him. , I lost both hands, but I still regained my hands in this world.”

Xiaodao suddenly said: "It's a phase transfer device. It's not a teleportation, but it uses this device to enter a place like a phase gap and then comes out from another position. It looks like teleportation. This kind of device is only very rare." Only those with special talents can use it, otherwise it is easy to lose direction in the cracks and be unable to return to the original place. "

"Some special high-level knights have very strong individual combat capabilities and can use some special equipment that others cannot use. The equipment we use now are only relatively basic things that anyone can use, and the Titans they drive often also He has the same ability, but I have never seen a knight of this level."

After listening to Xiao Dao's words, Xiao Yun looked at Cruze beside him, and began to imagine if Cruze was equipped with a mental exoskeleton combat suit, or if the solar furnace was miniaturized... It seemed a bit fierce indeed. .

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