Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 252 What would you do?

Nina was surprised one after another. Before she could wake up from the previous incident, she was confused by Ernesto's name.

"Your Highness... Your Highness?"

"I will tell you these things slowly." Xiao Yun smiled at Nina and said, "Let's go, I will take you to see this place first."

Nina was indeed a little confused about the situation, so naturally she could only tell what Xiao Yun said. Ernesto's eyes widened: "Lord Tokisada? Your Highness Cagalli and the others?"

Xiao Yun waved his hands indifferently: "When they start fighting, the most they can do is to fight with words. It's difficult to roll up your sleeves and start fighting regardless of the image. Anyway, just don't say I'm coming back. Hurry up and prepare the car. I want to take me." Sister, look around."

Ernesto couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw Xiao Yun's look that didn't look like a joke at all, nodded helplessly and turned around to leave to make arrangements.

After Ernesto left, Nina said to Xiao Yun: "If there is something important that needs you to go over, then you should go there quickly. You can do the things you want to show me around at any time. Tilly and Xiaodao can also accompany you." It’s the same whether I’m here or not.”

Xiao Yun shook his head: "It's okay. If a few little girls are having conflicts, don't worry about them."

Nina was a little surprised: "Girlfriends? How many?"

"It's not that we haven't reached that point yet." Xiao Yun continued to shake his head and said: "The matter is a bit complicated, I will tell you slowly."

"Okay, you go handle your affairs." Nina patted Xiao Yun and said, "Let me calm down first. I feel that things will only become more and more complicated when I am with you. I can no longer handle so many unexpected things." The situation is over. If you are worried, just ask the man named Ernesto to take us around to look around. Anyway, please leave me alone first. "

Xiao Yun heard the naked disgust in Nina's voice, and immediately curled his lips and said: "Okay, okay, I listen to you. Let's go out together first. Xiaodao Tilly will take care of sister Nina."

The two women nodded, and Xiao Yun took Nina and walked towards the outside of the base. Before they walked out of the exit passage of the base, they saw Ernesto returning: "Master Shizhen, everything has been arranged. What's next? where are we going?"

Xiao Yun said to Ernesto: "I'm not going. Arrange a car to take me back. You can take my sister around Obu and introduce Obu to my sister."

Ernesto seemed to be relieved, and hurriedly patted his chest and said, "I will definitely take good care of Your Highness Nina."

After they came out together, Xiao Yun got into the car and left directly for Shizhen's mansion. Ernesto looked at Xiaodao and Tilly and consciously sat in the original driver's seat. After Nina Tilly, Xiao Dao and the others got into the car, Ernesto started the car and drove smoothly along the road towards the city.

Nina was sitting in the back row and suddenly said: "Ernesto?" "Your Highness Nina!" Nina asked: "Why do you call him Lord Shizhen and call me Your Highness Princess."

Ernesto drove the car and did not dare to look back and said seriously: "Your Highness Nina, this is the United Emirates of Orb, a country established with an aristocratic leadership system. Today Orb is jointly governed by five major families, Sir Shizada. You are the patriarch of the Tokisada family, one of the five major families, and the current supreme leader of Orb, who is equivalent to the king. Her Highness Nina is also equivalent to the princess of the five major families, so I need to call you Your Highness. "

"Family, country, leader, princess?" Nina's eyes became a little strange after hearing Ernesto's words. She opened her mouth and finally asked the doubts in her heart: Can that kid also be a king?

"Can you introduce this country to me?" "This is my honor, Your Highness Nina." Ernesto started to introduce: "Our Orb is a small island country mainly composed of island groups, with a population of only more than a thousand. Wan, the system is a type of constitutional monarchy, but because it is a neutral country, many people who do not want to be involved in the war joined our country.”

"The joining of these people drove the development of Orb's economy and technology, and ultimately allowed Orb to have better technological power than other countries and use it as a pillar to build a new social system. Both natural people and adjusters can peacefully 's life here.”

"The previous leader was Lord Uzmi of the Asgha family, but Orb was involved in the last war between PLANT and the Alliance. In order to enforce Orb's neutrality, the heads of many families sacrificed themselves together. After that, Lord Tokisada took over the leadership of Orb..."

Ernesto slowly introduced everything about Orb to Nina in as much detail as possible, including the new patriarchs of other major families, Cagalli, Sanada, Mina and Xiaoya, and also emphatically explained Let’s take a look at the complicated and strange engagement relationship between Cajiali Xiaoya and Xiao Yun.

From this introduction process, Nina also asked about some unfamiliar terms bit by bit, such as adjusters, PLANT, MS, Gundam, and a series of other things, and gradually gained a more general understanding of the world. But I also heard a lot of so-called unreliable and messy things that Xiao Yun did from Ernesto's mouth. Apart from laughing and crying, he kept shaking his head.

She was like her own brother, and it was okay to have her watching him all the time before. After leaving her, he simply let himself go to the extreme. Nina couldn't believe that Xiao Yun could let himself go like this. Even so, Nina's impression of this world was still extremely unfamiliar. Until the car drove into the city and saw ordinary citizens walking by the road with smiles on their faces, the expression on Nina's face softened somewhat.

"Another completely different world, where humans have not yet truly set foot in the universe, such a world should not become a victim of the war between us and the TMC.

"... On the other side, as soon as Xiao Yun returned to the mansion, he saw three people standing together at the door. Cagalli stood at the front and felt like she wanted to question. Inside, Xiaoya stood aside with a look of gloating on his face, while Lux looked in his direction with a friendly smile.

Xiao Yun ignored Cagalli as soon as he got out of the car, and greeted Lux ​​with a smile: "Lux, long time no see."

The smile on Lux's face became more friendly: "Long time no see Xiao Yun, welcome back."

"Did you see me?" Cagalli forced her way in between the two of them, grabbed Xiao Yun's arm and glared, "Don't ignore me, you bastard!"

"Okay, okay, I see you." Xiao Yun stretched out his hand and rubbed Cagalli's hair, and said to the three of them: "I heard that you were having conflicts as soon as I came back. What's the big deal? Isn't it? Is it because I am jealous? I am broad-minded and I think there is no need for you to be like this."

As soon as these words came out, Cagalli suddenly showed a look of contempt: "Would I be jealous for you? It was clear that my father and others handed the country into your hands, but you suddenly ran away without saying a word. What does this mean? ah."

Lux chuckled lightly: "I am happy to do this, but Miss Cagalli obviously prefers to argue with me about the concepts and direction of national management."

Xiao Yun glanced at Cagalli and nodded with a smile: "She has a serious character, but her brain is not very bright."

Cagalli became anxious and opened her mouth to strike at Xiao Yun's arm, but as soon as Xiao Yun raised his hand and pressed it against Cagalli's chin, the girl could only wave her hands but couldn't open them at all. The mouthful of weird people.

Not long after the fuss broke out, Cagalli sat on the sofa in the hall of Shizhen's house with an indignant look on her face. Xiaoya made a space and sat at the other end, while Lux and Xiao Yun sat separately. On top of the two sofas.

Xiao Yun drank some water and asked Lacus, "When did you come? Is there any problem with PLANT?"

Lux shook her head gently with a smile: "After hearing the news and knowing that you came back from doing things, I finished what I was doing and came here, but I didn't expect that it took so long in the end. Everything is fine with me at PLANT. "

Cagalli snorted twice, and before she spoke, Lux continued: "Although the treason charge against me has not been withdrawn, it should be a matter of time. The only headache is that I still have no way to legitimately appear in public. The occasion can only continue to trouble everyone.”

Xiao Yun nodded. Since Lacus said this, he must have known it well. Judging from Xiao Yun's understanding of Lacus' ability, this is not a big problem. If it says it won't take long, it definitely won't take long. But what Xiao Yun is more concerned about than this situation is another part: "Can PLANT be controlled after Patrick Sala dies?"

"It's just a matter of time." Lux nodded slightly and said: "Mr. Durandal's ability is far more powerful than I thought. Whether it is the overt means of building momentum or the various arrangements and plans under the table, it doesn't matter. I have been unanimously recognized as the best candidate for the next Speaker. Many people from the Klein faction and the Sala faction trust him very much."

"But there are still many people in PLANT who are staunch supporters of Patrick Sala. They have no way to distinguish and think that the failure of the war and the current result are a huge shame. They also attribute the cause of the failure to Orb and As for me, there are still many people who have become supporters of the anti-Klein faction and are very hostile to Orb. It will probably take a long time for these hatreds to be healed.”

"We also need enough time to slowly and completely control ZAFT. In order to prevent those supporters of Patrick Sala from causing trouble, I am afraid that PLANT will not be able to provide much help in a short period of time in terms of human force, but I have selected a group of trustworthy subordinates before I came, and they will come over as soon as possible if you need anything."

"Thank you for your hard work." Xiao Yun smiled at Lux and asked: "I am in urgent need of technical personnel here. MS weapons, materials, structures, etc. can be used. Although the Orb Dawn Society can provide a But it’s still not enough, and it can’t affect the normal development of Shuguang Society.”

Lux thought for a while and nodded to Xiao Yun: "No problem, I will immediately notify PLANT to arrange for some people to come over as support."

Xiao Yun nodded and talked about other issues: "It just so happens that you are here too, so I will talk about the situation in the other world in front of you. Xiaoya, please inform Brother Mina and Sanada, Mathias, and Ma Captain Liu, please come over."

Xiaoya nodded and did not do anything at this time. He quickly notified everyone else. Everyone present was an insider. Except for the Archangel, who was in charge of combat power, everyone else was a leader. important person.

This time Xiao Yun has explained his words clearly to everyone. I don’t know if he has found Nina and brought her relationship with Orb. Xiao Yun today seems more serious than ever before. , I didn’t let myself go and gave a general account of the situation during my absence.

"This is the situation. At first, we thought that there were only two doors, which was completely wrong. The number of doors there is now impossible to determine, and because of the door, TMC, the Resistance Army and the Brawler Alliance have already The war has started, and we don’t know what will happen next.”

Mu rubbed his chin and frowned: "Now we can be sure that the door that can lead to different worlds is the only one we know, and it is also confirmed that the resistance and TMC have the ability to intermittently open the door to the same target. In this way, our world The threats to be faced will be greatly increased.”

"But you also said that there is a limit to the size of the door. It's just whether this limit can be broken through and become larger. Will there be people of battleship level suddenly coming to our world? The situation is getting worse and worse now. The location factor becomes more problematic.”

Everyone also nodded, and Lux ​​said seriously: "We must strengthen supervision of the entire world. If the door really appears again, even if only a few people come to our world, the risk of technology leakage will still exist. For us, the only thing we have is The advantages will also be erased.”

Mina said: "Orb's power alone is not enough. We also need to form a stronger force to deal with related matters. But the current situation in the earth circle..."

Mathias suddenly said: "Maybe I can think of a way."

"No!" Lux refused directly and said: "You must not use photocopies of people. There are too many uncontrollable factors that may become a greater threat to us."

Xiao Yun shook his head: "You don't need to worry about this for the time being. I don't think the door will be able to be opened for a while. It's better to focus on improving technology than worrying about this now."

Mu spoke again, raised his hand and asked: "I want to ask if you were the BOSS of that Brawler Alliance star, what would you do if other forces wanted to seize your treasure?"

"Me?" Xiao Yun thought for a while and said, "Of course no one can get it by detonating the star core." (End of Chapter)

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