Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 264 Develop first

The deterrence theory that Xiao Yun came up with is a bit powerful. Even Kruse couldn't find a way to crack this deterrence theory. Anyone with a little bit of normal thinking would not be able to see a bigger threat in front of him. In front of the problem, he went to discuss the previous conflicts with Xiao Yun.

Unless you choose to lose both sides, unless you turn yourself into a crazier person than Xiao Yun, but obviously even if you do this, you will injure the enemy a hundred and lose ten thousand to yourself, which is not worth it, so people with some normal thinking ability are very It is difficult to escape from Xiao Yun's logic.

But the biggest problem here is that Xiao Yun can run away at any time and come back at any time. This is the most unsolvable.

After Alejandro met with the rebels, everyone chatted happily, and the rebels also made some demands of their own.

There are many demands, but they are mainly concentrated in a few aspects. First, the resistance army hopes that the F-series airframe system of the new batch of orders can be thoroughly adapted to the resistance army's own control and command system, and the body interface can be adjusted. Not a big deal.

Secondly, the F-series airframe under the new order hopes to add some plug-in interfaces and modify the appearance to a certain extent. It is also a small problem to be able to adapt to the resistance's own weapons and mount missile bays, etc.

Thirdly, I want to configure more powerful weapons, weapons with a higher rate of fire in MA form, and I also want to be able to customize a batch of additional beam weapons, which is also easy to solve.

Fourth, if you want to increase the concealment performance of the body and have the ability to escape from the planet independently, it is okay to increase the concealment performance, but the performance of independently escaping from the gravity of the planet is a bit excessive, which requires the energy system of the entire body to be updated. High-standard enhancements must also enhance the propulsion system of the body. That's not to say that it can't be done, but the size of the body will definitely not be like this.

The current F-series is much smaller in size than normal fighter jets. It has reduced the original flag type of nearly 20 meters by almost one-third, and also stuffed energy propulsion deformation structures and other things into it. It is already considered a It's very extreme. It's really difficult to achieve this without changing the size of the body.

But the people from the resistance army acted like they were not short of money, and increasing procurement costs was not at all their consideration.

Alejandro did not agree on this point, but just told the other party that the current F series is already a perfect model. To reach that level, the entire design of the aircraft needs to be overturned and reshaped. The company will resist. After recording the needs of the military, after completing the small-scale upgrade and changes of the current F series, we can try to develop new projects. Maybe more functions can be implemented on the next generation of airframes in the future.

The rebels probably knew what the situation was like, so they responded with a smile, and Alejandro took advantage of the situation and started selling a new product to the rebels.


A new type of warship designed specifically for the F series. The factory that Alejandro took over already had ship manufacturing capabilities, and in this regard it was even ahead of the industrial park on the planet Chimera.

There were as many as three models of warships that Alejandro sold to the other party, including large, medium and small warships with three different shapes. They were all prepared for the F series and only stayed in design.

The small one is 200 meters, the medium one is 400 meters, and the large one is aircraft carrier size.

The design is completely different in style from the long boxes used by the current resistance and TMC. The style of the thick steel battleship is much less similar, and it is more similar to the Volga-class battleship in the 00 world, but the appearance looks similar to the inside. Definitely something completely different.

Two of the warships are modified based on the warships in the 00 world. The small 200-meter class is more like an upgraded version of the carrier ship. It has thick armor and has two runways above the body for quick containment and ejection, and a rear The ejection port can load F-type body and Titan.

This kind of warship is still equipped with a lot of weapons and equipment and has its own main gun, eight secondary guns, missile pods, close-in defense guns, etc. It is extremely suitable for operating in the planetary environment and can also exert certain combat effectiveness. ships.

The number of this kind of warships has reached eight. It can be deployed quickly and has certain stealth capabilities. It also has high lethality and versatility for various tasks. When it was introduced to the resistance leaders, their eyes lit up. .

This kind of warship is imitated based on the Guyana class newly developed by the Federation in the 00 world. Although it is only two hundred meters long and wide, it has the style of a carrier ship, so the internal space is relatively large to carry a Titan or Even the F series can carry more.

The second type is the 400-meter Volga class. Although it was originally a space battleship, it just copied the design and appearance. Most of the insides are different. It has an anti-gravity system and a curvature engine, so it can also sail and fight on the planet. It has more features. The large size and internal space are not lacking, as is the main gun missile pod ejection slot Gnaku.

The largest aircraft carrier class is a completely new design. It is called a fast aircraft carrier in design. It has a double deck and a total of four runways with a length of nearly 800 meters. In terms of firepower layout, it even crushes the Archangel. , of course, this is all limited to the design and is just a deception without the actual product.

After Alejandro's brief introduction, the senior rebels asked with bright eyes: "When can the goods be delivered?"

"The first two will last at least half a year." Alejandro pointed at the aircraft carrier-class battleship and said: "This one will last at least one year."

The senior leader of the resistance army shook his head: "It's too long. I hope we can shorten the time and deliver the goods in three months."

Alejandro was a little surprised: "Three months? Less than a hundred days? I'm afraid..."

The other party said: "We don't need this kind of aircraft carrier class. I can directly decide how many ships of the first and second types, but the only requirement is speed."

Alejandro said: "I want to confirm first, this time is too tight."

"It doesn't matter. You can confirm it first, but the matter of the F-series machine body has been settled for now. I will arrange to transfer the deposit to your designated account immediately."

"Okay, I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

After Alejandro came back, he told Xiao Yun about the outing. They knew that the F series modifications were all trivial matters and they would not encounter any difficulties if they could be arranged. After the mass production started, the two hundred units would not be used at all. It won't take too long to complete. After all, the preliminary preparations and production lines have been arranged long ago, and production can start at any time.

On the contrary, after everyone discussed it, the battleship side came up with only one impossible result. It is impossible for several battleships to start construction at the same time and deliver within a hundred days. Moreover, these battleships only have designs and other features. Although they are located in The secret factory in the universe also has the ability to manufacture warships, but there are too many places to modify the production line, and it is not a large factory that time is too late anyway.

Technicians were hired to make detailed calculations and arrangements, but it turned out that it would take at least half a year, and this also required sufficient manpower to deliver the first batch of no more than four ships.

Kruse came up with an idea: "A hundred days is definitely impossible. It will take a long time to prepare in advance, but we also have our advantages."

Xiao Yun looked at Cruze: "What advantage?"

Cruze glanced at Xiao Yun: "Hello and Xiaojiu."

"Hiss." Xiao Yun suddenly felt a bit of toothache, and suddenly felt as if there were hundreds of hellos in front of him, chirping and nagging non-stop for 24 hours.

Alejandro also said: "The structure can be left to Harrow, and narrow and precise places can be completed manually. In terms of manufacturing difficulty, it can be said that there is almost no problem. The only problem is manufacturing speed and output."

"Whatever." Xiao Yun shook his head and said: "Now that the scene is so big, our manpower is getting less and less. No matter how much we have, it is not enough. Even if we mobilize technical personnel from both sides of the world, it will not be enough. We do need more." After Luo Lai started, we still need a group of reformers to take care of the factories on both sides at the same time, not to mention that we have to prepare a fortress that truly belongs to us. "

Kruse said: "Now is a relatively good start. You don't need to be too anxious and just take your time. After this period of time, we will be able to recruit people from outside in large quantities."

Xiao Yun shook his head and said: "Okay, find a time to call Luo back, and we have to arrange battleship professionals from World 00 and Dawn Society. It will take at least half a year to reply to the rebels. It’s not one hundred and fifty days, it’s six months and one hundred and eighty days, at least!”

Alejandro nodded, contacted the rebels and told them that there was no way to complete it within a hundred days. After that, they expressed their understanding. After mentioning that the F series should be delivered as soon as possible, they also agreed to deliver the first batch of four warships in half a year. The large deposit was quickly transferred to the designated account.

Luo Ye found some time and was called back. At the same time, fifty more people from the Shuguang Society's shipbuilding department came to this world. The current Shuguang Society was a little unable to withstand Xiao Yun's method of extracting people. In order to recruit people from all over the world in SEED World, it will definitely be impossible to provide any help here in the next period of time.

For Xiao Yun and others, this order from the Resistance Army needs to start working hard to complete it on time, but for the Resistance Army, this small amount of money is really nothing, and I feel that Alejandro is a bit petty. , although the technology is good, it is just a small workshop.

Xiao Yun even wanted to complain. Those who dare to cooperate with you resistance forces in this situation must be a very large company that makes it difficult for TMC to deal with them, or they can only be 'small workshops' like them.

ND They stayed at the rebel base for almost a month and returned to the Chimaera planet. At the same time, they brought back information on the miniaturization of the curvature engine they discovered last time, and the rebel transport ship that sent people back would also The upgraded F1.5 has taken away the first batch, and the next step is the continuous delivery time.

As soon as the information about the miniaturization of the curvature engine was brought back, Ian, who had completed the remaining work there, also came together to discuss it. The final result was that they currently have no way to complete the miniaturization of the curvature engine. They have been exposed to the curvature engine for too short a time and have not studied it in depth at all. Even if they want to simply imitate it in other worlds with the help of technology, it can only be done in this world.

In this case, not to mention completing projects such as the miniaturization of the curvature engine. Now that we start research, we need to find more people to participate together. They don’t have much manpower at the moment and they have to take care of so many tasks at the same time. There are many projects, and this is not easy to do. It would be easier to directly find a way to use quantum teleportation for purebred revolutionaries.

So the project of miniaturizing the curvature engine was put on hold. Now that I don't have the time, I can just wait until the rebels have it and then steal it.

The war between the Resistance Army, the Alliance and the TMC continues to become more and more intense, but it is obvious that the war between the two sides seems to be getting closer and closer, but it has been more than two months since the war started, and it still has not been over, Interstellar News Xiao Yun I watch it every day, and there are different war news every day. There are also many small-scale battles between the TMC and the rebels on different planets, and there are also sneak attacks on the TMC base by the alliance.

It felt like there was a bit of a stalemate, but as far as Xiao Yun knew, the aircraft they delivered to the resistance did play a big role in this war, and they eliminated several TMC small fleets in the universe. A large-scale fleet would definitely not dare to hit it head-on, and the combat power in the alliance star has also been invested in F-series airframes, but they are mainly used for guerrilla warfare and support.

It is impossible to fully understand what is going on over there right now without relying on the news alone on the front line. Kruse is also studying the tactics and war methods of this world, and in the end he can only come up with one conclusion.

That is, the current war can only be regarded as a local conflict, and it cannot be said to be a real war of opposition. It is a bit similar to the competition between Dawn Desert and Andrew in the SEED world, but the geographical scope has been infinitely expanded. , only the Alliance stars have actually invested their troops in frontal combat. If the anti-TMC forces suddenly popping up in the entire border area have not affected their strength too much, the strength of the resistance and the alliance is not too bad. If that were the case, TMC would have completely blocked Alliance Stars long ago.

What does this belong to? It is true unlimited harassment. Key harassment is also harassment. The resistance and the alliance really have the ability to drive TMC out of the alliance star.

Sometimes it is a bit incredible to rely on the cognition of different worlds to understand things in another world. The current situation in the Alliance Star can only be regarded as a small-scale conflict. If it were changed to the SEED world or the 00 world, it would have evolved long ago. It's become a race war.

But this stalemate is better for Xiao Yun and the others. They have time and opportunity to focus on development, but they don't know what the situation will be like when the door can be opened next time. (End of chapter)

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