Macho Wars

Heroine Wars Chapter 19

Before the relationship between the two parties became violent, the townspeople actually welcomed the indigenous people to come to the town to do business.

As long as they take out some ordinary daily necessities, they can get a large piece of good-looking animal skin from them.Whether these leathers are for personal use, or they are exchanged for money in Port Pandora, it is a good deal that makes a profit without losing money.

So when Dragon returned, he saw a large group of townspeople surrounding the indigenous carts, vying to do skin and meat business with each other, making it hard to believe that the two sides were still hostile less than a week ago.

Dragon couldn't help shook his head, saying that it is not a loss for the pioneers of the border, and the folk customs are really "simple"!

Straight back to the headquarters of the company, Dragon saw Moro in the simple living room of the office building.

The chieftain's expression seemed calm, but there was a trace of exhaustion that could not be hidden between his brows.

In fact, Molo hadn’t closed his eyes for almost two days and nights since he had been with Dragon.The battle pigeon clan has experienced this disaster, and it can be said that it has come to life and death.

Although Dragon’s chaos rescued the Pigeon Clan in time, the Giant Eagle Clan was not completely defeated, and the clan’s strength remained.As long as the opponent takes a short break, they can launch a second attack at any time.

Therefore, Moro has been discussing countermeasures with the elders in the tribe these two days.

The advice of most elders is to flee. They are now facing the enemy with the giant eagle clan in front and colonists in the back. Instead of getting angry at both ends, it is better to flee east to the interior.

But Molo is not optimistic about this idea, because there are also many powerful clans in the interior.

If the fighting pigeon clan, which has been greatly damaged, is unable to compete with these snakes, they can only go to some undesired barren places to survive.

Especially when the mountains are blocked by heavy snow in winter, no other clans are needed to fight, and a famine will take the lives of most of their clans.

So after thinking about it, Molo found sadly that if the Pigeon Clan still wanted to survive, they could only accept Dragon's proposal and seek refuge in the colonists.

After all, Dragon had already "helped" them fight the Giant Eagle Clan once, and when he looked back, he told others that there was no dirty XX trade between us and the colonists, it was innocent... Who really believes it!?

So Molo, who had figured it out, personally brought the "thank you" to Suger Town and bowed to the colonial power represented by Dragon.

But to Moro's surprise, after the two sides met, Dragon did not deliberately shake his face to make him difficult, and was even very enthusiastic.This made Molo, who had seen the arrogant and arrogant face of the colonial powers, be flattered, and wondered what medicine was sold in the gourd of Dragon?

"Mr. Moro, how is your ministry in these two days? Has the Giant Eagle harassed you again?"

"Thanks to you, there is a lot of Ansheng (just strange)."

Molo smiled on his face, but he couldn't stop talking.

After the chaos that day ended, Moruo counted the number of the tribe and found that there were more than 700 warriors who died on the spot in this battle, and nearly two thousand tribesmen were injured to varying degrees and the settlements were seriously damaged.

Suddenly one-third of the young and strong are gone, and the pigeon that loses its confidence will naturally become a frightened pigeon!

Moro now only hopes that the appetite of the smiling tiger in Dragon will not be too big, so that they can leave a way for their clan to survive.

"Chief Morro, I know that we have had some contradictions and conflicts in the past, and I personally deeply regret this. But there is a good saying that it is better for enemies to be settled and not to be settled. What's more, giant eagles are emerging now. Clan is a common enemy, why can't we join hands?"

Dragun smiled and tempted Moro to follow him. He knew very well that the indigenous clans did not have a unified national concept of themselves.Despite the fact that the Sidneys collectively referred to the natives of the New World as "Gerards", in fact, there are as many as twenty kinds of classifications based on their appearance.

The clansmen of the two clans like the Battle Pigeon and the Giant Eagle have obvious differences in appearance.

The former is relatively short, but the skin is more delicate and fair, and the facial features are very three-dimensional.The latter is just the opposite, with large limbs, sturdy body, and unusually thick hair, which looks like ape-man at first glance.

You let the two groups of ethnic groups with huge differences in appearance recognize each other as their "comrades", just think about it, you know how difficult it is!

And Dragon also recognizes this, and he has confidence in winning the pigeon clan and dividing the local indigenous people.

So when Dragon made a suggestion to join forces with the Fighting Pigeon Clan and form an alliance against the Giant Eagle Clan, Moro agreed without hesitation.

On this basis, what the two parties will discuss next is much simpler.

Dragon specially sent someone to call the mayor and Iverson, who had just taken over the sugar factory. The four of them chatted together for a long time, and from time to time there was a burst of pleasant laughter in the reception room.

The four of them kept talking about the end at three o'clock in the afternoon, and Moro declined the invitation of Dragon to dinner because he was anxious to go back to deal with the matter.

But when he was about to get up and leave, he seemed to remember something suddenly, clapping his hands and shouting to the door.

"Fumi, come in!"

Hearing Moro's call, an indigenous woman in a robe walked in.

Although the other party was wearing a plump robe and covering most of his face with a cloth, he still couldn't hide his graceful and enchanting figure, revealing a pair of beautiful eyes, and his light pace was filled with youthful vitality.

Mollola introduced the girl to Dragon.

"She's called Fu Mi, she is 17 years old this year, and she is my only daughter, now it's yours!"

Chapter 19 Indigenous Marriage Views

As soon as Molo's voice fell, the meeting room suddenly became silent.The eyes of the mayor and Iverson were all focused on Dragon in an instant, while the indigenous girl named Fu Mi took off the mask generously, revealing a charming face.

The girl came to the dumbfounded Dragoon, pressed her fingers on her abdomen gently, and then knelt down on one knee with low eyebrows and nodding.

According to aboriginal customs, this is the etiquette for women to express obedience to their husbands at the wedding ceremony. The meaning of their actions can be roughly understood as "I am willing to have children for you."

Dragon didn't expect that Moro would have prepared such a "great gift" for himself, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Master Chief, this, this is not enough?"

"Don't care! Since it's an alliance, then our pigeons naturally have to show some sincerity."

"But...but will this be a bit difficult? Uh...I'm not saying I don't want to, but this Miss Fumi's own wishes. Marriage is a big deal. After all, isn't she your biological daughter?"

"Of course I know that marriage is a major event, but because it is a major event, it is not normal for me as a father to be the master for her?"


Seeing Moro's face puzzled, Dragon suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness towards the cow.

Although in terms of his own wishes, Dragon actually has the idea of ​​patriarchy in his heart to establish a harem, but after all he is a soul-piercing earthling, even if he has lived in this different world of male and female inferiority for 22 years, certain moral concepts are still absent. Changed.

This includes respecting the wishes of women, even if this precondition will constitute an obstacle to his own ambition to establish a harem, Dragon still insists.

of course!As a vulgar man with no high pursuits on the spiritual level, if there are really young and beautiful big-breasted (key) girls, he will not refuse.

The morals of ordinary men, nothing more!

Therefore, when Dragoon saw that the feudal-minded Moro couldn't make sense, he turned his attention to the girl in front of him.

Based on his knowledge of the indigenous peoples of the New World, the children in the tribe are very precocious. There are not a few who marry and have children at the age of fourteen or five, and there are even more frenzied young wives.

Since this girl is 17 years old this year, and looks very "old" in all aspects, she might already have a "love person" or something.

If the other person looks sad and has an unwilling look on his face, Dragon will definitely not accept it.

So he said softly to the girl.

"Please get up, Miss Fumi."

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