Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 24

So this time, Dragoon made a special trip to see what the actual situation of this dark river is.

The jeep drove to the outskirts of the dark forest, and the three got out of the car and walked into the forest.

Along the way, Dragon and the native uncle who led the way talked and laughed, seeming to trust each other, but in fact they have been secretly guarding.

As the saying goes, there must be no harm and defensiveness.Dragoon didn't feel that he was nominally the son-in-law of the chieftain of the Warsong clan, and these natives could really treat themselves as a family.

Fortunately, the aboriginal uncle did not make any suspicious little movements, and Dragoon heard the sound of running water soon after he left.The three carefully climbed up a huge moss-covered rock, and the native uncle pointed to the bottom of his hand and said to Dragon.

"There is a spring under this rock, and the water that emerges has been flowing northward. You can see the underground river after a few hundred meters along the stream."

"Are there any dangerous creatures in this river?"

"There are no big fishes in the river, but bloodworms (leches) are often dropped from the trees. No need, we don't usually go to this place."

After listening to the uncle’s description, Dragon nodded, and the three of them walked forward for a while, and finally saw the legendary dark river.

The small river is indeed not big, that is, seven or eight meters wide, the water depth is about one meter, and the flow rate is very slow.Due to the lack of sunshine for a long time and the heavy humidity, the two sides of the strait exude a strong musty smell.

After seeing the dark river, the three returned the same way.As soon as the jeep returned to the excavation site, a soldier came over and reported to Dragon that the archaeologists had found the entrance to the underground palace.

Chapter 24 The Sky of History

Hearing that the gate of the underground palace was found, Dragon followed his curiosity into the cave.

The seemingly natural cave, after advancing more than 100 meters, the stone walls on all sides suddenly became smooth and round, and the surface seemed to be covered with a thick enamel.

Dragon reached out and touched it, the wonderful touch from his fingertips, there was a subtle warmth.Just because of the exquisite appearance of this passage, it is hard to believe that this is a natural wonder.

The group of people went on for a while, and a spiraling staircase appeared in front of them.

Following this steep staircase, Dragon went down to about seven or eighty meters underground and came to a rotunda.

Dallosi and others are studying a piece of rock wall intently.It's hard to believe that the calm and calm scholar looks, they have been pestering Dragoon for an hour to ask some idiot questions.

Dragon walked over and asked quietly.

"Did you find anything?"

"Captain, do you think we humans are the only intelligent race that has created civilization in this world?" Dallosi asked rhetorically without looking back.

"I don't think so. After all, the sacred calendar has a gap of eight thousand years. No one can guarantee what will happen and what will happen in such a long time."

Dragon did not try to be vague, but told his true thoughts.Dallosi finally glanced back at him, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

"A surprising answer, Captain Li, it seems that this is indeed the conclusion you have reached after thinking."

"I think this inference is not difficult."

"But in the empire, no! It is in the entire human society, the so-called masters of history and archaeology, who are all trying to avoid this problem. I don't know what they are worried about. They are so afraid of an obvious fact. "

"This kind of thing... I try to make sure that I don't know anything. It's not good to know too much about some things."

Dragon smiled politely, and he discovered that these seemingly carefree archaeologists were actually far more scheming inside than she seemed.

She has been making inductive speeches, not for the purpose of arranging her own words, but for setting up a set for Dragoon to follow the curiosity that was aroused by her and ask certain taboo questions.Fortunately, Dragon was aware of it in time and directly interrupted this dangerous conversation.

Seeing that De Argonne was not fooled, Dallosi did not continue his routine.

At this moment, a boy ran over with excitement and whispered a few words in Dallosi's ear.

Dragun stepped back slightly, pretending to look around the scenery, but his attention was not actually moved away, and he vaguely heard some words that were clearly suggestive.

The two quickly ran to one of the stone walls, and then they didn't know what they had fiddled with twice, and the wall splintered automatically.

This shocked Dragon!

You must know that this place is underground. If there is a long-term closed space, a lot of toxic gases will be deposited in the interior.Even Dragon, a common sense archaeologist, knows that these archaeologists are so casual.

Unexpectedly, after the secret door of the stone wall was opened, no terrible poisonous gas leaked from the inside. It was even obvious that there was wind flowing inside, and there was obviously air circulation inside.

Several archaeologists couldn't wait to get in, but Dragoon hurriedly stopped them.

"Hey! Are you guys crazy? There may be defensive mechanisms in it."

"Trust me, Captain! There is no danger in it."

"Do you know what place it is?"

"Generally speaking, it is similar to the air-raid shelter we are familiar with, except that the builders are not humans."

"Miss Dallossi Martini, I didn't expect you to know so much, but now I suddenly start to doubt what you said before."

Dragon suddenly realized that he seemed to have made some "taken for granted" mistakes before.

At first he was a little bit skeptical when he heard Dallossi introduce himself, but then when he learned that the other party was the niece of the deputy commander of the military region, he took everything she said seriously without even thinking about it.

"Miss Martini, you and your team are not actually the official archaeological team sent by the Chinese Culture University, I guess it is correct!"

"Yes, that's right." Dallosi admitted frankly with a smile, and then took the initiative to reveal the truth without waiting for Dragon to continue analyzing.

"Actually, there is no report from the exploration team. My team is also my own pocket. The key to guiding us to this underground palace is this notebook."

Dallosi said, taking out a very old notebook from his arms.

"This notebook is the life effort of my grandfather, Professor Eric Da Vinci. He is the greatest adventurer and archaeologist in the world. It took his entire life to solve the mystery of the origin of mankind, but because Pursuing the truth and being persecuted by those in power!"

The more Dallosi spoke, the more excited her tone was. According to her, her grandfather had been suppressed by the entire academic community and the official government for trying to unravel the human origin of the god-given continent.

Obviously, he was only one step away from the truth, but he was imprisoned on unnecessarily charged charges, and finally spent his old age in regret.But her business father took the initiative to join the Martini family because of greed of vanity.

When Dallosi was visiting the ancestral home of Da Vinci's family, he accidentally discovered a hidden safe and found this research note in it.

So Dallosi, who had the same exploratory spirit as his grandfather Eric, decided to inherit his grandfather's wishes and devoted himself to the field of archeology without hesitation.

Dallosi had already arrived in the New World with his team a few months ago, and then under the banner of his uncle, the colony was unimpeded.The nieces of the garrisons everywhere gave the green light.

The reason why she took the initiative to confess these secrets to Dragon was that she hoped to get more help from him.

She took out a newspaper and handed it to Dragon. The headline on it was the "Mei Li Town Victory" that the major official media rushed to report a few months ago.

The flowers in the newspaper article praised Dragon as a man who turned the impossible into a possible man, and was highly appreciated by the emperor.But combined with the reality of Dragoon being exiled to the colony, it is simply indescribable irony.

"Captain Li! I can see that you are not a soldier with no ambitions. It has been more than a month since I came to the colony, and I have been to several remote areas. Only your troops continue to maintain the quality of the military. You It’s not because you’re bored just because you’ve spent time training them well, right?"

Dallosi said, handing the notes in his hand to Dragon, and said to him sincerely.

"Help me! I will help you too!"

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