Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 321

On the surface of a neutral navy, many generals at the top actually support the eleventh prince, who was born in the navy. However, the eldest prince Filavi, who has publicly expressed support for "Cantlandism", is not very cold.

However, as the prince group fought, the three princes and the eleven princes were killed one after another, and some of the middle and lower navy officers left alone and ran to enter the team of the prince prince. The stance of the high-ranking navy could not help but change and went to the side of the young emperor.

However, the navy is a unit of water warfare after all. No matter how powerful a warship is, it cannot go ashore to fight. Therefore, they can only maintain a wait-and-see state for battles in the imperial capital, and at the same time find ways to control the fleet and minimize rebellion.

So far, nearly a quarter of the naval fleet has defected to join Firawi’s camp.

Some of these rebellious warships are busy helping the prince to transport troops from south to north, while others are gathering in the high seas about three hundred kilometers south of Clarion Harbor. Their strength is enough to pose a certain threat to Clarion Harbor.

The navy headquarters deliberately transferred the Ocean Fleet stationed on Jianjima Island to reinforce it, but was worried that there would be two or five boys on the opposite side, and fell into a rather distressing situation for a while.

The amphibious fleet under Enfia's command can be said to be the most stable group of troops in the port area. After all, most of the sailors were born in the colonies of the New World and were far away from the center of imperial power for a long time, so the officers and soldiers did not spend so much effort.

Everyone generally feels that they only need to follow the long black silk legs of the commander of the fleet!

Soon, Yunlong and Enfia came to the command hall of the Navy Command. This is now the joint command center of the navy and army. The army’s people are marking the distribution of the enemy and us on the sand table. People in the Navy are busy counting the number of warships that have defected and lost control.

In the coach seat in the center of the command room, an old general with a big beard and grandeur, Zheng Da Ma Jindao, sat there. The opponent was the commander-in-chief of the imperial navy, the first grand duke of the imperial prince, and the relative of the first emperor Sidney XIV. Brother-in-law, Barron Bavaria.

If the imperial navy and army each elect one of the most symbolic soul figures, then the army must choose "the god of war" Howard, and the navy is none other than the "white beard" Barong.

After Enfia came in, seeing Barong was also there, he immediately greeted the old general who was respected by naval officers and soldiers.

"Hello, Teacher Barong."

"Oh, it's the nine girl."

It was Enfea, his proud protégé who saw him. Barong showed a slight smile on his face, and then reached out to the adjutant on the side.The opponent immediately handed a cane respectfully.Yunlong on the side didn't notice until then that the bottom half of the right leg of the white-bearded general was actually empty.

A disabled person became an admiral!?

Barong, leaning on a cane, got up from the chair with a little effort, and Enfia was watching.She knows her teacher's temper very well. If others want to actively support him, they will make them very angry.

Barong got up and came to the sand table. At this moment, the army staff had marked the positions of the enemy and us in the surrounding area of ​​the imperial capital.

Although Yunlong is not very proficient in military strategy, he can generally see that the red side, representing the Central Army, is in a very bad situation. The small blue flags pouring from all directions are constantly compressing the living space of the red side.

Following this development, they will soon cut off the retreat from the imperial capital to the coast and encircle most of the red.The thought that his beloved man was still in this encirclement made Yun Long feel more anxious.

Chapter 431

The imperial capital, the front of the Central Army is collapsing!

The main striker of the rebels has already attacked the Central Avenue, and the main entrance of the palace is right in front of them, as if victory is in sight.

But they soon discovered that the troops guarding the palace were a tough one. Relying on the towering and solid walls, they severely damaged these rebel pioneers.

After the royal guards protected the evacuation of the royal family, the third infantry regiment of the first division of the Imperial Army, a unit nicknamed "Emperor Hounds", is currently stationed at the palace.

Colonel Hanno, the commander of the regiment, used to be the horseman of the old emperor Sidney XIV when he was young. He sacrificed himself on the battlefield for his master to block the assassin’s bullets, and after Sidney XIV became the throne , Was named first-class hereditary viscount.

However, due to his humble background and no good education since he was a child, Hanno, even if he became a nobleman, still looked like a vulgar groom, he was not even literate, and even his name was unsatisfactory!

The reason why this man with a poor mind was able to become the commander of the Forbidden Army relied on an extremely prominent advantage.That is almost paranoid loyalty to Sidney XIV!

The central government probably didn't want to see this one-stranded 250. After all, the young emperor's accession to the throne was tricky, and Hanno was only loyal to the old emperor, so he simply gave him a mission that looked very "honorable".Let him and his "dog licking group" stick to the palace, maybe it can delay a little longer.

I have to say that Hanno did live up to expectations. After the 3rd Infantry Regiment took over from the Royal Guards and entered the palace, taking advantage of the fact that the rebels had not yet come up, like squirrels preparing for the winter, they madly used trucks to pull ammunition and food into the palace, and then As soon as the bridges on all sides of the palace exploded, they didn't come out.

The attacking rebel vanguard didn't know the details, thinking that the defenders of the palace were also collapsed like other troops of the Central Army. As a result, the third regiment was stunned by the encounter.

So the rebel forces began to gather near the palace and transferred heavy weapons such as tanks and artillery.The significance of the palace is extraordinary. The sooner this place is won, the better.

On the other side, a large number of people are fleeing the imperial capital. The nobles are afraid that they will be liquidated by the rebels, and the civilians are trying to avoid the war. Tens of thousands of refugees gather into a huge crowd, rushing to the seaside one after another.

The army is also retreating. Compared with the scattered ordinary people, their ranks are only slightly more tidy, and the morale of the officers and soldiers is generally low.

Among this fleeing army like a bereavement dog, only one unit still maintains a high fighting spirit. The marching queue is neat and the soldiers are marching forward sonorously. This is the First Marine Division that has just withdrawn from the imperial capital. .

Because the railway lines and limited vehicles are occupied by important materials and military and political personnel, most of the troops, including the First Marine Division, have to rely on their own to get to the Horn Harbor.Dragon declined the high-ranking official train arranged for him by his superiors, and went in with his brothers in a jeep.

From the imperial capital to the sea, the straight-line distance exceeds 700 kilometers, which is almost equivalent to crossing a province.Although the empire’s road infrastructure is fairly good, it has never been like this, when millions of people fled together. Therefore, the main roads were almost overcrowded and soon became congested.

Looking at the crowd that could not see the end, Dragon couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, most people don’t have to flee with them at all. After all, Firavi is the empire’s prince. The rebels he leads are essentially the empire’s own army, so even if they are allowed to completely occupy the entire imperial capital, robbing Qiang X and other atrocities are of course. It can't be avoided completely, but the high-level will definitely not condone the soldiers underneath.

However, the general public does not think so much. In addition, the central government deliberately creates an atmosphere of panic to induce the people to spontaneously follow them to run along. The blind consciousness of the group easily overwhelms individual rationality.The entire fleeing army was like a snowball, and even many towns passing by along the way joined spontaneously.

Dragon roughly calculated that if it was a normal road march, they would be able to reach Horn Harbor in at most two days, but the congested road severely slowed their speed, even the green channel opened by the army is fast. Can't get up.

What's more terrible is that God suddenly began to rain at this time. From the first drop of rain to the ground, it rained like a bet within ten minutes, and the world was full of torrents, which undoubtedly aggravated the further deterioration of the road conditions.

We must know the level of roads in this world, even if it is a world-class empire, on the other side of the earth, it is as remarkable as the township roads in the 1980s, or even worse.The roads of the official roads are still made of coal cinder, let alone what the dirt roads built in those places will look like.

First, a large number of pedestrians and vehicles trampled and crushed, and then was washed by heavy rain. The road surface quickly became potholes, forming puddles.

So it was inevitable that some vehicles began to get stuck in the mud.

The first to suffer is naturally those civilian cars with poor off-road capability and low horsepower. Most of the cars that can drive private cars are either rich or expensive. In addition to the family, there are also large and small valuables.

Naturally, it is impossible for these car owners to get out of the car like ordinary people, drag their family and drive on with two legs, so they find someone to try to get the car out of the pit, and soon a congestion point is formed on the highway.

If you are lucky, you may be able to get the car out soon, and then continue on the road, and those who have a little back, the car is dead and unable to move.At this time, there will be soldiers and policemen who are responsible for keeping the road open, and many unnecessary disputes will inevitably arise.

On Dragoon’s road, just three to five kilometers away, I saw no less than 30 broken down vehicles. Some even sent servants to ask their army for help, saying that the master of his house is a certain lord. Which adult.

Dragon didn’t want to care about these things, but seeing the roads becoming more and more congested, he thought it would not be a way to continue, and not all trapped cars are private cars of the rich, some civilian trucks Above, it contains women, children and the wounded.

So Dragon called in some soldiers to help, and at the same time asked the signaller to immediately contact the higher authorities, report the situation here, and ask them to send police to ease the traffic, and if the blockage continues, something will happen sooner or later.

At this time, a communications lieutenant suddenly ran up to Dragon and handed a red-headed emergency telegram to him.Dragon opened his eyebrows, his brows suddenly frowned, and Tafee, who was holding him an umbrella, asked when he saw it.

"Sir, what happened?"

"Rebel reinforcements are coming from the north, strength...two legions!"

Chapter 432

According to intelligence, the rebels coming from the north originally belonged to the Northwest Military Region, which was the newly reorganized Third Corps and the reorganized 11th Corps.These two corps were newly trained troops after Howard took over the Northwest Military Region.

We must know that the Northwest Military Region was hit hard at the time. Howard was ordered to revitalize the entire military region. The first thing he did was to "cut rotten meat" and remove a large number of corrupt officers. The original four corps of the military region, number one Three tones were removed.

If the Eleventh Corps hadn't been a big man from a short one, it wouldn't be too bad, and it had some historical background, it would not escape the fate of being stripped of the hat, but the entire Corps had been completely reorganized, and it was no different from the new one. .

Since a large number of officers from the former Northwest Military Region were sent to the official camp farm to dig potatoes, in order to fill the huge gap in officers, Howard asked for two first-class main divisions directly from the Southeast Military Region at that time, and then used them as the backbone, using the Northwest Military Region’s at that time. The remaining troops reorganized the Three Corps and the Eleventh Corps.

From the point of view at the time, Howard's series of measures are understandable. The Northwest Military Region fully recovered its combat effectiveness in only seven months in his hands. Moreover, the previous malpractices were swept away, and the whole army's atmosphere was completely renewed.

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