Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 325

Therefore, Howard couldn't help but look to the other side of the ocean. At least from the current intelligence, the colonies in the New World were far from the center of imperial power, so they were not affected by the turmoil.On the sea, the rebel fleet is at a significant disadvantage. The main force of the Ocean Fleet stationed at Jiandao base is still at the center. This formidable force can effectively ensure the smoothness of the ocean route.

Howard plans to transfer government agencies, scientific research institutions and other important personnel to the New World, shrinking the front to stabilize the coastal areas, and confronting the rebels of Firavi, so as to prepare for future counterattacks.

With the discovery of the super-large magic crystal mine, the number of immigrants in the New World has increased geometrically in the past few years. The total population has exceeded 20 million, accounting for nearly one-fifth of the total population of the empire. The local industry has also developed rapidly. The foundation is getting better and better.

Only in this way, a full-scale civil war will break out in the empire. No matter which side can win in the future, the empire will be greatly damaged after the war, or even split, but Howard has no choice.

"We will eventually become sinners..."

As Howard made a difficult decision, the entire Horn Harbor moved into action.

A large number of people who had been transferred from the imperial capital were sent to the ferry first in a semi-forced manner by the army and set off for the new continent on the other side of the ocean.In order to stay away from the flames of war, everyone can only choose to suffer the pain of leaving their hometown in tears.

According to the order of priority set by Howard himself, important departments such as schools, factories, scientific research institutions, etc. are placed in the first sequence, government agencies and the families of important officials are in the second sequence, and then a large number of ordinary people.

The royal family members must stay behind the people to set an example!

Originally, the female family members of the Dragon family belonged to the family members of important members, and coupled with the relationship of Alicia, they could “go through the back door” to board and transfer with the first group of people and take the luxury cruise ship with the best conditions.But Fu Mi was determined to wait until Dragon and Yunlong returned from the front line intact, and then the whole family walked together.

Therefore, Alicia, who was also uneasy, simply stayed with her in Horn Harbor and others, and the family temporarily lived in the villa of Nine Emperor Sister Enfia.

It’s worth mentioning that Karen, the widow of the first emperor, also lived with Alicia and the others during this period. The reason was that her life was too awkward and her personal life and death had already been ignored. Only Ellie West Asia's only friend can't let go, hoping to be by his side at this difficult time.

Although Queen Susan has always looked at Karen upset, and once tried to "give her wine" when the first emperor died, she did not really hurt her because of her face.Since she is going to accompany her daughter whose elbow is turning more and more outwards, let her go, and she will be able to keep her eyes out of her mind.

So Karen also stayed at Enfia's house, and talked with Fumi and Alicia every day, helping to take care of the cute little Irene.And whenever there is a rumble of cannons outside the city, or a plane passing by, several women will unanimously quiet down and look into the distance with melancholy and worried eyes...

Chapter 438

Howard's awakening is nothing less than a shot in the heart for the Central Army who is currently in trouble.When two hundred thousand officers and soldiers heard this old general who was beloved by the vast number of imperial soldiers personally speak on the radio, they were all excited.

So the rejuvenated Central Army quickly adjusted the deployment and tactics of the army, and Firavi also made a very serious mistake at this time, that is, eager to control the entire imperial capital and wantonly hunt down the old nobles who remained in the city. He did not concentrate all his forces on hand to pursue the victory of the Central Group.

It is also worth mentioning that the five princes who escaped from the imperial capital took the initiative to send someone to contact the Central Group, expressing that they have seen the true face of Firavi, and are willing to abandon the fight for the throne, and swear to the young emperor. Loyalty, join forces with the Central Group to fight against the rebels of Firavi.

The Fifth Prince’s power is located in the western part of the empire, and the chassis that can be effectively controlled is only one or two provinces. It can barely pull out about 100,000 troops, but many of these troops are local second- and third-line troops and reserves. Compared with the main force of the major military region, the combat power is not even a little bit worse.

This is also the main reason why the five princes took the initiative to submit to the Central Group, because he is now the weakest force, and Firavi’s “decisiveness” in dealing with other brothers and imperial nobles makes He shuddered.

By taking refuge in his nineteenth brother, he might still be a powerless prince of idlers.

After changing to Firavi, I am afraid that I am not going to see the Emperor immediately!

In short, the situation is indeed a slight improvement for the Central Group, but the fighting situation is still very fierce everywhere.Especially on the northern front, almost 10,000 people in the First Marine Division are independently supporting it.Although the 71st division on the flanks also received the enemy, the scale was not large.Because if the Northwest Rebels fight from north to south, as long as they don’t completely defeat the First Marine Division, take the Doroshan Fortress, and rashly attack the 71st Division, they will only expose the flanks of the attacking force completely within the attack range of the First Marine Division. Inside, let the other party have a chance.

As a result, most of the battle on the first day was almost centered on the defense line of the First Marine Division. Kharov adopted the simplest and rude pressure tactics, organizing the troops to launch continuous multi-wave offensives without giving the Marine First Division a The teacher takes any chance to breathe.

The battle fought from night to day, and from day to night. The First Marine Division repelled a total of 17 rebel attacks before and after. There was almost no interruption during this period. It was almost just a wave of enemy soldiers. After fifteen minutes, the new wave rushed up immediately.

There are many people on the other side, just to play a wheel war with you.

After a whole day of fighting, Dragon has roughly figured out the number of attacks by Kharov. It is not surprising on the tactical level, but the victory lies in the tight organization and effectiveness.If it weren't for the aviation team to fight money, a wave of air strikes would blow up more than 70% of the opponent's reserve ammunition, this defensive battle might not be as good as it is now.

of course!The rebels are not blindly relying on pigs. While the offensive is continuous, they also send a large number of engineers to carry out soil work and push the trenches forward to shorten the distance of the infantry.

Speaking of it, Peterman Harov has such a resounding nickname as "Little Army God", in addition to his rigorous military management and strong style, he is also one of the main reasons why he specializes in defensive warfare with a background in civil engineering. Even the textbooks related to position warfare and fort defense at the Central Military Academy were compiled by him in the lead.

And perhaps because the ability points are added to the defense, this person's offensive tactics are really lackluster, revealing a regular and rigid.

After a whole day of fighting, the First Marine Division suffered nearly two thousand casualties, and some positions on the front line changed hands once or several times.In the 17 consecutive attacks, the attacker paid the tragic price of nearly 10,000 casualties. On the muddy ground several hundred meters wide in front of the position, corpses were everywhere.

Such a huge casualty finally contained the frenzied offensive of the northwestern rebels. After the 17th wave of offensive retreats, the rebels stopped this continuous offensive.

The First Marine Division was able to breathe for a while. Even if they had been proud of their animal-like stamina, they were exhausted and exhausted. Many soldiers fell asleep on the spot as soon as they relaxed their heads. .

In the command post of the fortress, although Dragoon did not participate in the tragic front-line battle, he still did not close his eyes for 24 hours, and was completely focused on the battle.

At this time, the correspondent received a telegram from the rebels. Dragoon thought he had come to persuade him to surrender. As a result, Kharov asked Dragoon to take a break and allowed them to send unarmed personnel to the battlefield to collect their bodies.

The wording of the other party in the telegram is extremely sincere, and I hope that Dragon can look at the same profession as a soldier, and give those who died in battle the last decent.

Dragon hesitated for a moment and agreed to the other party's request.

One is out of respect for the dead, and the other is worrying that a large number of dead bodies will rot in the mud and easily cause a terrible plague.

After getting permission from the First Marine Division, the rebels did not wait for dawn to start the corpse collection operation. They set up searchlights and dispatched a collection team of more than 1,000 people. There were also dozens of trucks, none of them carried. The weapon is just a very dutiful containment of the corpse, and then throws a large amount of white powder on the battlefield, which seems to be lime powder from a distance.

After learning of the opponent's actions, Dragon also settled down and quickly adjusted his own deployment, replacing the trapped front-line personnel with a reserve team, and asking them to withdraw to the fortress for rest.

Dragon counted the time. Twenty-eight hours have passed since they first met the enemy, and more than one and a half hours have passed since the forty-eight hours requested by the military high-level, and it seemed that the task would be completed soon.

According to the feedback from the rear, the great retreat is progressing smoothly. There are already millions of people in the Imperial Capital who have safely evacuated to Horn Harbor. The military has increased its control and seconded a large number of civilian vehicles from various places, further speeding up the refugees. Transfer.

Inferring at this speed, at most one day, the friendly forces responsible for delaying the rebels of Firavi’s rear will retreat to the south of the Dolo Mountain Fortress. At that time, the First Marine Division will complete its own blocking mission and withdraw from the position. The large forces converged and retreated to the coast together.

While drinking a refreshing espresso, Dragon deduced in his heart the steps of retreat and the unexpected situations that he might encounter.Just as he was thinking about being in a trance, a communication soldier hurriedly ran to him and said solemnly.

"Sir, the front-line scouts reported that the rebel corpse collection team is suspected to be engaged in small actions. Although our people can't get close to sampling, we can basically conclude that the white powder they splashed on the battlefield is definitely not lime powder!"

"Not lime? White powder..."

Dragon pondered for a moment, searching for related information in his mind, when he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly pulled out a document from the table beside him.

This document was sent not long ago by a high-level military department at his request. The information about Peterman Harov mentioned above mentioned that the other party has hosted a military scientific research project in the past few years, aiming to develop a This new type of cement does not require fine sand. As long as the material is taken locally, mixed with water and ordinary soil, it can achieve the same performance as conventional concrete, and it is said that it dries very quickly.

The development of this new type of military cement was announced last year and it was officially put into production in January this year. The main production location is in the Northwest Military Region.

Chapter 439

When Dragon suddenly realized the true intention of the rebels to collect the body before, it was too late.The white powder splashed by the opponent quickly merged with the sludge on the ground with extremely high water content, and it began to solidify and harden within 20 minutes.

Those rebel soldiers who pretended to collect their bodies saw that the ground had hardened, stepped on them with their feet and couldn't even leave a shoe print, knowing that their work was completed, and ignoring that there were still a large number of rebel corpses on the ground, they got into the car without saying anything. Slipped away.

"Grass! You know there is something tricky, brothers are ready to fight!"

Seeing the corpse collection team suddenly withdrew, the marines on the front line immediately realized that something was wrong, and at the same time they took up their weapons, a familiar vibration came from the north along the ground.The army dispatched hundreds of tanks and thousands of infantry at one time to launch the eighteenth attack on the position of the First Marine Division.

As the ground is hardened and no longer muddy, both infantry and tanks have greatly increased their forward speed when charging. Even though there is no large-caliber artillery support behind them, the offensive is faster and more fierce than any previous one.

Facing the enemy's formidable offensive, the first-line position soon became unstoppable, and the commander immediately retreated to the slightly higher second-line position according to the predetermined plan.

"Report to your commander, the first attack echelon has captured the front of the enemy's position."

"Very good! Immediately join the second echelon."

In the rebel headquarters, General Kharov finally showed a satisfied smile after learning that his own deception tactics had worked and the offensive was progressing smoothly.

The previous dozen consecutive offensives have given Kharov a good understanding of the First Marine Division.He must admit that this is a powerful force. Their well-equipped and well-trained units, especially the air units and individual firepower, have left a deep impression on these self-proclaimed "Northwest Wolf" rebels.

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