Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 328

Roswell himself was even more miserable. Just because a few shells landed near his headquarters, he was frightened and frightened. The sister-in-law who accompanied the army retreated twenty miles.

Without the command of a superior, the 71st Division had no shortage of brave fighters, but they could only fight on their own, and were defeated by the well-organized mountain hunters.

After occupying the position of the 71st Division, Sneek ordered the main force to continue the pursuit, leaving a regiment to take over the position, cutting off the lifeline of the Doroshan Fortress and the rear, and also destroyed the telephone line and communication relay station, making the fortress unable to obtain from the superiors. contact.

Faced with the sudden turn of events, Dragon knew he was unable to recover, so he could only shrink the line of defense, praying that the evacuated air force could bring back the news of their besieged.

At this time, the frontal battlefield of the imperial capital, the main force group of the Central Army, which had just left the battle, was slowly retreating along the highway and moving to the coastal areas.

This improvised mixed corps has six divisions, including the 89, 92, and 95 divisions of the former colonial military district.If not long ago, the elites of the Central Military Region who regarded themselves as "old guards" still looked down upon the troops from the colonies, or laughed openly or secretly at the other side as country buns, then the continuous civil war for many days is enough. Let them close their stinky mouths, and behave with their tails obediently.

Because combat effectiveness is always the highest index for evaluating a combat force!

These three divisions played a very important role in the defensive battle. They once repelled the main force of the southeast military region of Firavi. Their fighting strength and wild fighting style left other friendly forces stunned.

After successfully achieving the strategic goal, the main force quickly left the battle and retreated to the predetermined location. Among them, the 89th and 95th Divisions also received a task to make them retreat first and go to meet the first land warfare that had withdrawn from the Doroshan Fortress. Division and 71 Division.

However, before they arrived at the predetermined location, they received a bad news that the 71st Division had been defeated by the rebels. An enemy unit had already crossed the fortress and was quickly approaching the road line to the rear, intending to cut off the main army's retreat.

After learning of this situation, the two divisions had to speed up their pace and give priority to ensuring the safety of the highway.

As for the 95th Division, after receiving the information, the division commander Alduin Wakhan immediately let the spy battalion directly under the division leave the group and set off first, rushing to the front to intercept the rebels, delaying their attack speed, and the remaining troops accelerated their advance.

Under his order, the infantry formation of the 95th Division changed from walking in unison to trotting, and the marching speed was greatly improved.Alduin sitting in the jeep looked at the soldiers running like veterans, and couldn't help thinking of Dragon.

At the beginning, in the colony, Alduin was crushed by Dragon with a large score of inferior forces on the exercise field. Afterwards, although he kept his mouth, "Just beating me once does not mean that his training method must be better than I am awesome", but in private, he quietly revised the training outline of his own troops, and began to focus on strengthening individual physical fitness.

Thanks to him, the soldiers of the 92nd and 95th Divisions passing by him are not bad in their personal physical fitness, and the five kilometers of armed cross-country is no longer a problem.

The two speeding divisions trot all the way, and it only took less than three hours to advance 14 kilometers to a small town called Aojia.Most of the local residents have moved to the coastal areas along with the tide of refugees, and only a small number of elderly people who have difficulty in their homeland remain.

Alduin saw that it was late and it was raining again in the night sky, so he ordered the troops to rest temporarily.Take advantage of the efforts of the officers and soldiers to recover their physical strength.Alduin gathered several main group leaders and staff officers under him to discuss the next strategy against the enemy.

In the many battles over the past few days, the 95th Division has lost nearly 30% of its combat power, and the remaining units that are still capable of continuing to fight may add up to less than 10,000.

If this is changed, Alduin will definitely apply to his superiors to transfer his troops to the rear to rest and replenish some soldiers.But the Central Group, which is currently in trouble, obviously has no share of Yu Ying.

Most of the officers and staff believe that with their current state of the end of the war, even with the help of the 89th Division, if they want to take up the First Marine Division as planned, they are likely to collide head-on with the Northwest Army going south. Not to mention that the Zhan First Division couldn't save it, and it was very likely that they were taking them in.

It would be better to guard the highway line and garrison on the spot, to be more secure.Everyone thinks that this is a question of "protecting the big and protecting the small", and it is more important to give priority to securing the main force than the first Marine Division that was trapped in the siege.

Seeing the embarrassing expressions of the officers under them, Alduin knew that they did not want to take risks.The situation is indeed as they said. If you really go out to meet the First Marine Division as originally planned, there will be a high probability of encountering the main force of the Northwest Army attacking south. Once the two sides encounter, the 89 and 95 divisions are absolutely inferior in strength. All are dangerous.

But if they don't save, they can only watch the Lu Zhan First Division be eaten!

The dead friends do not die in the poor way. This is the commonality for most people to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Alduin can also be sure that if they really don’t go to rescue, they will give priority to protecting the communication lines, and wait to see the superior confrontation later. You can confidently say that you are ensuring the retreat of the main force.

But... is this really correct?

Alduin has always been a hard-core conservative representative. How many young officers hated him because of the obstacles in his promotion. The villain behind Liza cursed him for choking to death by drinking water one day, but Alduin abided by it. It is not only a qualification system, but also the chivalry that the empire has inherited for hundreds of years.

The brave will not retreat from a strong enemy, the knight will charge to the death!

So when most of his subordinates were trying to persuade Aldu to think twice, he silently raised his hand to stop everyone from speaking, and then spoke slowly.

"Do you remember the war in the Far East? It's been less than a year. The Dragoon boy had only four dissatisfied infantry regiments at the time, three of which were Tarrance's miscellaneous troops, so he dared to face it. I blocked an entire division of the Federal Army and hit the other side hard and hit the other side hard. Let’s not hide it from everyone, I still look at that kid today, but because of this, I have to prove...I am better than him!"

Chapter 444

Doroshan Fortress, with the 71st Division in the rear being defeated by Snake, the First Marine Division that was too late to withdraw was soon surrounded by an entire regiment of the Northwest Army.

Kharov once again persuaded Dragon to surrender. As long as he and his troops lay down their weapons and walk out of the fortress obediently, their personal safety can be ensured.But Dragon just shrank the defense line and did not give any response.

So the Northwest Army began a fierce attack again, and in the offensive, it was the first time to throw in a gas attack. They used heavy mortars to mix gas bombs and smoke bombs and dropped them on the defenders' positions and fortresses, unexpectedly causing damage to the First Marine Division. With a lot of casualties, the enemy broke through the gate of the fortress, and the soldiers on both sides even broke out a bayonet battle.

At this point in the war, the two sides would have long since considered each other's family.

As the battle lasted until the morning of the third day, the First Marine Division completely lost its open-air positions outside the fortress and retreated to the permanent fortifications of the main fort and three auxiliary fortresses and continued to hold on.

Dragon counted the remaining forces in his hand, and threw away the wounded who could no longer fight. He still had less than 8,000 Marines left. The army was attrition by more than 40% and nearly 3,000 killed!

Such a tragic loss caused Dragoon's heart to bleed. Taking advantage of the interval of the Northwest Army's attack, he routinely went to the grassroots of the army to patrol.Fortunately, the morale of the officers and soldiers is still very high. The non-commissioned officers have played a very good lead in the battle, but they also have a high casualty rate because they often charge forward.

In fact, the northwestern rebels on the opposite side also noticed these extremely brave "lower-level officers" during the battle.Ordinary troops, once the commander is killed in battle, they will often be in chaos and even collapse on the fly.

Therefore, when the two armies are fighting, the officers who appear on the front line often become the key targets of snipers.

However, the First Marine Division was not the same. After repeated battles, they found that the organization and morale of the opponent were surprisingly high, and once the officers who took the lead in the charge were killed or injured, not only could they not make the opponent's morale plummet, but instead It was an angry expression, one by one roared "revenge for ×××", and then WAAAGH rushed up.

They have never seen an imperial army with such deep feelings among officers and soldiers!

After learning about the high death rate of non-commissioned officers, Dragon directly approached the first-level sergeant chief Qifu. From him, he learned the exact number of non-commissioned officers killed in battle. As a result, he was taken aback. It was already over 70%!Qifu had no choice but to turn some non-commissioned officers into the right position before reluctantly topping the gap.

"Chief, it is indeed a good thing for our noncommissioned officers to dare to fight, but I need them to live even more, and I can't let the rest of them sacrifice."

"I understand, General, but..."

Keefu smiled bitterly at Dragon. It was not that he hadn't told the non-commissioned officers not to charge rashly, but the fighting situation in the past few days has been too fierce, and it is often because of these non-commissioned officers that they have forgotten their lives. Amazing morale turned the tide.

And the source of their desperate struggle is largely their personal trust and admiration for the teacher Dragon. They believe that Dragon made the right choice and are willing to follow him, even if it is to attack hell!

Seeing the gazes of his subordinates, Dragon made a secret decision in his heart. He wanted to break out from here while the troops still had the power to fight.

Without too much nonsense, when Dragoon said his thoughts, his officers and staff immediately began to take action and set out to prepare for the breakthrough.

At present, there are more than half of the tank regiment, more than 200 military heavy trucks and more than 30 jeeps in the First Inland Division of the fortress. The vehicle is theoretically enough to carry everyone.And thanks to the fact that the passage was still there, the remains of most of the wounded and killed soldiers had been transferred to the rear, so there was not much burden.

At first, everyone planned to wait until dark, but after nightfall was the time when the Northwestern rebels were most willing to attack, the opponents fought far more at night than during the day.

Looking at the complex internal structure of the fortress, Dragon suddenly had a bold idea...

The day time passed quickly, and the rebels launched a total of three attacks, but apart from the use of gas bombs, the scale of investment was not very large.

Although Kharov saw the fortress as a thorn in his eyes, he wished to use 10,000 tons of explosives to blow up the entire fortress and the First Marine Division inside, but at least he hadn't lost his head and threw the business aside.

After successfully defeating the 71st Division and completely encircling the Doroshan Fortress, Kharov immediately ordered the 11th Corps to rush south, leaving only the newly formed Third Corps to continue to surround the fortress, preparing to slowly take care of the first Marine Division inside. .

In order to prevent them from breaking through, Kharov placed the center of gravity of the encirclement on the south side of the main fortress, and arranged for engineers to hurry up and arrange minefields.

Seeing the encirclement gradually take shape, Kharov smiled satisfied.

However, after nightfall, something unexpected happened to the Northwest Army.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the front-line troops of the Northwest Army encircled the circle suddenly heard explosions and fierce gunfire from the direction of the fortress. After a while, fires appeared at the south gate and west gate of the fortress one after another. It seemed that the defenders had infighted. .

Noting this situation, the first thing that frontline officers thought of was mutiny. Under this desperate situation, the grassroots officers and soldiers of the First Marine Division might not all be willing to die here with their stubborn young division commander.The frontline officers immediately reported the situation to their superiors and asked for permission to attack immediately.

After receiving the report, Kharov was happy at first, but then he couldn't help but wonder if it was fraudulent.However, according to the frontline commander, this is indeed a golden opportunity.As long as they can break into the fortress, they are not afraid of the other side making moths!

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