Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 347

Humph!Sure enough, men are all big pig's hoofs. At first, he thought he was quite serious, but he did not expect to have an ambiguous relationship with so many women in private.

Kallen couldn't help but feel a little bit savage when he thought of the situation that he had taken the initiative to seduce Dragon through alcohol, but was resolutely rejected.

Unknowingly, two weeks have passed, Karen has recovered seven or eight, and completely got rid of the previous malaise.Because her life had hope to move on again, the darkness seemed to be dissipating.

That night, Alicia sneaked over to visit Karen, and brought her something by the way.Karen opened the suitcase and found that it was some personal belongings she had left in the palace.

It turned out that after Karen "dead", the queen mother ordered someone to change the room she lived in into a storage room. Her personal belongings and most of the furniture were cleaned out and prepared to be burned. It was Alicia who bought the court in charge of this matter. The maid secretly kept some of the items that were of great significance to Karen.

Looking at the very familiar items in the suitcase, Karen picked up one of the albums. This was one of the only three personal items she had around her when she escaped from Tarrance. It contained her. Many photos taken with her family, each one is an irreplaceable precious memory.

Karen held the album tightly in her arms. The emotions that had been accumulated deep in her heart could no longer be restrained, and finally she burst into tears like a vent...

Chapter 475

After Kallen’s affairs came to an end, Dragon reinvested in the expansion of the Marine Corps.On the other side of the ocean, the two armies of the Eastern and Western Empire broke out in a large-scale battle again last week. The total force invested by the two sides totaled more than 200,000. After three days and four nights of fierce fighting, it was finally Howard chess. At first, he successfully shattered the strategic attempts of the Western Army, and also took the opportunity to launch a counterattack, regaining many strategic points from the opponent, and to a certain extent reversed the disadvantaged situation of his side.

The battle report quickly spread to the New World, and the central government immediately publicized the victory of this battle, hoping to boost the morale of the military and civilians.

As for Dragon, he received the battle report from Howard, so he can learn more about the history and details of the battle.

Although the Eastern Empire Army won this battle, its own casualties were not small.Mainly during the counter-offensive stage, Howard quickly regained the Fortress of Mount Doro. His style of play could be said to be completely ignoring the casualties. In the end, he took the fortress back at the painful price of sacrificing 18,000 people.

Regardless of tactical or strategic level, Howard's style of play is impeccable, which not only frustrated the morale of the opponent, but also expanded and consolidated his own control area.But the problem is that the overall strength of the Eastern Empire Army is at a disadvantage. In order to capture several strategic locations, this battle has consumed too many elite troops. Therefore, it has been unable to launch subsequent offensives to expand the results. Stand firm on the current front.

But what is ridiculous is that a group of politicians in the central government who do not understand military affairs want laymen to command experts and urge Howard to "pursue on victory" in the hope that he can regain the imperial capital in one go.

The civil war is no longer an ordinary civil war, and it has greatly exceeded the scope of low-intensity war.It is not an exaggeration to say that even if either of Firavi or the young emperor died suddenly, the interest groups on both sides would not stop there, and would definitely find other ways to fight the civil war to the end.

And Dragon’s idea is simpler, he was eager to get ahead in the early years, but now he wants to be the master.The politicians above think they are chess players, but no matter which side wins in this civil war, it will be the rise of military power. Those without guns in their hands will make no difference between talking and farting.

Backed by Howard, Dragon recruited troops in the colony. The three amphibious landing divisions of the Marine Corps were quickly formed, and the aviation division also received one hundred and fifty aircraft of various types in one go, forming four aviation wings.

These planes were originally intended to be supplied to the various local military districts, but they were all intercepted because of the outbreak of the civil war. Dragoon was not polite and wanted to leave. Then with a big wave, a new order of 500 was placed.After the third agricultural machinery factory received the deposit, it immediately expanded its production scale and officially changed its name to the "Minsk Aviation Manufacturing General Administration" according to the location of the new factory.

As for the navy, colonial shipyards that were originally dual-use for military and civilian use have also been fully transferred to military production.Thanks to the great migration of the central faction, they have accepted a large number of skilled shipbuilders and engineers from the local area, and their overall strength has greatly improved.

The shipyard divides the entire enterprise into two parts: the North Factory and the South Factory. The North Factory is located in Port Pandora. It is mainly composed of original factory workers and some accepted local shipbuilders. They will give full play to their strengths and produce two new aircraft carriers ordered by the Marine Corps. The navy's carrier cruiser.The South Factory is located in the third area, with local personnel as the mainstay. There is a newly built large dock here that is capable of producing large battleships.

However, in the short term, the battleships produced by the South Plant may not be able to start construction in the short term because the colony lacks many supporting related enterprises.

War is both a disaster and a carnival for the soldiers. With the strong support of the high-level government, the entire colony has to serve the army from top to bottom because of the wartime system. No one dares to embarrass them on the issue of military expenditure. Senate Nor does it work.

It is worth mentioning that the Senate, as the initiator of the civil war in the Empire, undoubtedly became the biggest loser.They were first slaughtered by Filawi’s stormtroopers, and finally escaped to the beach. Howard found an excuse to hold a group of them. Finally, some survivors escaped to the New World alive, each of them learned how to behave with their tails up. The Senate also exists in name only.

But this group of guys just looked honest, but they weren't actually reconciled.

In contrast, the cabinet bureaucrats of the central government are another group of gainers.In the past, the senior empire, the Senate and the cabinet government had a check and balance relationship. The cabinet was responsible for specific governance, and the Senate supervised the cabinet and the emperor.

So when the Senate fell, the cabinet without supervision immediately shook.Although neither is a good bird, the military sees the cabinet more favorably than the Senate, which is always cutting off its own military expenses.

In this way, time flew by unconsciously, ushering in the last day of the 8997 year of the holy calendar.Although the civil war is not likely to end in a short time, the New World is far from the local battlefield after all, so people’s lives have not been affected too much, and cities and industrial areas have even ushered in a wave of abnormal prosperity. .

Some colonial aristocrats even forgot about it, praising that the civil war finally gave the colonies a chance to rise at some private New Year banquets.

On this day, Dragon turned down all invitations and ran home early to reunite with his family.Even the textile factory in his house has a holiday a day in advance.Dragon not only gave all the workers a seven-day paid annual leave, but in accordance with the habits of the previous life, he bought many affordable new year goods out of his pocket and distributed them to his workers to thank them for their hard work in the past year.

His charity was unanimously praised by the workers in the textile factory.Some of the workers who had stayed in other factories in the colony felt that General Li was the kindest boss in his heart they had ever seen. He really treated the workers as human beings, unlike the black-hearted entrepreneurs in other factories. Squeezing workers racking their brains.

In the evening, Dragon personally cooked and cooked a sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner.Except for him, the Enfea and Tafes who lived there also tasted the craftsmanship of Dragon, and everyone was full of praise.

However, while everyone was eating and drinking happily, the phone at home suddenly found a rapid ringing.When Dragon heard the sound, his brows couldn't help but frowned and signaled the others to continue. Then he got up and went outside the house. Mrs. Lyudmila had already answered the phone for him. Seeing Dragoon had come in person, she hurriedly passed the microphone over.

"Master, it's the phone of the military department, something has happened!"

Chapter 476

When I heard that the military was looking for himself, Dragon's first thought was war.

When the Central Group had just transferred to the New World, it was like a frightened bird. The first thing to think about was how to defend it. The most worrying situation was the navy's defection to help the Western Empire Army cross the ocean and land on the New World.

However, the colonial military district made great efforts to build a coastal defense system shortly after Wieland's invasion, and even if the Western army came over, it would not threaten the inland in a short time.

Dragoon couldn't guess what happened for a moment, so he could only answer the phone first.

"Hey, I'm Dragon from the Marines, what are you looking for?"

On the other end of the phone, it was not a voice familiar to Dragon. The other party claimed to be a special commissioner of the third zone during the war, and requested Dragon to mobilize the new seventh infantry regiment of the Second Marine Division stationed near the local industrial area and enter the city. Suppress the riots.

After listening to the other party's request, Dragon couldn't help but frown.

The so-called wartime special committee members are official positions established by the central cabinet government. They are a bit similar to the imperial ministers sent by the central government to inspect local areas and are sent to the colonies to coordinate the wartime work of local governments.

To put it bluntly, the central government is worried that the powerful dragon will not be able to suppress the local snakes. It is unwilling to directly replace the colonial government and replace all positions with its own people. So it retreats and sends the idle officials at hand to local "supervisors". military".

These wartime committee members were given great powers by the central government to conduct supervision and inspections in various places on behalf of the central government. Although there are some risks, they are basically a fat man. Local people of both black and white are indispensable to give these "Beijing officials". "Some filial piety.

And Dragon, because he was a member of the military, had nothing to do with these so-called wartime committee members, and he didn't bother to care about these guys.In the end, this one on the phone was a good one, licking his face and asked him to borrow troops.

Because he was not sure about the situation on the third area, Dragon did not respond to the absolute side's request. He asked him to wait a moment, and then he immediately called the left-behind personnel of the Marine Corps Command to ask the other side to immediately Contact the new seventh regiment, he wants to know the specific situation of the so-called riot in the industrial zone.

The people below are very efficient, and Dragoon waited less than fifteen minutes before receiving a return.It turned out that just about two hours ago, there was indeed a large-scale riot in the industrial area of ​​the third district. At first, about hundreds of local workers took to the streets and clashed with the police. As a result, the scale of the riots expanded rapidly.

In order to suppress the riots, the local wartime committee members mobilized riot police, and then worried that the police could not stand it, so they found the new seventh regiment located closest to the industrial zone and asked them to enter the city to participate in the suppression.

However, the Commissioner, who thought he could easily mobilize the army, hit a nail in the seventh regiment.When Dragoon expanded his troops, he deliberately strengthened his control over the troops.The upper-ranking officers are all confidants who have lived and friendship, and the middle and lower ranks are also old subordinates who only look forward to their heads.

Let alone a wartime committee member, a member of the Central Military Department, without the consent of Dragon, it would be difficult to mobilize the soldiers of the Marine Corps.

There is no way, this committee can only find a way to contact Dragon.

Since the station of the 7th Regiment has not been affected by the riots in the city, it is not particularly knowledgeable about the situation in the city. The relevant information is brought back by the soldiers who went to relax in the city, so they did not have the reason for the chaos. People know.

Dragon thought for a while and let the Seventh Regiment continue to stand still, and don't rashly participate in the suppression operation, so as not to further complicate the originally simple things.

He hung up the phone and asked Lyudmila to take care of the house. He put on his coat and went out, then turned around and ran to the cabin on the back mountain.

Karen, who had been living here for a while, was overjoyed about Dragon's arrival, but as soon as Dragon came over, he asked him if Xia Li was there, and he had something important to ask her.

In the days when she was in contact with Xia Li, Karen had learned a little bit about the Worker-Peasant Mutual Aid Alliance, and also knew that there was a relationship between Dragoon and this organization, but she didn't care about these at all, and many things had been taken lightly.She even borrowed a copy of "Revolutionary Program" from Karen, and she agreed with some of the above concepts.

Seeing Dragon was looking for Xia Li, Karen shook her head. The other party was still there in the morning, but a pigeon flew in at noon. She hurried away after seeing the note brought by the pigeon. She has not returned until now. .

When Dragoon heard that the person was not there, he was hesitating whether to go to the headquarters of the Workers' and Peasants Union in his factory to find out. There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and it turned out that Xia Li came with some ingredients.


"You can count it, do you know the workers march in District 3?"

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