Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 349

The name of Dragon is now a household name in the colony. People may not know what he looks like, but the name is like a legend.Because in the past two or three years, he has always been a legend born among the "empire hero" and civilians that the official media has vigorously promoted!Many young people regard him as an idol.

Seeing that the crowd was excited but did not show hostility, Dragon continued.

"I know that you marched in the streets today to petition for the tragedy that occurred in the third district. I personally know the hard work of the workers. After all, my mother worked in a textile factory to raise me. As an adult, she overdrafted her health and even her life, and did not wait to repay her nurturing grace. This is my biggest regret in this life. Therefore, for that tragedy, I can feel the grief of the injured family members."

A confession that was a bit miserable but was indeed true, Dragon successfully resonated with the demonstrators, and everyone's hostility towards him was greatly reduced.

At this time, a middle-aged uncle with a big beard came out of the crowd, and the other party came to Dragoon and took off his hat to salute him.

"Hello, General Li, I am the vice chairman of the Workers’ and Peasants Mutual Aid Alliance, Mark Enons. Thank you for your willingness to listen to the demands of the working people like us."

When the two parties met, although it was the first time for Dragon to see Mark Enons, he had actually heard Xia Li's information about the uncle.

Unlike the majority of the members of the Workers’ and Peasants Mutual Aid Alliance, who came from the grassroots working people, Mark, who is fifty-two years old, comes from a wealthy middle-class family, and his grandfather’s generation is still aristocratic. Both of his parents are very capable people. They were one of the first pioneers to come to the New World. With unremitting hard work and struggle, they finally revived the family.

When Mark was young, he often came into contact with the workers in his family, was full of affection for them, and sympathized with their experiences, because many workers worked extremely hard, but their lives were very difficult.On the contrary, he has not experienced any fatigue, but he can lead a rich life that is countless times better than that of workers' children.

Some wealthy children grow up in this environment and think that their destiny is extraordinary, and they are born superior, but Mark is a very rare alien. He always feels that something is unfair, but he can't figure out where the problem is.

It wasn't until he was fifty years old that he came into contact with some publications issued by the Workers' and Peasants Mutual Aid Alliance, and he was instantly a treasure, and he joined the alliance afterwards.With his extraordinary talent and charisma, he was quickly elected as the vice chairman of the alliance. Even Xia Li often praised Mr. Mark as a noble gentleman.

It is worth mentioning that this stalwart admirer of the "mentor" has asked Xia Li more than once to let him meet the great teacher.It's a pity that Dragon has decided that, except for Xia Li, this identity will never be disclosed to the outside world. He intends to symbolize the "mentor" and become a spiritual symbol.

Mark did not know at this moment that he had fulfilled his life's greatest wish.In view of the fact that Xia Li’s identity is not convenient for public appearances, he said on behalf of the Wei Clan to negotiate with Dragon, who represents the royal family.

The two parties brought in some tables and chairs and set up the negotiating table directly on the main road.As a result, this talk lasted three full hours, and in addition to the negotiation of terms, Dragon also learned many interesting inside stories from the other party.These were what Dragon had told Xia Li to check in advance, and now they passed Mark's hand to him.

On the side of the palace, the young emperor and many people came to the roof and watched the negotiation process from a distance with a telescope. The overall appearance seemed to be smooth. The demonstrators would cheer from time to time, and I don’t know if the talk was done. what.

"This Dragon, why did the negotiation go on for so long?"

"It's so much nonsense to wipe your ass."


Irving cast a sullen look at the senior cabinet officials next to him. The transfer of the central government to the New World did excite the colonial government and the local nobles for a while.But these guys competed with them for power as soon as they arrived, and couldn't let go of the central figure, making everyone unhappy with each other.

On the other hand, the initial negotiations between Dragon and Mark went well, and he was going to go back to talk with the group of people in the palace with the terms Mark put forward.So it was proposed that the negotiation should go to here first, and let him report to the young emperor.

Mark, who was impressed with Dragon, immediately agreed.

Before leaving, Dragun looked back at the demonstrators and said gently.

"Mr. Mark, it's getting dark, and the temperature drops a lot in the evening. If you are willing to believe me, let everyone go back first. See you tomorrow. I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer. What do you think? "

Chapter 479

Regarding Dragon’s proposal, although Mark did not relax his vigilance to the point that he really agreed to disband the demonstrators, he stepped back three hundred meters to show his sincerity.Dragon immediately returned to the palace with the conditions and a lot of materials initially agreed by both parties. As soon as he returned to the main hall, someone immediately asked impatiently.

"General Li, what do those spoilers want?"

"They wanted justice, and they also gave me something interesting."

Shaking a large stack of documents that he had brought back, Dragon first repeated the protesters' demands to the leaders of the military and political circles present.Dragon rejected some bargaining requirements, and finally the two parties clarified three conditions.

Article 1. Compensate the worker who was seriously injured in the leather factory incident and punish the black-hearted boss.

Article 2. To release more than 400 workers who were arrested by the police for unprovoked reasons for participating in a demonstration in the third district.During the parade, they did not make any extreme behaviors. They were the first hands of the local police and injured many people.

Article 3. Legislation protects the legitimate rights and interests of colonial workers and curbs the increasingly severe cruel oppression of the working people at the bottom by countless capitalists.

When Dragoon negotiated with Mark, the other party told him a lot of the industrial chaos on the colony side, and many things were shocking.

These young industries in the colonies have developed rapidly, and small and medium-sized factories with various private capital have sprung up. However, because the government lacks effective supervision, capitalists have racked their brains to come up with various methods and overlord clauses in order to provide their own benefits.

In order to recruit workers, these factories generally do not make a fuss about wages and have a clear daily salary amount, but often the boss never mentions a day’s work before tricking people into signing the contract like a "deed of sale" What is the duration.

For example, in the textile factory run by Dragon’s family, a conscientious enterprise that works ten hours a day and doubles the hourly wage for overtime is the only one in the colony. In general, factories start with 12 hours a day, and more than 14 hours. There are a lot of them.

The most wicked thing is a shift system. Workers work one day off, and the daily wage is indeed much higher than that of the average factory, which can be about 1.5 times. However, the boss only counts that they work 15 days a month, so in fact He spent less money and hired twice as much manpower to work on him.

Some workers really can’t do it anymore. If they want to resign, the boss will take out the signed contract and explain the stinky and long clauses one by one, play word games, and even swallow you and be impounded. It’s a month’s wages, or how many days you are required to perform the contract, or the number of days you are required to perform the contract.

The colony’s laws in this area are very imperfect. Many clauses even protect the nobles and capitalists, and ordinary civilians are absolutely vulnerable.

In response to these problems, the Workers' and Peasants Mutual Aid Alliance has put forward its own demands on behalf of millions of workers in the colony, hoping that those in power can love their people.

However, it was these seemingly not excessive requirements that caused a lot of controversy above the hall.Some people suggested that they should agree to the troublemakers first and settle them down before handling them slowly, while others said that they must never compromise. This is a matter of attitude that the government should have. Once compromised by the troublemakers, they will taste trouble. The sweetness of the person, then the other party will definitely do the same, this head must not be opened!

The officials present were arguing about it. Dragoon stood silently and watched for a while, until the young emperor gave him a look for help, Dragoon coughed twice, and then patted. Afraid of hands, motioned everyone present to calm down.

"Everyone, I am sorry to interrupt your heated discussion, but I must say that you have digressed and we have overlooked a more serious issue."

"A more serious problem? What problem can be more serious than the rebellion against the people?"

"Of course there is! Haven't you noticed any officials rebelling?"

As soon as Dragon's voice fell, there was an uproar at the scene. Some people questioned the evidence of Dragon, while others sternly reprimanded him for slandering.Dragon remembered the looks and reactions of these people one by one, and then took out a document and said.

"I don’t know everyone present. Who has investigated the owner of this leather factory in District 3. His name is Yellore Quinn. He was originally a black market merchant in District 3 and controls more than 40% of the local smuggling business. This guy was just an ordinary businessman until a month ago. One was not a soldier with great military exploits, and the other was not an illegitimate son recognized by a certain nobleman. He suddenly became a baron. I want to ask you all When did the noble titles of the empire become so easy to hold?"

What Dragon said made everyone look at each other.They are all aristocrats, and naturally they know how strict the empire controls the titles.Hereditary people will be reduced from generation to generation because of no merit, and eventually become commoners. It is even more difficult for the populace to cross this hurdle.

The empire does offer some third-class barons every year to reward those civilians who have made outstanding contributions to the country, but there are only a dozen or twenty, and they are basically for soldiers, which can be obtained by other professions. , It can be said to be rare.

The most important thing is that every new nobleman must go through the approval of the Noble Senate and the Emperor after being nominated. This process often takes several months before the noble title and family crest can be officially awarded. .At the time, Dragon had waited a full half a year from the time he knew he wanted to mention the Baron to the final pass.

But this Baron Quinn obviously didn't have such trouble. Many locals in District 3 can prove that he came back from a high-class banquet one day and suddenly began to ask people around him to call himself "Your Excellency the Baron."

Therefore, when Dragon revealed that the person's noble rank was not right, even the queen dowager, who didn't know much about the decree, frowned and realized that something was wrong.Seeing that it was almost brewing, Dragon threw the final "blockbuster" immediately.

"Your Majesty, I have some...not enough evidence here. It seems that after the wartime special committees arrived, they used the royal family and the government to clearly mark the price of noble titles. A third-class baron only costs 20,000 jindus. Er. I am also a nobleman who has been promoted from the populace class, but my title was won by charging on the battlefield, so I don’t know the specific quotations of selling officials and selling titles. If you know who knows how to do it, you might as well give pointers. Now, at this it fair?"

Chapter 480

Buying and selling noble titles is not uncommon in the empire or even in other countries in the Old Continent, but at least it is illegal in name. Generally, few people will take this gray transaction to the face.

Moreover, in the past, those who wanted to spend money to buy a title were usually descendants of the declining aristocracy. Not only did they cost a lot of money to open up the relationship, they also had to have a certain social status and reputation. It is by no means easy for ordinary nouveau riche to spend a small amount of money. Small deal done.

But what happened here in the colony was obviously not doing things according to the conventional "old rules". The price of a baron of 20,000 Kindur was barely beating the face of the entire aristocratic group.

"You guys are so cheap (cheap)!"

As a result, the original contradiction suddenly shifted, and the Central Cabinet faction instantly became the target of public criticism, and all kinds of verbal criticisms were endless.Even the Queen Mother cast a sharp look at the Minister of the Interior Latuk, as if waiting for his explanation.

The old prince was silent for a while, and suddenly he slammed the ground with the crutch in his hand, gritted his teeth and gritted his feet in a gesture of beating his chest and feet.

"It's shameful! The people below are really shameful! Your Majesty, the Queen Mother, and the veterans who are not good at employing people, you deserve to die! Please punish your Majesty."

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