Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 355

In the presence of Howard, the royalist, Dragon used Tarrance's question to discuss some revolutionary ideas in a slightly euphemistic way.But he didn't dare to go deeper, because this plan was also applicable to the current imperial capital, and Dragoon was afraid Howard might misunderstand his bold ideas about rebellion.

Fortunately, Howard has always trusted Dragun, and the plan he proposed is really suitable for solving the problems of the Far East.

On the one hand, they hope to be able to recall the two corps stationed in the Far East, and they don’t want Tarrance to turn down. It is better to comply with the public opinion and help the highly prestigious Levsto come to power to overthrow the corrupt old nobles and support a pro-imperial man. New government.

For the specific implementation process, Dragon referred to the American emperor on the other side of the earth.Yankees do this kind of thing, but they are familiar with it. There are many ready-made cases that can be copied.

The two talked about this plan for a long time, and finally Howard asked Dragon if he would like to visit the Far East in person.Originally Howard was prepared to wait until his health was a little better, so he would take a trip on his own, but General Harvey's condition was not optimistic. Maybe he had to go to Howard to take the lead, so it must be resolved as soon as possible.

"The situation in the Far East is very complicated, but as you said before, it is because the water is mixed that it is easy to fish, isn't it?"

"If you let me go, I need a suitable identity."

"How about the royal history? You are the brother-in-law of Andy's child, the first-class hereditary marquis of the Empire, and the major general of the Marine Corps. There are not many people in this country who dare not give you face. Besides, you and Levsto If you have personal relationships, you can also be a lobbyist."

"I need the support of the Navy."

"No problem, I will call Baibeard right away."

"I also need to bring at least one division's ground troops. I may not be able to direct the garrison in the Far East, and I am not familiar with it."

"No matter what you need, I will give priority to the arrangement. I have only one request for you, and that is to get Tarance within three months."

"I do my best, General."

"Go ahead."

Leaving the Central Military Headquarters, Dragun went straight back to the Marine Corps training camp.

Since it is going to revisit the old place in the Far East, the guide who will lead the way is of course indispensable, and there happens to be a group of military students from Tarrance in the Marine Corps.These young Tarrans returned to the Empire with the Marine Corps and entered the military academies here for further study.

According to the original plan, they should have returned to the Far East after completing the five-year study and reimbursed their homeland, Tarance.But the sudden outbreak of the Imperial Civil War interrupted their studies, and they had to withdraw to the New World with the Central Academy, and quite a few of them joined the Marine Corps under the call of the conscription office.

Dragon asked his subordinates to find out the archives of these Tarans-born soldiers. There were as many as 70 or 80 people, and most of them were grass-roots officers and non-commissioned officers.

Soon, these Tarrance students were called to the headquarters office one by one, and Dragon patiently interviewed them one by one, and further screened out suitable candidates. In the end, 27 of them came to the fore and were chosen by Dragon. in.

Although these candidates have different backgrounds, nobles and commoners, they all have one thing in common, that is, progressive young people with patriotic sentiments. Most of them have learned about Tarrance's current situation through various channels, and sympathize. The imprisoned General Levsto was dissatisfied with the old aristocratic government.

Many people saw Dragon and even submitted a petition to him in the first place, hoping that Dragon would allow them to leave the army early so that they could return to China as soon as possible.But most of these impulsive young people did not think about what they could do after returning home.

So Dragon used a relatively euphemistic way to imply that these patriotic youths of Tarrance, the empire was also very uncomfortable with the current Tarrance government, and deliberately withdrew its troops in the Far East, and then supported a "free democracy." The new government came out.

of course!Like the American emperor’s statement of freedom and democracy, Dragon was not embarrassed to say too bluntly. After all, the current empire itself is completely incompatible with these two terms, but this does not prevent him from directly using these words to fool these passionate people. young people.

Dragon plans to leave for the Far East in two weeks. The accompanying troops are still the First Marine Division. It has been almost two months since they returned to the colony. All recruits have already been in place. Although the overall combat power is not as high as the peak, Also recovered a lot.

The amphibious fleet formally received the first regular aircraft carrier, the first ship of the Guanghui class, the "Guanghui".Dragoon originally wanted to hold the wicked taste of the traverser, and named this class of aircraft carrier "York City Class", and when the second ship was put into service, it would be called an enterprise.

But helplessly, the empire had no place called "York City" at all, so it could only use the name Glory City, the capital of Texas Province in the eastern part of the mainland.

This new ship was launched in just two weeks, and it was hurriedly delivered to the amphibious fleet due to the emergency of the war after only a short sea trial.There were as many as 150 shipyard workers accompanying him, just because they were afraid of something wrong with the new ship in actual use.

On this trip to the Far East, they simply took the Glory to walk and practice.

However, after everything was ready, the title of the royal family censorship conferred by the young emperor did not fall on Dragon's head as previously stated.

The reason for the temporary change is that the cabinet government strongly opposed it. They believed that the identity of the royal family was only eligible to be used by direct members of the royal family since ancient times. Although Dragoon was a marrying horse personally gifted by the emperor, it was not after all A direct member of the royal family, it is not compliant to make him a royal official.

So Yushi's identity turned a little bit and gave it to Dragon's wife Alicia.She was the eleventh princess of the empire and the emperor's relatives, and Howard made all the senior cabinet officials shut up.

However, Dragoon is not happy with this appointment!

The reason for his dissatisfaction is not that Alicia's identity as Yushi was robbed by Alicia, but that the bastards above want him to take his wife to another country for a coup. This is not a trip!

Fortunately, Alicia persuaded Dragon in time, so that he didn't carry the submachine gun to find the officials of the cabinet government with pitfalls to "reason."

"My dear, this is also an expedient measure. After all, the status of the Royal Family Yushi is not trivial, and it is really easy to provoke criticism from others. Besides, even if I come to be the Yushi, I still listen to you. !"

"My wife, the point is not..."

"Okay! Leave those troubles alone, go for a walk with me! I want to go to the lake in the backyard to have a look, after all, I will have to wait three or four months before I can return."

Chapter 489

People often say "Golden House Cangjiao", but Dragon knew very well that his situation was different from ordinary people. The one hidden in the mountains behind his house was a "bomb". Once the news leaks out, even if he is now famous, it is Certainly death.

Therefore, most of the time, Dragon did his best to be cautious. Even the food and daily necessities delivered to the mountain hut were not taken out of the mansion. Instead, Xia Li personally brought her things and walked a hidden mountain. Between small roads.

But Dragon estimated that Lyudmila, the housekeeper at the mansion, should have noticed it, but this shrewd old woman is very loyal, or very professional, and never takes the initiative to inquire about the owner’s house. Secret.

And the family of three of the Nine Emperor Gods, although Enfea has just made a physical breakthrough with Dragon, but depending on Enfea’s attitude, it is somewhat of a desire to get rid of the heart, only with Dragon. Simply maintain a lover relationship.So in terms of favorability, Zhao is far worse than Fu Mi and others.

As for John and Conna, the two brothers and sisters wanted to secretly go to the back mountain to play an "adventure game", but actually ran into several New World-specific red coyotes halfway through. They barked their teeth and immediately. What was scared was that she turned her head and ran away, and never dared to approach the forest in the back mountain ever since.

The two little guys were severely taught by Enfia afterwards, but they obviously would not have guessed that the scary-looking beasts in the back mountain were actually bodyguards "hired" by Fu Mi with a bunch of fleshy bones. Avoid chalets near the back mountain such as people waiting.

At Alicia's begging, the two quietly left the mansion and came to a cabin deep in the back mountain.Karen had already fallen asleep, but he didn't expect them to come to visit him so late, so he was a little surprised and thought something was wrong.

The two immediately expressed their intentions, when Kallen learned from Dragon that the motherland that his father and brother would defend to the death even if they desperately tried their lives had been arbitrarily ruined by those old noble bureaucrats and became what they are now. General Levstowe all went to jail for injustice, and suddenly became angry.She begged Dragon to lead the troops to Tarrance, she must not let go of those treacherous villains!

A few people chatted for a while. Alicia got up and went out to the kitchen under the pretext of going to make tea. Suddenly, only Dragoon and Kallen remained in the room.

Since Karen was sleeping when the two arrived, it was too late to change her clothes. At this moment, she was only wearing a nightdress with a white gauze skirt and a small sweater on the outside.Under the thin and loose white nightdress, Karen's beautiful body is looming.

Dragon felt a little awkward in the atmosphere, and could only try to break the silence.

"Uh... how are you doing recently?"

"Li, this question will make the atmosphere even more embarrassing."


Just a single word revealed what Dragon was thinking, and Karen looked at Dragon with a slight bit of resentment.This hateful guy clearly knows his own mind, as long as he wants, he can give him everything without reservation, but he has been pretending to be stupid, making Karen want to jump on him and bite him. .

Karen, who was thinking about it more and more angry, saw that the fire in the fireplace was just burning, making the temperature in the room higher and higher, so she made a bold decision.

"Ah! It's a little hot in the house."

Karen said, without waiting for Dragon's response, she took off her little sweater, revealing her round shoulders and delicate collarbone.A pair of majestic "mountains", which were only slightly smaller than Alicia, shook sharply with Karen's undressing, and there was obviously no restriction under the nightdress.

Karen's movements immediately shocked Dragon. After all, Alicia was in the kitchen outside, just a wall away from the living room. The few layers of wooden boards hardly had any substantial sound insulation effect.But considering Alicia's previous reaction, Dragon did not rule out that this was a "game" the two did specifically for him.

Karen didn't care at all, got up and walked two steps to the seated Dragon, holding the arm of the chair with both hands, otherwise he stood up.But when he bends down like this, the front of the low-open nightdress suddenly hangs down, unreservedly, completely open in front of Dragon, just right to look up, everything inside can be seen clearly!

This situation reminded Dragon of that night, and Karen, who was drunk, was also "aggressive" like this.It's just that Karen was not sober at that time, but now Karen is very clear about what he is doing, and has no doubts at all.

The faces of the two were less than five centimeters apart, and their eyes faced each other for a moment, and Karen asked Dragon in a faint tone.

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