Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 363

Obviously!The vast majority of Eastern Qin people did not realize that their ancestors were actually a group of traversers, so when talking about their origins, they would generally say that the first monarch Xu Zu led thousands of men and women across the oceans 600 years ago. Come.But where they came from across the ocean, even they themselves didn't know.

Dragon speculated based on the murals that if the origin of the Eastern Qin really came to earth, then the Xu Zu who established the Eastern Qin with one hand is likely to be the legendary "Xu Fu".

According to legend, Xu Fu went to sea with three thousand childhood men and women and some soldiers who protected them when he was looking for elixir for Qin Shihuang, and never came back.There are legends that they went to Ryukyu to establish a country, and there are legends that they went to Japan, but they did not expect it to be a different world!

What makes Dragon curious is that the people Xu Zu on the mural originally brought the gods to the mainland, it seems that it is not just three thousand boys and girls and soldiers, but also many craftsmen and scholars, combined with the current Eastern Qin "fa According to the traditional national policy of "moist and complementary", Xu Fu's boat at that time might have some stowaways who escaped from Qin.

There is nothing to say about the history of the development of the Eastern Qin Dynasty. Dragon himself had learned about it in detail, so everyone turned around, and finally worshipped the statue of Xu Zu and left.

Zheng Hai then took them to the street again. Tafee was very interested in the snacks hawked along the street, but as a personal guard of the chief, she did not dare to leave her job without permission.Fortunately, Alicia also wanted to often have exotic snacks, so when she bought it herself, she also brought her a copy, which immediately gained Tafey's favor.

On the contrary, it was the lack of interest that Dragoon has always shown, and he dismissed the food on the street, completely unlike a foodie whose soul came from the celestial dynasty.

The reason for this is mainly because Dong Qin's eating style is really far from the "big tongue empire" in his memory.

After all, the ancestors of the Eastern Qin people came from the Great Qin Empire before the Christian era. At that time, the development of Chinese civilization in terms of food and beverage was far less developed than that of later generations. Many crops and seasonings familiar to people in the 21st century have not yet been introduced here. side.

On the other hand, on the side of the empire, even though he was once a savages who were savage and blood-drinking, he not only brought a technological revolution, but also advanced the development of food culture because of the emergence of a scholar.

To give the simplest example, the spicy hot pot that Dragong had eaten with Zheng Hai on the train when he came here was just a “traditional dish” on the side of the empire. It was Dong Qin who took care of the foreigners like Dragong. Specially prepared foreign dishes.

This makes Dragon, who knows the truth, wonder what expression to make!

Several people wandered all the way, and Dragon silently observed the people along the way.

It can be seen that the life of the people in the East Qin Dynasty should be very rich, the market is prosperous, and the people's complexion is mostly ruddy and healthy.Unlike the Tarrans they stayed in before, they have experienced food shortages that lasted for three years. The civilians showed their faces one by one, and malnourished hungry people were everywhere.

But what makes Dragon feel a little bit subtle is that the people of Dongqin seem to be very serious, regardless of whether men and women walk on the street, they do not smile, and they feel a little depressed.

This strange feeling reminds Dragon of the "suicide power" Japan on the other side of the earth. It is said that the society is also full of repression, but the situation in the East Qin seems to be different from that of Japan in another world.

So Dragon asked Zheng Hai about this doubt, and the other party hesitated a little, and asked him rather self-deprecatingly.

"General Li, have you heard of our country's nickname, Eastern Qin?"

"The country of fragrant chicken?"

"Not this, others."

"That is... the kingdom of law?"

Zheng Hai nodded. The Eastern Qin ruled the country with legalism and relied on the Mohism to defend the country. The Daqin law can be said to be the most perfect but also the most stringent set of laws on this continent. He lives with the people almost everything All behaviors of the company are regulated.It may be an exaggeration to say "to be blamed at every turn", but the state's strict control over its subjects is indeed unsurpassed.

Relying on this set of laws and regulations, Dongqin has built the entire country into a sophisticated and efficient giant machine with a stable internal country and an excellent public security environment.This allows them to develop rapidly with efficiency beyond imagination.And this is indeed the most effective way for the Eastern Qin Kingdom to survive in an environment surrounded by powerful enemies.

Chapter 503

Severe punishments and laws have always been regarded by the Eastern Qin as the foundation of a strong country, and effective centralization has also created a strong and powerful government that can concentrate its efforts on major tasks.

For the country as a whole, this is undoubtedly beneficial, so that the Eastern Qin Kingdom can always maintain rapid development.But it is not all good for the people living in this country.Because the state requires every individual to serve the collective, and even sacrifice a few of them when necessary.

Therefore, with the rapid development of modern times and the popularization of education brought about by industrialization, the new generation of Eastern Qin gradually began to feel dissatisfied with the rules of their ancestors. They yearned for a more free life and pursued their own personality.

You can't say that these young people are wrong, but it does create conflicts between the young and old.So some young people choose to go out because they want to change. They think the outside world will have a different landscape.

But as a person from outside, Dragon is very clear.The environment of the Sidney Empire is very free. The law does not care about the heavens and the earth, but also care about your shit and fart, but not everyone can benefit from this freedom.

The law of the Eastern Qin Dynasty is most praised for it is that they really achieved "the emperor breaks the law and the common people commit the same crime", and "the doctor cannot be sentenced to punishment" is a stipulation only in the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, while restricting and restricting citizens, the law also gives them maximum protection. Even princes and nobles cannot do whatever they want with the common people.

Dragon still remembered hearing people say that the previous generation of King Qin Chuan of Eastern Qin was established as the prince when he was a teenager.When King Qin Chuan's father learned of this, he immediately punished his son in accordance with the "Law of the Great Qin".

This incident was seen as a joke by the general aristocracy of the empire. The prince of a country was humiliated in public for hurting a few untouchables. Is the Qin royal family hitting himself in the face?Where is the majesty of the royal family?Those untouchables will not be able to shake the sky in the future?Others with a little brain think that King Qin is doing a bitter trick, using his son's ass to buy people's hearts.

But Dragon understood that what King Qin really wanted to protect was actually the law.

Because the law is the foundation for the self-reliance of the Eastern Qin Kingdom. If the royal family takes the lead in violating the law, then the people below will inevitably take the lead. Over time, the law will inevitably become ineffective, bringing incalculable and devastating consequences to the country and people.

Therefore, for Dragon, who has become accustomed to thinking from the perspective of the superior, he actually appreciates the severe punishment of the Eastern Qin, as long as it can be more humane.

As the group walked, Dragon suddenly saw that there were many people around the door of a large mansion in front of him.When Zheng Hai saw the situation over there, he was taken aback for a while, and he rushed over to Dragon and quickly walked over.

Dragong waited until he walked in and saw that the plaque on the door of this house had a big "Zheng" written on it. Combined with Zheng Hai's previous performance, this place should be his house, Dongqin navy. The residence of Admiral Zheng Kun and the Zheng family.

At this time, Zheng Hai returned to Dragon and the others, his expression seemed to be relieved.Dragoon was curious and asked what happened in his house?

"Nothing, my mother gave me another brother."


Zheng Hai's words made Dragon's eyes widened. This kid should be almost the same age as him. There is also an older brother in his early thirties. Dad Zheng Kun is just sixty years old this year.Logically speaking, no matter how young his mother is, she should be about fifty years old. An aunt of this age can still hold pearls!?

So Dragon asked cautiously.

"Is Lingtang himself?"

"Yeah, I'm not so surprised, they are all that old."

"..." xN

Looking at Zheng Hai's tone, everyone finally confirmed that it was indeed his mother who had just given birth.Since it happened so by chance, the group thought for a while, and it was better to meet by chance and come to congratulate you.

So the group followed Zheng Hai into the house. Both the servants and the guests who came to congratulate him knew Zheng Hai and knew that he was the second son of the admiral of the navy, but he did not expect that he would bring a few foreigners in, and there was a lot of discussion.

At this time, a young man dressed as a servant hurriedly ran to Zheng Hai, panting in salute.

"Master Hai, you can be regarded as coming back! The master and the wife told me that you should go to the inner room as soon as you come back. The eldest master has passed."

"Well, I know, this will be a trip. By the way, these are my friends and distinguished guests from the Sidney Empire. Treat them well and don't neglect."

"Yes, master."

In this way, Zheng Hai hurriedly went to the inner hall first, leaving his little book boy here to entertain Dragone and his party first.The little book boy looked like 13 or 14 years old, his skin was slightly dark, and his eyes showed very clever gaze.

He carefully looked at the foreigners in Dragon, knowing that these should be big figures with great status, so he didn't dare to neglect, led a few people to the living room on the side corridor, and was busy serving them tea. Handing water, it seemed extremely courteous.

Seeing that the child was so generous with others, Dragon had a good impression of him, so he casually asked what his name was.The little book boy smiled shyly, then replied.

"The little one is called Laifu."

"Uh...your young master should be okay with you, right?"

"Master Hai is very good, and the people in the house like him very much, that is, there is something very strict."

"Then working as a servant in the Zheng family, can I still go to school?"

"Of course I can. My tuition is still given by the master. Master Hai sometimes asks me how I did my homework when he comes back.

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