Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 369

In a mansion in Wangxiang City, a representative of the Western Empire mission was having a close conversation with an old man from the Eastern Qin Dynasty in a dark room.

The old man looked very young and very rich. Although his hair and beard were all white, his small eyes were full of light.

The representative of the mission took out a small box from his arms and handed it to the old man. The old man pushed it back without even looking, and said with some disdain.

"I don't care about this little plaything. This cooperation is nothing more than that everyone has the same purpose and each takes what they need."

"Then, I'll take my host to thank you and my lord."

"You go quickly, now the city is strictly inspected, and it’s not good to be found out. Go back and tell your master, let him deal with those two little guys quickly, do big things regardless of trivial matters, and when the heart is cruel, You must not be soft!"

Chapter 512

In the few days after the case, although the Dongqin official media has been working hard to remedy the situation, there have been people in the private sector who have been secretly playing the rhythm, causing the people's mood to always rise, first demanding severe punishment of the murderer, then demanding The empire came forward to apologize.

The above two requirements are actually not too much, and Dragoon is also prepared to do so, but the subsequent developments began to become extreme.

A part of the public suddenly began to criticize the court, saying that there were deadwood officials above the court, who were tough internally and weak externally.If the royal family and the imperial court really love the people like their children as they say, why can't they be tough and sever diplomatic ties directly with the hateful empire!?

What's more, the spearhead of public opinion was directed at the Queen Mother Shuang, thinking that she was a woman who lacked courage. His Majesty King Ruochuan was alive, and she would never watch her own people being treated like this by a few foreigners. Bullying.

In short, public grievances intensified, and the crowds of demonstrators outside the embassy also gathered. Although the Eastern Qin officials sent a large number of military police to maintain order, some people still acted irrationally under impulse.

In the embassy separated by a wall, Dragun looked at the passionate demonstrators outside the wall, and a feeling of deja vu came to life.

Throughout the ages, no matter which world or country, the most prone to be incited have always been ordinary people who work honestly on weekdays.Most of them are not stupid, and their character is by no means bad. Even their behavior is often the most sincere patriotism, but they can always be easily used by people with ulterior motives.

"Oh, public opinion..."

Dragon couldn't help sighing. At this time, there was a knock on the door behind him. Zheng Hai, who was dressed in casual clothes, walked in and said to Dragon as soon as he entered the door.

"We have found out that the rumours that are walking around in the city are a subordinate called Qian Wuye. Although this Qian Wuye is only a white body, he has a lot of energy on the underworld in Wangxiangcheng. The rumors are that he found some The city fox community mouse helped to spread out."

"Is it similar to the role of the godfather of the underworld? But this kind of person is unprofitable and can't afford to be early, there is no reason to take the initiative to provoke the official! Could it be someone's white glove?

"Our intelligence department also speculates like this, and it has already targeted a suspect, He Shuo, and Lord He, one of the former nine Qing Qing. Five years ago, he and Lord Zhao Huan fought for the position of righteousness. As a result, the Queen Mother appointed Zhao. My lord, I dismissed him from office."

"Oh! Why?"

"Why? I didn't control this hand!"

Zheng Hai shrugged. Corrupt officials are not said to be completely banned from any generation or generation. No matter how strict the laws of the East Qin are, it is ultimately impossible to suppress the greed in people’s hearts. Inherent flaws.

However, although Dong Qin's intelligence department had identified the suspect, it was only speculation at the moment, and they had no definite evidence for the time being.

At this moment, Dragon suddenly thought, what is the situation on the western empire's mission?Logically speaking, even if this Lord Kazu has energy, it is impossible for them to secretly respond in their Eastern Empire missions or royal guards.

So this time the planting, nine out of ten, should be a joint operation.The Western Empire used the twenty-five sons they had installed to do things, and the adults let the appointed Qian Wuye find someone in the city to stir up trouble.

So, if it’s not easy to start with the adults, why not look for a breakthrough from the Western Empire's mission?

Zheng Hai immediately said that they also had this intention, but now there is a more embarrassing problem that it is not easy for the Dongqin people to do it personally.

It is important to know that a place like an embassy is often equivalent to an "enclave" of a sovereign country in a foreign country. Even if it is on their own land, the people of East Qin cannot conduct searches without sufficient reason. This is very easy. Will cause international disputes.

This is what Zheng Hai said, but Dragon understood it. The co-author is that Dong Qin doesn't want to do it himself, so come over to encourage himself, right?

Seeing Dragon looked at him with a subtle look, Zheng Hai smiled, and then took out a booklet from his pocket, carrying Tafi who was standing guard by the door behind his back, and secretly stuffed it into Dragon's hand. on.

"These are the recipes General Li wanted to ask his father for a while ago. Although the general is young and strong, after doesn't hurt to start maintenance earlier."


Looking at the pamphlet in his hand, Dragon looked a little complicated. He wanted to be like an upright gentleman, righteously rejecting this kind of bribery, but he hesitated for a long time, and finally silently slipped into his pocket.

As Zheng Hai said just now, Dragon is only in his twenties, and all aspects of his body are still at the peak of his life. Indeed, he has the capital to be a "human flesh piling machine", but thirty is a hurdle. However, no one can guarantee when it will start to decline.

Secretly put away the prescription, Dragon's rare old face blushed, and he coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment. Then he and Zheng Hai went to the desk on the side, and there was a map of Wangxiangcheng on the table. The garden where the regiment was staying was marked by a big red circle.

"My people can do it, but we need the full cooperation of Dongqin, and I need detailed information about this building..."

At the same time, on the Western Empire Mission side, Earl Claudius, like Dragoon, stood by the window on the second floor of the embassy, ​​looking at the crowds of demonstrators.But there was no worry on his face, on the contrary, he was filled with a kind of treacherous joy.

Although he failed to bring His Highness Feilawi to the Eastern Qin Kingdom, at least he succeeded in adding a blockage to the Eastern Empire, making them return without success.

"I can't get it, don't even think about it..."

Cladis looked at the crowd outside the window and was wondering whether he needed to add another fire. His adjutant suddenly rushed in and whispered a few words in his ear. The count's face suddenly became dark. .

"What about people?"

The adjutant didn't say anything, but just pointed with his hand down, and Cladis almost couldn't contain his anger, and suppressed his voice angrily.

"Confused! How can you get people here?"

"But Lord Earl, we have already been spotted by Dongqin’s intelligence agencies in the safe houses outside the city. If it hadn’t been for the timely news from there, we almost never escaped. It’s not like that’s always hiding in Tibet. Anyway, let's listen to the adult's advice...just go ahead!"

The adjutant’s advice made Kladys hesitate for a while. If he changed to a general twenty-five son, with his personality, he would definitely not cherish the lives of a few dogs, but one of the two was His illegitimate child, who was living outside, was only retrieved through the birth mother line a few years ago.

After knowing that his illegitimate son had been selected as the Royal Guard, Kladys deliberately wooed him and made him his own eyeliner in the palace.

And this kid is also the only surviving son of Cladis after the outbreak of the Civil War.He was going to wait for the completion of this mission, and then take this kid back to China and make a facelift as the new heir to his family.

Cladis is indeed very loyal to Firavi, but he is far from loyal to the extent that he is willing to cut off his family!

Chapter 513 Hostage Bureau

Cladis has always hated Dragon. Before the outbreak of the Civil War, he had four distinguished sons. One died at an early age, and the remaining three all grew up and joined the Imperial Army. They belonged to the Central Military District. The 25th Infantry Division, the 66th Infantry Division and the 79th Division of the Northwest Military Region.

The above-mentioned units all participated in the civil strife in the imperial capital, and were defeated by the First Marine Division led by Dragon in the battle. The three sons of Cladis were killed one after another in less than a month.

The continuous bad news once caused Cladis to collapse. He was already an old man in his sixties, but he wanted to send a white-haired man to a black-haired man.What made him feel even more desperate was that among his three sons, only the eldest son was married, but the eldest daughter-in-law’s belly was not up to date. The second son and the eldest son were just engaged soon, and the two daughters-in-law were unmarried. Widowed.

If it weren't for a coincidence, let Cladis find out that his old lover secretly gave him an illegitimate child, his family would almost end!

However, God's will make people, although Cladis finally found the only remaining illegitimate child, but this child joined the Royal Guard a few years ago, and now he has followed the young emperor to run to his opposite.

In order to welcome this son back, and also to create some merits that can be used as capital for him to settle down in the empire in the future, Kladys, on the advice of others, let this kid carry out this rather risky "planting" plan.

Judging from the current results, everything is going well. Then just wait for the limelight to pass, and then take his son back to China.

Cladis urged his men to protect the two "heritors" hiding in the basement. They are very important to the empire!

At night that day, the demonstrators outside the imperial embassy temporarily evacuated the scene under the supervision and persuasion of the Wangxiangcheng military and police forces.

The guards of the mission inside the wall were relieved when they heard the noise outside gradually fade away.Although they have guns in their hands, the entire mission has only 20 armed guards like them.If Dongqin’s military and police forces withdrew and allowed thousands of angry demonstrators to rush into the embassy, ​​they would definitely be overwhelmed by the “crowd of people” in an instant.

Therefore, when the crisis is resolved, the nerves that have been strained for a day are relaxed, and many guards have a sense of "overdraft" fatigue.But at this moment, none of them noticed that on a tall building not far from the embassy, ​​there were several pairs of eyes watching their every move.

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