Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 376

However, when Dragon walked around the flower wall, it was not Fu Mi, but Karen in a white wedding dress.The two looked at each other, and Dragon was stunned, while Karen sat there a little nervously, moonlight shining through the glass window into the flower room, covering her and the delicate flowers with a silvery white layer. The veil is like a bride’s hijab.

"Karen, how are you..."

"Yes, yes, I got rid of Fumi..."

"..." x2

The two fell silent at the same time, Karen was shy, and Dragon was thinking about a problem with a serious face.

"Why am I always calculated by my wife?"

523 The Flower of Hope

In the moonlit flower room, the temperature is constantly rising. This is due to the reason that Dragon raised the room temperature before coming in, and it also has the psychological effect of being alone.

Karen's gorgeous white wedding dress was worn by her for the first time in her life, but the grand wedding that was accidentally interrupted midway is not a fond memory for Karen.Now that the time has passed, she put on this wedding dress again. In a sense, she also wants to make up for the biggest regret in her life!

So Dragon could see that Karen came with "enlightenment."

Seeing Dragon still standing there stupidly, Karen got up and turned around, the gorgeous gauze skirt with bright layers fluttered gently with her rotation, there was a unique rhythm of dance beauty.

"Does it look good?"

The beauty is smiling like a flower, her eyes are bright, and she is full of youthful breath.Dragon looked at the other's energetic young girl, and it was really hard to imagine her haggard look when she was still in the palace six months ago.

Dragon nodded and said very candidly.

"It's beautiful."

"Thank you. Can you dance with me?"

"……my pleasure!"

Faced with Karen's invitation, Dragon hesitated a bit, but finally did not refuse.So Karen pressed the switch of the phonograph on the side table and played a slow-paced dance music.Dragon stepped forward and gently embraced her slender waist, and the two danced in the garden to the beat.

To be honest, Dragon's dance level is very average, and he personally doesn't like the typical social activities like waltz.But he must admit at this moment that embracing and dancing slowly with beautiful women in such an environment is indeed a very enjoyable and romantic thing.

A slow dance ended. When the melody stopped, Karen did not take a half step back in accordance with the general rules of ballroom dance and waited for the next dance. Instead, he hugged Dragon directly and pressed her bumpy body firmly Up here.

Dragon froze in place suddenly, neither pushing away nor pushing away.Karen listened to his slightly rapid heartbeat, and closed his eyes with a pleasant expression.

"Lee, you know? I have always wanted to repay the kindness between you and Ellie. In the darkest period of my life, without your company and help, I would never be able to escape from the haze on my own. Come out because I don’t have that strength and fighting spirit at all."

Kallen whispered to the self before "resurrection" in Dragon's arms.

As a princess of a country, she has lived in a comfortable and comfortable palace since childhood.At that time, she was an ignorant and ignorant little girl. Her only dream was to marry a handsome and handsome prince charming. She believed that this was her life pursuit as a princess, and she longed for a perfect love like a fairy tale. .

However, life is not always a fairy tale. When bad luck comes one after another, all the good things that Karen once had have been reduced to ashes. It is Dragon and Alicia who have been protecting her and saving the tower in deep water. Lance also took her away from the dark abyss.

In the process, Kallen’s feelings for Dragon have also undergone many changes. From being simply attracted to being eager to possess it later, it finally became enlightened and slowly began to understand what is It's the feeling of truly loving someone.

If she did not hesitate to drug Dragon and seduced her, she was crazy because of the desire to be in desperate situation, and had some negative emotions of self-destruction, then she just wanted to Dragun expressed his heart, hoping to be accepted by the one he loved.

"Li, I know my current situation is still very special, so I won't ask you extravagantly for marriage status. I just want to know, if I love you, would you love me too?"

"Karen, I'll help you, not for this..."

"I know that you are an upright person. Although you have a little bit of lust and occasionally a little bit of evil, you never take advantage of others. You don't help me because you covet my flesh, but because you can't Turn a blind eye to the weak like me. But you obviously don’t realize that it is because of your kindness that Ellie and I are so attracted to you. You are a good man who loves his wife, I I envy Ellie and the others, I long to be like them and be loved by you!"

Karen said, raising his head from Dragon's arms, looking at Dragon with bright eyes, eyes full of love and longing, and some crystal tears at the corners of his eyes.

And the tears of a woman can always touch the softest part of a man's heart!

The two looked at each other and silently touched each other's lips.

The temperature in the flower room is gradually increasing, but the heat comes from inside the body.Perceiving that his lust was rising, Dragon couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. After all, he was so polite before, but only after a kiss, his body felt so immediately.He looked down at Karen in his arms, and there was also a strong spring feeling in his watery eyes.

Neither of them noticed at this time. In a hidden corner of the flower room, a furnace of incense was slowly burning, and the light purple smoke emitted was quickly blown into the room by the breeze from the vent. Everywhere, the smell is well covered by the fragrance of flowers.

The person who placed the incense burner was secretly observing the situation inside the flower room at this time.

For a long time, Fumi has been actively acting as a "wingman", actively encouraging Dragon to attack girls, help matchmaking, and crazy output assists.In this way, in addition to being affected by the strange marriage concept of the natives of the New World, but also because of his own physique, he could never feel guilty of having a baby for Dragon.

She knows that Dragon will not reduce her love for herself because of this, but it is also because of this that Fumi is extremely obsessed with "adding words" to the old Li family.

In a sense, this is also the more "distorted" side of Fu Mi's character!

Seeing that the two in the flower room were getting better, Dragon's hands had already begun to wander around uncontrollably, and Karen was also lifted to the table by him.

At this time, the "magic function" of the wedding dress on Karen began to show.The queen tailor of the royal family knew the sentiment of King Sidney XIV very well. Therefore, this wedding dress was not only used for weddings, it had to be worn with grace and beauty, but also played a role in the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

Therefore, there are some small organs on the wedding dress. As long as you untie the flower belt on the waist, the two pieces of the skirt will fall off immediately and become an exposed style.

In terms of playing, they are still no match for real old drivers!

The Fumi outside the door nodded in satisfaction, then turned and left silently, hiding her merit and fame!

Chapter 524

It was Lang Youqing, the concubine's intention, and the "scheming" of the caring people, the dry wood and the fire burned all over the mountains.Although Karen is not completely ignorant of men and women, and even has a wealth of theoretical knowledge, this is after all her first participation in "real combat", so she quickly fell into a passive state and was dominated by a veteran like Dragon.

After the passion, the two snuggled and lay in a hammock under the grape shelf. Dragoon in the "sage mode" was very awake at this time. He vaguely realized that something was wrong, and Karen was still immersed in it. In the aftertaste of happiness.

For Karen, this is her farewell to her old life and the beginning of a new life!Although the road ahead is still unclear, at least a new road has appeared in front of her, and she is no longer alone.

"Li, I don't want to be a princess anymore, I want to do something I want to do."

"Okay! What do you want to do?"

"I want to be a music teacher to teach children singing and dancing."

"I support you."

The two of them stayed for a while, and Dragon found a blanket, and Karen, whose clothes were about to be torn by him, first put it on his bedroom on the second floor, and left to clean the marks, trying not to leave any evidence. Lest the servants at home find out.

In the process of cleaning, he finally found the incense burner hidden behind several flower pots.This thing is a little "little gift" brought to Dragoon by his chief's father-in-law Moro when he came to visit the house last time, so that the couple can use it for the night life.

This thing has always been hidden in the safe in the study, and the code of the safe is only known by Dragon and his wife, so it is immediately clear who the prisoner is who placed the incense!

In the early morning of the next morning, Dragoon secretly escorted Karen back to the back mountain cabin.Although he wanted Karen to live in a mansion with better conditions, her identity was still too sensitive after all.It will take at least two or three years for people to gradually forget the person "Imperial Concubine Karen", so that Dragon can find a way to help Karen get a new identity, change his face and return to society.

After he settled down, Karen returned to the house, and Fumi, who had disappeared all night, finally showed up. Dragon suddenly rushed up with an angry eyebrow and pushed the opponent to the wall.

"What happened last night, I want an explanation!"

"Honey, I slept with Irene last night, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Hey! You still pretend to be stupid to me!"

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