Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 383

Philavi knows that the current domestic situation is turbulent. As the so-called "little intolerance leads to chaos", he and the eastern civil war are in a critical period. Wieland deliberately picks things up at this time, just to distract them, even It is the brain that is hot, and the two fronts are launched.

But Filavi wanted to endure, but his men couldn't help it!A group of middle and lower-level officers in the Southeast Military Region actually wrote a joint letter and handed it over to the Central Committee, hoping that Firavi could show a tough hand against Wieland, who dared to provoke the dignity of the empire, for the dignity of the country and the nation.

Firavi was about to be vomited blood by these hot-headed guys!

In order to win over young people, Filavi deliberately created conflicts and led public opinion to attack the central faction, which indeed attracted a large number of angry young people to follow him in rebellion.But now that he has seized the capital and became the emperor, these young and strong factions have become a kind of unstable factor.

These impassioned young people do not have the pedantic and conservative of the older generation of conservatives, but they also lack the stability and calmness of the elderly.However, these people succeeded in rebelling under the leadership of Filavi, which made them blindly believe that everything about themselves is correct, advocating the use of the simplest violence to solve all problems, just like fascism from the earth!

Firawi, who used to guide public opinion for his own use, is now sadly trapped by the out-of-control public opinion. The populist ideology in the control area is swelled, and everyone is like a chicken blood.Firaway felt like he was on a sports car that couldn't stop, and the door was welded by himself!

Chapter 535 Teddy Island

Located on the tropical island of Teddy, the summer has already felt like summer at the end of April. It is the best time of the year. However, as the commander of the island guard, Brigadier General Malachi, can’t get from this clear sky. Feel even a trace of warmth in good weather.

Tok Malachi, who was nearly fifty years old, originally belonged to the most ordinary middle-level officer among the vast imperial army.Born in a middle-class aristocratic house, relying on the family background and seniority, he carefully sat down to the captain of the colonel step by step without making any major mistakes. He had not made any great achievements or made any major mistakes in the army for twenty years.That's how the mean has passed most of my life.

During the turmoil in the imperial capital, Colonel Malachi, who commanded the military port garrison, worked cautiously to keep himself out of the matter. He believed that he had no extraordinary vision and brains, and the information was not well informed. He could not analyze which side the central government and the rebels had the greater advantage. , So simply remain neutral and watch the civil strife on the sidelines, until Firavi seized the capital and proclaimed his allegiance to the opponent.

Colonel Malachi thought that he had been paddling on the edge and did not join Firavi's group, helping him to attack the capital city. He was likely to be excluded.As a result, not only did Firavi not blame him, but he also promoted a group of old officers who had been stuck on the hurdle of colonel all the time, so that Malachi didn't have to wait until the last promotion before retirement, and put on the coveted brigadier general rank.

After being promoted, Malachi was proud of the spring breeze. The new central government sent him to Teddy Island on the southeast coast as the garrison commander.There was originally a garrison of the second line regiment on the island. After Malach took office, his original port defense regiment was also transferred with him.They were supplemented by another infantry regiment, an artillery regiment, a light tank battalion, and a batch of large-caliber shore defense artillery. A total of 11,000 soldiers constituted the "107th Defensive Division of Teddy Island."

Brigadier General Malachi didn't notice anything wrong until then, and he was sent to the forefront of the civil war!

Fortunately, after the arrival of Brigadier General Malachi, everything was peaceful on Teddy Island. During the period when they were building fortifications, except for occasional enemy cruisers sneaking close, peeping out of the range of their shore defense guns. Besides, there is no battle.

This made Malachi thought that the island he was defending was not a strategic location worthy of great effort from the east, but he soon discovered that he was wrong.

Just a week ago, Brigadier General Malach suddenly received a notice from his superiors that they immediately entered a first-level combat readiness state, and a large fleet of the Eastern Empire was rushing toward the southeast coast of the mainland.The commander of the opposing party is the famous "Destruction Dragon" Dragon, and his Marine Corps specializing in elite combat.

Malachi has long heard of Dragon’s glorious deeds. This man is different from himself, who has been working on a routine throughout his life. His achievements today are all based on hard battles. Therefore, he is also the same as "Military God" Howard. Even if he is in a hostile camp, he still has a large number of hardcore fans who admire him extremely on the Western Empire.

When he thinks that he might have to fight with the other party, Malach is panicked!

Fortunately, the superiors have promised that they will not let the garrison troops of the islands on the southeast coast fight alone. The navy is already on standby in the open sea. No matter which island is attacked, the navy's fleet will rush for reinforcements at the fastest speed.When the time comes, two sides will be attacked, it is not without the power of a battle.

During the preparations for war, Malaqi patrolled around and urged his soldiers to hurry up and repair the fortifications.Having been an officer for so many years, Malachy is a modest generation, but he is not a shit-to-eat wine bag and rice bag. At least the basic skills are very solid, and the layout of the positions is very organized.He even cuddled up temporarily, looking for the report of Dragoon’s defense of the island in the 11th district of the colony as a reference, and tried to learn a few tricks from it.

Teddy Island is the third largest island in the southeast coast. Its area is nearly eight times larger than Dragon Palace Island, which was defended by Dragoon. However, three-quarters of the entire island’s coast is a towering cliff, and only a section in the southwest is suitable for landing Beaches, so Malach’s defense focus is also here.

After doing all this, Malach retracted into the fortress on the island and waited for the arrival of Dragon and the Marines.

On the morning of April 30th, Malachi finally received a report from a patrol boat in the outer sea. There was a large fleet approaching on the sea 110 kilometers to the east, with more than 100 ships. There were large battleships and aircraft carriers in the formation. It can be determined that it was the Eastern Empire Task Force under the command of Dragon. The opponent ignored the patrol boat and rushed toward Teddy Island mightily.

After Malach learned of this situation, he immediately ordered that the battle alarm be sounded.

However, after the sirens sounded throughout the island, they waited until dark, and the enemy's large fleet did not appear in the sight of the island guard, making many officers and soldiers wonder whether the opponent had bypassed.But the patrol boat sent out clearly stated that the fleet was still hovering east of them.

This makes Malacci wonder, what exactly does this Dragoon want to do?

After waiting for a day and night, the expected landing did not appear, and the original tense vigilance of the island guards gradually loosened.Without knowing that late last night, there was already a small group of elite marines who landed on the northern cliffs that they thought would be impossible and sneaked into the island quietly.

And on the Glory cruising in the open seas, Dragon's attention at the moment did not focus on the Teddy Island where they were about to land, but instead used carrier-based aircraft to search for the main fleet of the Western army around them.

From the telegrams they intercepted, it is known that the defenders of Teddy Island have been calling for reinforcements to convey the coordinates of the task force to their navy.The response from the other party was to make the defenders stick to it for two days at all costs, and it is estimated that they were preparing for the detour.

Dragon, who has carefully studied Teddy Island, is very clear that the guards of the island will definitely focus their defense on the southwestern side suitable for landing.If the Marines came ashore from here, they would inevitably rush to the beach with huge casualties.If the naval fleet wants to provide artillery support for the landing forces, it has to risk stranding and approach the defender's shore defense artillery within range.

Dragon didn't want to waste the lives of his elites on this island too much, so he used some unconventional methods.In addition, he also wanted to take the opportunity to severely inflict and even wipe out the main force of the Western Imperial Navy, so that the opponent would completely lose control of the sea, thereby facilitating a series of actions in the coastal areas.

On the three aircraft carriers participating in the battle, the ground crews mounted the bomber squadron early on with the ship equipment, and the pilots were all on standby and ready to attack at any time.

Chapter 536

Five months ago at the Redstone Port battle, although the naval aviation forces wiped out the Far East dispatched fleet that had not yet left the port in the port area, they were all “fixed piles”. If the dispatched fleet had already left The station, withdrawing to the sea outside, this battle will never form a one-sided situation.

Therefore, in the past five months, the pilots of the Naval Air Force have made attack on ships a key training subject, and they have used the energy to hone their skills.

While Dragoon urges training, he constantly releases all kinds of false news to the outside world, doing his best to confuse his opponents, making them think that the amphibious fleet is just a mere "paper tiger", and the battle of Redstone Harbor is They were lucky.

Out of distrust of the original intelligence department of the empire, Dragon set up a special information warfare organization, code-named "Strategic Fraud Bureau", to be responsible for related matters.

The main functions of traditional intelligence agencies are generally to obtain intelligence and counterintelligence. Therefore, it often takes a lot of time and money to train special agents, and then let these elites of one in a million risk their lives to penetrate into enemy countries to execute various hidden secrets. Task, but also worry about the "loyalty issues" of these people from time to time.

The fraud bureau is different. Most of the people recruited by Dragon are guys who make money by showing off their pens. There are senior news writers, low-profile experts and scholars, and a few Dragoon deliberately from prison. Scammers fished out from here.

This group of crooked melons and jujubes are on combat effectiveness. Dragon can easily beat ten of them with a single Marine under Dragon, but Dragon needs them to charge on another battlefield.

The first transaction after the establishment of the Fraud Bureau was the bad-failing Marine Corps and the Amphibious Fleet.

This group of people was still wondering at the beginning. You are clearly the commander-in-chief of the Marine Corps. You also led the establishment of the Strategic Fraud Bureau. Why do you curse yourself when you come up?Conventional public opinion wars generally rely on bragging, bragging that their country’s people are awesome, weapons are awesome, leaders are awesome, and SGNB!

Without exception, everyone is striving to maintain their national self-confidence.

But Dragon's purpose is to deceive the enemy, and other people are in charge of maintaining self-confidence. He just wants to deceive Felavi and the group of generals under him.After he explained it this way, the comrades of the fraud bureau suddenly understood what Dragon wanted them to do.

As a result, several newspapers secretly funded and established by the Strategic Fraud Bureau quickly opened up, without exception, they were all located in the territory of the Western Empire. Therefore, at first glance, this group of people was helping Philawi to wave the flag and shout, and they were very popular It quickly accumulated locally.

These military analysis articles compiled by the Fraud Bureau were widely disseminated by newspapers in the enemy-occupied areas, using a seemingly very rational and professional tone, and serious nonsense.

"A certain army's invincible warship is actually a cruise ship modification, or it has major design flaws..."

"In-depth analysis of the battle of Redstone Harbor, on the limitations of fighter jets versus ships..."

"Shocked! The black widow destroys the Dragon Night Club, there are pictures and the truth..."

A lot of articles like this have been published by the Fraud Bureau, which is exactly the answer to the famous saying made by "Little Yellow" Goebbels. A lie will become truth if it is repeated a thousand times.Even the staff of Firavi’s staff were affected by these articles to a certain extent, otherwise they would not risk being surrounded, chased and intercepted by the main fleet of the Eastern Empire and let all of their families leave the military port protected by a sound coastal defense system. , Floating above the sea.

The facts are indeed as stated in these articles. The carrier aviation has shortcomings in combat power and lack of experience, which makes them worryingly low when facing moving targets.

However...this is so special five months ago!

Train without experience!With the idea of ​​making up for what is missing, Dragon has allowed all pilots of the carrier aviation to conduct assault training in the past five months, focusing on strengthening the ability to attack ships, and the hit rate has been significantly improved.

of course!High-intensity training also brings high risks. Various problems occur from time to time. As many as eleven pilots have suffered major accidents in flight, and they are basically either dead or disabled.But their sacrifice is not without value, because the accident itself is also a bloody experience!

And five months of hell training, and now it's finally time for testing.

On the second day of the siege of Teddy Island by the task force, Dragon ordered a suppressive shelling near the landing site. A dozen gunboats lined up and fired inland from the beach.The aviation side also took off a squadron of dive bombers to clear the targets previously marked by the reconnaissance aircraft.

With such a large offensive, the defenders on the island felt that the Marines were about to launch a beach landing, and suddenly became nervous.The coastal defense artillery force sent a request to Brigadier General Malach, asking whether to fire the artillery, but the answer was to keep it still.Therefore, Malach knows that the dozen or so large-caliber coastal defense guns are one of their biggest reliance, and it must be a major concern for the Marines.

Malach has studied Dragoon’s island defense tactics, and deliberately abandoned the beachhead, wanting to wait for the first echelon of the Marines to come ashore before starting, using intensive firepower to cause them a lot of casualties in a short time.But since this is Dragoon's tactic, he himself must have been more on guard. Since they have fighter jets in their hands to remove fixed targets, they will naturally use them against their shore defense guns.

So Malachi asked the engineers to use wooden cannon models and camouflage nets to build a large number of fake fortifications on the island, hoping to deceive pilots who can't see clearly in the air.

However, not long after the Marines' offensive began, Malach noticed something was wrong. Within a few minutes, several artillery positions were destroyed by enemy bombs.These positions strictly followed Malach's orders and did not open fire without permission to expose their position. The camouflage was also adequate, but the enemy pilots were always able to find them accurately as if they had opened a "perspective".

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