Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 397

However, at this tense moment of tension, a slightly tender voice suddenly sounded, breaking the atmosphere of confrontation.

"What is the crime of illegal teaching?"

Chapter 561

Andy's voice is not loud, but it is very clear in the classroom.The thin and tall policeman immediately showed a vicious face when someone dared to "discuss law enforcement." He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to go forward to teach the golden-haired kid in front of him, but the fat policeman on the side stretched out his hand to stop his companion.

Just like Mark, the fat policeman recognized that the child was not a civilian child when he saw Andy.The child only changed a set of cross-dressing skills, but could not hide these well-informed old fritters.

If this is a child from a poor family talking nonsense, the police scolded a few words, or even slapped a slap in the face, but if they accidentally provoke the nobleman and beat the small one to draw the old one out, then they are bluffing. Grey leather won't last for a few days.

So after the fat policeman stopped his companion, he walked up to Andy in a friendly manner.

"How do you call this young master?"

"My name is Andy. Mr. Police, why are you arresting Mr. Eisnon? There seems to be no charge of illegal teaching in our law."

"Haha, Young Master Andy is quite knowledgeable! Although I don’t know why you want to play in such a third-rate school, I advise you to go home as soon as possible. The public security around here is very messy, I can let me 'S colleague escorted you back."

"Thank you for your concern, but I want to know what crime Mr. Eisnon committed?"


Andy's reluctance made the fat policeman who only wanted to fool him away lose face for a while.The other children around learned from their conversations that Andy turned out to be a noble child.

However, the children of the noble family were only children after all. The fat and thin police officers did not dare to be rough with him, but at best they were worried.Therefore, facing Andy's repeated questioning, the fat policeman instantly put away his smile, changed a face that looked like an iron-faced selfless, and said in a very blunt tone.

"This young gentleman, it's not a good habit to like to inquire, and you are obstructing official duties. Then I can only talk to your adult."

The fat policeman thought that if he used a killer trick like "finding a parent", he could scare the young blond young master's face drastically, but Andy did not move at all, which made the fat policeman feel that his face was a bit unbearable. Up.

So he stopped talking with Andy, turned his head to signal his partner, the other party immediately understood, took out the pistol and handcuffs in public, and prepared to forcefully arrest someone.

"What are you going to do? Is there any king law?"

"You are not allowed to catch Teacher Ai Sinong!"

Facing the gunpoint of the police, the students present seemed very scared, and several adults were also very nervous, but they still did not shrink back.

When Mark saw this, he couldn't help but sighed. The matter was caused by him, and he didn't want to involve other unrelated people being injured.So the few adults who were trying to protect themselves gently stepped back, the more crowds came to the police and proactively extended their hands.

"I will go with you, but please put your gun away, it scares the children."

Seeing that Mark Essnon took the initiative to arrest him, both policemen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.After all, this is a public school, and if they shoot indiscriminately in such a place, it will be difficult for them to have good fruit afterwards.

The thin policeman put the handcuffs on Mark, and the surrounding students all looked at him with reluctant and worried eyes. Andy couldn't help gritting his teeth. He really wanted to show his identity to help Eisnon at the moment, but he did. Some hesitation.

On the contrary, Mark has always had a composure, even with handcuffs, he still holds his head high, and there is no timidity or waver in his determined eyes.He looked at his students and smiled at them in a very calm tone.

"Don't worry, children, handcuffs can't hold your mind."

Seeing that Mark was about to be taken away by the police, there was a commotion outside the classroom again, and the movement was much louder than when the two police officers came, and many dogs barking were heard.

The expressions of the two police officers suddenly changed. They knew the identity of Mark Essnon. Although this man was not a nobleman with a title, he was one of the colonial industrialists who could be named. Already had a good social reputation, and later became the vice chairman of the largest non-governmental organization "Workers and Peasants Mutual Aid Alliance", so the energy behind it can be said to be considerable.

If it wasn't for greedy for money to collect the money, the funder also promised that they would not be troubled. The two police officers actually didn't want to provoke such a man.

So when the two of them discovered that there was a commotion outside the door, they all subconsciously thought that someone was helping Mark Eisnon to inform him, and that it was his helper who came to save people.

However, to the surprise of everyone present, the first to rush in from the outside turned out to be a group of fully armed regular soldiers.The leading officer was a lieutenant colonel. When the fat policeman saw the armband on his arm, his eyes were suddenly pointed.

"Royal Guards? Why are they here?"

The lieutenant colonel quickly walked into the classroom and looked around, his gaze suddenly fell on Andy who was about to quietly hide in the crowd.Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, he breathed a sigh of relief, then ignored the dumbfounded people around him, went straight to Andy's face, and said respectfully.

"That...Master Andy, please go back with us."

Because there were so many people around, and it was impossible to confirm safety for a while, the lieutenant colonel who led the team did not call Andy His Majesty out of caution.But they came out looking for people in such a big battle, coupled with his very polite tone of Andy, as long as he is not a fool, he can basically see that Andy is definitely a great source, and in all likelihood, he is royal. Members, but also have to be direct, to make a group of royal guards so nervous.

The two policemen looked at each other, and they had completely lost the arrogance they had before, especially the thin policeman, who was sweating coldly.Because if it hadn't been for the fat police to stop him, he would have been going to push the kid away severely.

Seeing that he could no longer hide his identity, Andy was also speechless.But the arrival of the Royal Guards was not entirely a bad thing, at least it gave him a way to help Teacher Eisnon to get rid of the entanglement between the two police officers.

So he beckoned, asked the lieutenant colonel to come over and whispered a few words in his ear.After listening, the lieutenant colonel frowned slightly and turned to look at the two policemen.

"You two, come with me..."

No one knows exactly what the lieutenant colonel said to the two police officers, but everyone present could tell from their embarrassed and polite smiles that they were deflated.The two quickly fled the scene in a desperate manner, walking so anxiously that they did not even untie the handcuffs on Mark's hand.

Chapter 562

Due to the appearance of the Royal Guards, the two policemen’s attempts to take Mark Asnon away ultimately failed, but everyone in the classroom was fortunate to feel a little bit of doubt. It seemed that the gentleman Andy was exactly what it was. People too!?

With the help of Lieutenant Colonel Guards, Mark opened the handcuffs, then thanked them for their righteous action, and gave Andy next to him with a deep look.Unlike ordinary people who don't care about state affairs and have no access to the upper class, Mark at least knows who caused the civil war in the empire.

He could see that Andy was a child of pure character and a sense of justice, but with his personality and age, but sitting in such a position, it was clear that gentleness and kindness alone were not enough.

In sharp contrast with the previous arrogant, fat and ugly police, Lieutenant Colonel Guards is a serious but polite gentleman, and he upholds the recruitment standards of the Royal Guards, and his appearance is above the average. Afraid, many young girls who are in love even want to get together.

However, the other party obviously didn't mean to stay longer here, and directly asked Andy to go back with them immediately in a respectful but undeniable tone.

In desperation, Andy could only nod his head obediently, but hoped that the lieutenant colonel could give him a few minutes to say goodbye to his new friends today.After getting the consent of the lieutenant colonel, Andy turned and walked in front of Mark and a group of civilian students, and he took the initiative to shake hands with them one by one.

"It's a pleasure to meet you today. If I have the opportunity, I hope we can meet again in the future. I have benefited a lot from chatting with you, Teacher Esinon."

"Me too, Andy, thank you. By the way! If you don’t dislike it, please accept this. This is a book I like very much. It has benefited me a lot, and I hope it can be useful to your life. Help."

As Mark said, he took out a red-skinned booklet from his jacket pocket and handed it to Andy along with the pen clipped on it.

Andy took it with both hands and placed it in his arms solemnly.

"Goodbye, Mr. Esnon."

"Be kind to those who love you (people), Andy."

Under the protection of the Royal Guards, Andy leaves Oak Tree Elementary School.When the convoy was about to arrive at the temporary residence, Andy tentatively asked the lieutenant colonel if his mother had known at this moment.The lieutenant colonel hesitated for a moment, and shook his head silently.

It is also thanks to the fact that the Royal Guards have accumulated a lot of experience in finding their own emperor during the first emperor’s life. They also raised a lot of sensitive hounds for this purpose. Therefore, when they found that Andy was missing, they organized the plan as soon as possible. The man went out of the palace to track, and at the same time concealed the news from the Queen Mother.

This set of procedures, the Royal Guards are expertly distressed.

However, although the queen mother did not know the emperor’s “microservice private visit” when he left the palace, the cabinet learned all the news in just a few hours, including where Andy went out of the palace and who might have had contact with him. The contact is also clear.

Obviously!The loyalty of the royal guards is no longer absolute!

Andy himself knew very well that he was out of the palace this time purely because he was panicked, so he was a little willful once, without any purpose.But this matter falls in the eyes of those "wishful people", and the nature is really completely different.

In the evening, in the residence of Chief Minister Latuk, several powerful leaders in the Central Cabinet gathered together to discuss what happened during the day.

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