Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 404

"Attention all cars, free to fire!"

Chapter 574

The rushing tank clusters lined up on the soil slope, directly facing the airport below with high-explosive bombs, which was the maximum firepower output, and dozens of aircraft parked on the runway instantly turned into fragments.Some fighters on duty, which may have been pre-loaded with ammunition, have even experienced terrible explosions, just like huge fireworks.

Seeing that the airport had been destroyed and the enemy's proud air force was hit hard, the commander of the first echelon immediately reported the good news so that the main force could launch a general attack as soon as possible.

However, just as the attacking troops happily thought that they were done, and when they could find the next target, the second wave of attacking echelon behind them encountered unexpected firepower at the same time.

Unlike the first echelon, which is full of tanks, the second echelon is a mixed unit, with only two battalions and forty tanks. There is also a mobile infantry regiment that operates on military heavy trucks. The task is to follow the first echelon and clear the ground. The remnant enemy.

But when they rushed up, they discovered that the number of defenders on the ground was very small, and they were almost collapsed, each running faster than the rabbits.

The commander of the second echelon immediately noticed that the enemy's actions were somewhat abnormal, and hurriedly stopped the troops who were about to pursue the pursuit, but unfortunately it was too late, and their position was immediately covered by fire.

The sudden fire was so fierce that the commander realized that this was not a counterattack, but a premeditated ambush.The enemy’s artillery must have targeted here in advance, otherwise the artillery fire would not come so quickly and accurately.

In pursuit of killing efficiency, the opponent even deliberately let go of the first echelon as the sharp knife, because the opponent's mobility is outstanding and has the ability to quickly move after being attacked by artillery fire.Therefore, they chose the second echelon that they rushed to as the target, and waited until their infantry got off the truck and fully deployed before starting.

The entire regiment of nearly three thousand infantrymen was completely exposed to the heavy firepower of the enemy, allowing the iron and blood to blend in the flames.

The shelling lasted for nearly twenty minutes, completely overturning the soil on the entire position more than once.Many soldiers tried to hide in the trenches dug by the enemy, but when they jumped in, they found that most of the trenches were less than half a meter deep, and there were spike traps and malicious feed trips in the pits. mine.

This is a trap, a slaughterhouse specially prepared for them!

For soldiers under artillery fire, these twenty minutes are as long as a century, and their opponents have reimbursed two-thirds of their troops with cannonballs.After the artillery fire ceased, most of the surviving soldiers had been blown up to deafness. They were all in a trance and were easily captured by the Marines who arrived later.

In the headquarters of the Second Army Group of the Eastern Empire, Dragon learned that the first phase of the operation had been successful. They used the airport as a bait to trick the 7th Armored Division into the ambush circle they had prepared.

In order to make this lure look realistic and attractive, Dragon had prepared dozens of wooden isometric models and some real airplanes in advance.Most of these decoy planes were injured in previous battles, and some have been unable to take off again.The Air Force originally planned to destroy these damaged aircraft that could not be taken away on the spot, but now it happens to be used as waste.

In this way, the main force of the Seventh Armored Division, which thought it had destroyed the airport, quickly launched a full-scale offensive because of the eagerness of the Savior, but they were greeted by the heavy forces and air force bombers that had been waiting for a long time.

If Filavi, who was holding on to the palace at this time, suddenly decided to take his new first division of the Forbidden Army to break through, then they would be surprised to find that there were not many enemy troops that had surrounded the palace along the moat.

In order to concentrate the superior forces and eat up the 7th Armored Division, Dragon played a "reverse empty city strategy" with Firavi, and quietly withdrew the main force used to encircle the palace after dark.So the Seventh Division, who thought it could "steal the butt," ran into the clenched fists of the Second Army Group.

The first assault echelon that previously raided the airport was followed by the Second Marine Division. The tragic destruction of the second echelon caused them to be out of touch with the main force. They were trapped in two encirclements, one large and one small, and it was difficult to respond to each other .

It is no exaggeration to say that Dragon devoted all his remaining forces to this battle, and even the direct guard battalions directly under the command organization went into battle, only to provide the best "entertainment" for the 7th Division. .

However, just as Dragon concentrated on beating the 7th Division, Taffi suddenly sent a telegram from the Supreme Command to him. Dragoon, who was studying the map, directly let Taffi read it without raising his head. Listen to yourself.The other party looked at the content on the telegram, hesitated for a moment, and read it.

"Sir, General Barano called and ordered us to evacuate the imperial capital as soon as possible. Besides, besides..."

"What else?"

"The First Army Group of the Northern Front... Mutiny."

Tafe hesitated again and again, and finally said the bad news. As soon as her voice fell, the entire command center suddenly became silent, and most of the people present were shocked to disbelief by the bad news.

Then Dragon raised his head, silently took the telegram and read it again for himself, and then there was a bitter smile on his face that seemed to be expected.

"It seems that Kharov's extravagant move worked."

The telegram was sent two hours ago. Howard did not conceal the truth from Dragon. Not only did he order him to quickly retreat with his troops, he also specifically told him not to care about himself and the chaotic First Army Group.

Howard gave him only one task, and that was to bring back as many of the elite of the Second Army as possible. If the Eastern Empire wanted to hold on to the New World, they needed their strength.

Looking at the telegram at hand, Dragon felt a little mixed for a while. Although he was prepared to fail before the battle began, he did not hesitate to learn that the five princes on the Western Front had been defeated. Made the decision to give up continuing to attack the Imperial Capital.

The previous situation can only be said that the plan was not "successful", and the main force of the Eastern Empire Army who was engaged in the battle still exists. If it is united, it can actually retreat completely.Moreover, their previous series of battles also caused heavy damage to Firavi’s western army, which greatly weakened the opponent’s strength, and also allowed those still indecisive centrists to see the strength of the Eastern Empire, but the mutiny of the First Army Group But it makes the situation completely irreversible!

Although Howard did not elaborate on the status quo of the First Army Group in the telegram, it is not difficult to see from his desperate effort to urge Dragon to run fast, the situation may be beyond imagination, and the entire army may be wiped out.

Once they are over, Dragoon’s Second Army Group will be the last Eastern Empire army in the mainland. These 100,000 people will face siege and interception from millions of enemy troops from all directions. Firavi is absolutely not Will kindly let them leave safely.

Chapter 575

On the northern battlefield, the mutiny of the First Army Group was unexpected but reasonable. After all, it was a fratricid civil war, and both sides claimed that they had orthodoxy and righteousness, and some were unwavering. Naturally, there are people who see the wind at the rudder.

Kharov knows this very well, so outside of the frontal battlefield, the small tricks behind the back have never stopped.The high-level generals on both sides were all colleagues before the war, and many of them were close relatives, so as long as they "have the right situation," they are not afraid that no one will waver.

When Howard was in town before, these guys were somewhat worried and didn't dare to make trouble easily. As a result, when Howard fell, coupled with the bad news of the surrender of the five princes on the Western Front, all the crooked thoughts emerged.

So Kharov took the opportunity to successfully persuade a deputy commander to turn back, and with the help of the other party, he successfully broke through the line of the first army group. This led to a subsequent chain reaction-style defeat, and the morale of the army collapsed like an avalanche. !

Faced with such a desperate situation, the acting commander Kane Mountbatten was also powerless and could only gather his troops to retreat as far as possible.These hundreds of thousands of troops can finally escape back to Horn Harbor, but they are not even one-tenth!

Kane believed that he had no face to face Howard and Dragoon who were fighting under the Imperial City, and wanted to apologize directly as soon as he returned with the defeated soldiers.Unfortunately, his adjutant found it in time and rushed to take down the pistol desperately, which prevented Kane from looking for a short sight.

In fact, Howard did not blame Kane on the front line mutiny and defeat after he learned of the frontline mutiny. He knew better than anyone what the regular troops and generals of the Empire looked like.He only hated that he hadn't listened to Dragon's advice. Before the counterattack was officially launched, he carried out a thorough purge of the military's middle and high levels. As a result, it was the relentlessness of this moment that led to the current tragedy.

"Li, you are right! Our real enemy is indeed not outside..."

Different from the chaotic northern front, although the officers and soldiers of the Second Army Group also had a lot of discussions because of the sudden retreat order, the restlessness of the grassroots troops was quickly suppressed.

The Marine Corps established by Dragon is a new army whose qualifications are not up to the "old" standard. In addition to more cutting-edge weapons and equipment, the system reform is also more thorough. This is a huge advantage that other traditional troops cannot match.

Who knows the benefits of wei (zheng) and official (wei)!

But before the whole army retreats, they still have one important thing to do.

That is the 7th Armored Division of the Explosion!

At this time, the Eastern Empire Army, although the defeat of the hegemony action has been determined, at least in the area around the imperial capital, the Second Army Group led by Dragon still has a partial advantage.Reinforcements on the western front are coming fiercely, but it will take three days soon, while the northern front is busy chasing down the remnants of the first army group, and for a while, God is here.

This allowed Dragon to have relatively sufficient time to take care of the big fat pig that had already fallen into the trap of the Seventh Division.

Firawi also suffered from the bitterness of his impulse. If he hadn’t delusioned to eat the Second Army before, don’t mess around with these chicken-stealing operations, then wait for another day or two until the reinforcements arrive. Dragoon will Will quickly evacuate the imperial capital with troops.

On impulse, the 7th Armored Division got in for nothing.

Dragon and the hungry wolves under him are not vegetarians, the meat delivered to their lips is not at all polite.Firawi, who was trapped in the city, could only watch the artillery fire outside the city, and the seventh division he brought out was madly ravaged.

Facing the siege of the enemy's superior forces, the 7th Armored Division, which was trapped under the siege, could only support it in a narrow valley, and could hardly develop its superiority in firepower and mobility as an armored force.

With the idea of ​​"clearing the inventory", Dragun ordered the artillery to open up and fight to "send" all the shells they could not take to the 7th Armored Division.

Under the suppression of such crazy firepower, the main force of the Seventh Division suffered heavy casualties, and several attempts to break through were beaten back abruptly.After they finally reached dawn, they desperately discovered that the enemy air force, which should have been wiped out last night, appeared.

Like a unilateral firepower performance, the Seventh Division now experienced the feelings of the Iraqi Army in 1991, pitiful, helpless and desperate.

But just when they thought they would be blown into powder alive by artillery shells and aerial bombs, Dragoon’s Second Army Group stopped the attack on the night of the second day, and immediately dropped the remaining Seventh Division and turned to Transfer from coastal areas.

Just like a scumbag, he doesn't even bother to write straight numbers!

After learning of this situation, Firavy sat blankly in his command post and did not say a word for a long time.The siege of the imperial capital had indeed been resolved, but they couldn't do anything except to be glad that they were still alive.

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