Macho Wars

Heroine Wars Chapter 41

But Dragon also noticed that the flying height of this airship was very low, estimated to be less than 500 meters.I don't know whether it was deliberately lowering the height to increase the hit rate of their short-barreled howitzer, or whether the airbag had a problem.

After all, limited by the current technology and production technology of this era, the airship's failure rate is notoriously high, coupled with the generally poor airbag airtightness, long-term flight will indeed become lower and lower!

Soon, the airship, which was faster than the tank, successfully blocked the convoy's path.The howitzer fired first, and the shell went directly over the head of the convoy and landed less than 30 meters away from them.

Upon seeing this, Dragun hurriedly made the ticket holder jump out of the car.Light airships generally use reduced-charge shells in order to carry more shells, so their power and damage radius are much weaker than conventional shells.

Therefore, at this time, the more the people are divided, the higher the probability of survival.

Seeing the ground targets, the airship in the sky chose the scattered tactics, and two machine guns also fired one after another.

Fortunately, the sun had not yet risen to the top of the mountain, and visibility on the ground was still limited. Although the airship's machine guns and artillery fired fiercely, it took a long time and killed three or five people.

However, as soon as the airship here opened fire, it was equivalent to sending a signal to the surrounding Kingdom Army, and soon there would be ground troops coming here.

Dragoon looked at the airship that was unscrupulously peeing on top of their heads, hating the itch of the roots.

If he just wants to survive, he can leave those infantry soldiers and just leave.

The artillery on the airship has limited power. As long as it is not unlucky enough to attack the top or damage the tracks, it is almost impossible to injure the people in the tank.

But these soldiers are all "old bottoms" brought out by Dragon from the 141 mobile company, so they are all abandoned here. He really can't bear it.

At this time, Dragun suddenly noticed a small dirt bag on the left side of the tank, and immediately made a living.

"Old guy, drive to the left right away! Did you see a small dirt bag over there? Drive me up."

"Boss! What are you doing?"

"I want to pierce the eye of the grandson above!"

Under Dragon's order, Old Huck drove the tank onto the dirt bag to make up for the lack of elevation.At the moment, the airship was chasing the most upright Juzhu, and did not notice the actions of the Big Squirrel.

Dragon judged by visual observation that in order to further improve the hit rate, the opponent had dropped the flight altitude to about 300 meters, which was less than 800 meters away from them.At this distance, with the performance of the Tusk II main gun, it can barely threaten the airship.

William immediately loaded an armor-piercing projectile, and Dragon ventured out of the roof. When the observer provided Tafe with shooting parameters, the muzzle was adjusted twice and immediately fired!

With the sound of a "boom", the ejected shells flew into the sky, tracing a rounded curve in the air, and went straight to the huge airship.

It was a pity that the first shot missed, and the shell almost flew past the starboard side of the airship.

The enemy immediately noticed their actions, and immediately turned the muzzle to fight back. The grenade landed less than ten meters away from the front of the Big Squirrel, and the splashing mud instantly confused Dragoon's face.

But Dragon did not let the old Huck transfer, because this bag is their only available battle position.

Under his almost roaring order, William Jr. quickly filled the second shell. The Squirrel and the airship fired almost at the same time, and the shells staggered through the air.The airship's grenade hit the left wheel of the Big Squirrel, directly cutting off a piece of soil, while the Big Squirrel accurately hit the airship, blasting a big hole in the airship and igniting a raging fire.

Seeing this scene, Dragon said that his guess was right. Like the imperial colony government with financial constraints, it is also a poor kingdom colony. It also plays the "hydrogen and helium mixture" just like them. The airbag is filled with hydrogen and the other half is filled with helium.

Seeing that the enemy airship had begun to tilt and tried to turn around to escape, Dragon, who knew the necessity of "mending the knife", immediately ordered to continue firing.

Anyway, after a while, they will abandon their car to drill into the forest, and simply shoot out the remaining armor-piercing bullets to hear a sound.

So the Big Squirrel fired six shots and hit the airship four more times. The airship that was originally invincible had become a burning ball of fire.

When the soldiers who had fled around saw this spectacular scene, they all couldn't help laughing out loud, cheering for the feat of the Great Squirrel and the luck of escape.

Dragon sighed in relief on the hatch.

Unexpectedly, he gritted his teeth and did a miracle vigorously, knocking down an airship with a tank.The burning airship made a trajectory of flames through the air and quickly fell to the ground.

However, just as the airship flew over the Great Squirrel, something unexpected happened.

I saw the airship’s artillery pod suddenly fell off and slammed into the Big Squirrel impartially.The smile on Dragon's face disappeared without a trace.

"My grass!"

Chapter 46

The dropped artillery pod directly hit the front face of the hurriedly reversing Big Squirrel, and then a series of bombings occurred in the remaining shells, and the rising flames instantly covered the tank.

However, just when the other survivors thought that the Big Squirrel was finished, the incompletely burned tank staggered out of the fire and kept driving until it was safe.

Dragoon opened the hatch and got out first, then dragged the others out one by one.

Fortunately, before the airship fell, there was not much ammunition left, and the structural strength of the pod itself was relatively weak.Therefore, the final "attack" of the airship failed to smash the armor of the tank, and the impact was not enough to shake the occupants of the vehicle.

On the contrary, the old smashed tank failed to resist, and the old-fashioned guiding engine failed again, so Dragon had no choice but to abandon the car.

So the more than forty people who survived climbed onto the remaining two tanks and continued to retreat towards the dark forest. They finally got into the woods in time before the Royal Army's ground troops arrived on the scene.

The two abandoned tanks were all set up with traps, ready to use their own "waste heat" to give a little surprise to the Kingdom Army who had caught up.

Everyone entered the woods and soon found a dark river with plenty of water, and then proceeded eastward along the river.

According to the plan made in advance by Dragun, all the troops that successfully broke through must find a way to meet in a place called Niujiaojian in the eastern mountainous area within three days. Those who are late will not wait.

Dragoon has no way of judging at present, how many people will be able to successfully stand out in the end, and how many squads active in the outside world will be willing to come and join them when notified.The group walked for two days and one night, and finally arrived at Niujiaojian within the agreed time.

Although they did not run into the pursuit of the Royal Army on the way, four of their comrades died from injuries, and only 38 people finally reached their destination.

Fortunately, Dragon and the others were not the only troops to escape. Three troops had already arrived at the meeting point first, and one of them was still a squad active outside.Counting Dragon and them, they all add up to more than a hundred people.

And after them, some scattered troops came to join the stronghold.Unfortunately, there are not many people, and in the end only 237 soldiers arrived at the meeting point before the agreed time limit.

If you add the team of Lieutenant Penny who is responsible for protecting the people, Dragoon still has less than three hundred soldiers in his hands, and the entire guerrilla force is suddenly reduced to less than one-third of its peak.

However, what made many soldiers angry was that in addition to the comrades who died at the enemy's guns during the breakout, there were four other squads that chose to betray them.

Remember that when the battle occurred, six of the ten combat teams were active, but at this time only two responded to Dragon's call.The rest of the squad probably felt that the guerrillas were finished, and they had no future with Dragoon, so they refused to accept the order and did not come to join them.

The betrayed Dragoon couldn't help sighing, it would be great if there were "political commissar" talents in his staff!

Fortunately, Dragon is not the kind of person who can easily be defeated by setbacks. He took a short break and regained his spirits, then called all the remaining officers over and simply held a small meeting.

After this breakout battle, the guerrillas suffered heavy losses. They lost more than half of their troops and lost a lot of weapons and ammunition.Especially the three abandoned tanks, Dragon felt distressed when he thought of it.

Originally, Dragon wanted to rely on guerrilla warfare, and insisted that the imperial army launched a counterattack even if it was a victory.But with their current situation, let alone continuing to fight behind enemy lines and supporting the frontal battlefield, it is still unknown how long this patchwork force can last.

Therefore, some officers suggested not to provoke the kingdom army by dying, and to hide in the mountains and forests and be savages for a while!The other part of the brothers or friends who died wanted revenge. They tried to inspire Dragoon to take a decisive blow and went to the Wirant Barbarian.

The two groups quarreled because of their differences, and only Dragon looked at the notebook in his hand thoughtfully.

At this time, one of the "main retreat" officers stood up and shouted at the opposite brother who wanted to die because of the dead man.

"Beat! Just know how to fight! We are all out of supplies, and beat your mother!"


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