Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 424

Latuk, who wants to take over power, does not want to see the remnants of the Senate’s remnants. The Senate has been looking for opportunities to deal with Dragon, thinking about fighting for military power from him. This makes Latuk and Dragon Now there is a common enemy.

"General Li, as far as I am concerned, I do not want to become hostile to you. This is not good for you, me or this country, but I think you are also aware of the things above the court. of."

"Understandable, Lord Latuk."

"At present, Levins and those people are inciting the Queen Mother, hoping to rebuild the aristocratic Senate. They say it very well. The government and the army can't have a special supervision and review agency to watch, but in fact they want to do it, everyone knows. We. Now this empire has shrunk by three-quarters compared to the original empire. As the country has become smaller, the government departments will naturally have to shrink accordingly, and we have been deliberately doing this, but the problem now is that not everyone is willing Give up my seat, so I need your assistance from General Li, do you understand what I mean?"

Chapter 611

Latuk did come here with full sincerity. He made all the information frankly and clearly in front of Dragon, and finally took out a thick document bag and handed it to Dragon.Inside are the "black materials" of some senior cabinet officials and members of the Senate.If all these things are published, let alone continue to be officials, I am afraid that even people will not be able to do it!

Latuk's meaning is very clear. At present, the Eastern Empire government is too bloated, and almost everyone is busy fighting for power, and Latuk is no exception.

But Latuk’s advantage is that he knows who can provoke and who can’t.Therefore, he made a special trip to visit Dragon at night in order to be able to speak in person.As long as Dragon can help him clear out dissidents, and when he firmly holds the cabinet, Latuk promises that he will only maintain the apparent non-compliance with Dragon, and occasionally make a symbolic verbal condemnation.

It is worth mentioning that Latuk also "kindly" reminded Dragon that as a past person, he taught him the noble survival.

The main reason why Dragon did not attract the nobles' liking was always squeezed out by traditional forces. The main reason was his "unfitness".Latuk knew that Dragon respected Howard, but there were some things that didn't need to be learned too much.

Howard dared to do that because he was backed by a large family with a long history behind him, as well as the trust of King Sidney XIV.But even so, Howard is still an alien who has always been respected in the aristocratic circle, and no one dares to mess with it.

Nowadays, Dragon lacks Howard's two major reliances. Although it is expensive as the protector of the country and the first-class hereditary grand duke, the aristocratic circle that values ​​the heritage is only a newcomer, and the high-ranking power is not trusted by those in power. , Almost everyone knows that the queen mother doesn't like him as a civilian son-in-law.

Another very important point is that Dragon is too upright and incorrupt, and he has a sharp edge, and he does not understand the "self-defilement" at all.The higher his reputation among the people, the more jealous the royal family is.

You must know that even just like Howard, at the peak of his life, he took the initiative to step down as Minister of the Army. He put down his real power and became the principal of the military academy for nearly ten years, showing enough "general knowledge".

As the saying goes, open guns are easy to hide, and secret arrows are hard to guard!

In today's aristocracy circle, I don't know how many people are enthusiastic about the rights in Dragon's hands, delusional to replace it, and Dragon's suppression of counter-revolution through the "conscription fraud" has also made him make many enemies.These guys may not be smart, but because they are stupid, they can do anything!

In the end, Latuk even admitted that he had indeed wanted to deal with him at the beginning, but a series of recent incidents in the cabinet made him understand that there are too many teammates in the pigs that he can’t help, and he still secretly joined forces with Dragon. It's easier to kill the pigs that are in the way.

The two had a long conversation, and to be honest, Dragoon was humbly taught on the surface, but he was still quite disappointed.Latuk is an old fox who has been in the political arena for a lifetime, but he is essentially a politician after all. There is no people in his mind because of how to fight for power.

However, Dragon also admitted that what the other party said did have some truth, and the empire's environment was such that he did not want to be the target of public criticism.

The two kept talking about that in the middle of the night, Dragoon finally personally sent Latuk away from the back door.The leaders on both sides of the military and politics have reached a preliminary consensus. Dragon promised to cooperate with Latour to complete this "shuffle", and in return for assistance, Latour will settle the noise for him.

After sending Latuk away, Dragon let out a long sigh of relief. He personally didn't really like contacting these dazzling politicians.In contrast, Dragon appreciates more serious technical bureaucrats like Darkcome.

But in any case, Latuk took the initiative to discuss it face-to-face with him. This is not a bad thing. Cooperation between the two parties is indeed more pros than cons.

Back to the study, none of the women in the family slept, Dragon told everyone about the agreement reached between him and Latuk.Enfia was the first to express her concern about how chaotic the circle of nobles was, and she was the clearest one among all the people present.The glamorous appearance and the pride of being superior cannot conceal the filth hidden deep in the heart.

"My dear, I think you should be more careful in the near future. Although Latuk is not a good person, he is at least the rationalist of the cabinet, and he belongs to the kind that can be discussed. Others are not so easy to talk about."

"Sister Nine, are you worried that someone will be against Dragon?"

"A dog will jump the wall when he is in a hurry."

According to Enfia’s suggestion, before Latuk completes the reorganization of the cabinet government, it is best for Dragon to remain vigilant. Not only himself, but even his family members and cronies should strengthen their guards. After all, the military is a force that cannot be ignored.

So the next day, Dragun called Roebuck and asked him to transfer some loyal and reliable old subordinates to strengthen the protection of all mid- and high-level commanders of the Marine Corps and Air Force.Hearing Dragoon's order, Roebuck's expression changed slightly, and he knew something vaguely, but he didn't ask much, and immediately arranged for a group of trusted hands to do it.

Under the seemingly stable current situation, the undercurrents became more and more turbulent.Some politically savvy people have found that the recent series of measures taken by the cabinet government seem to be a precursor to big moves.

In response to the current institutional overlap and bloated problems, Latuk implemented a series of new internal reforms. The first was to make a clear statement to maintain the same low- and middle-level institutions and personnel in the original colonial government to ensure the stable implementation of local administration.However, in view of the fact that the colonial government has been plagued by a shortage of personnel in the past, it supplemented the grassroots personnel brought by the central government from the mainland and integrated it into the existing local formation institutions.

Then, on the high-level side, Latuk successfully persuaded the Queen Mother to form a new special supervisory court to exercise impeachment powers, corrective powers and audit powers, supervise the work of government agencies, and be directly responsible to the royal family.Latuk took the initiative to resign from the post of Minister of the Interior, and he nominated himself as the first inspector general.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the newly established Supervisory Council is highly similar in function to the old aristocratic Senate, and some of its functions have been strengthened to a certain extent, and it has the right to override the government.The institution is controlled by Latuk, and its members are from the former central government and high-level colonial governments, directly excluding the Senate.

In this way, even if Levins reorganizes the Noble Senate, this supervisory agency only exists in name. Most of the important powers are taken away by the supervisory house that they have formed one step earlier, and it is completely turned into a nursing home!

Chapter 612

Latuk must admit that although their vase queen mother is not very clever, sometimes this is not a shortcoming.Latuk just explained to her the role and functions of the Supervisory Council, and successfully convinced the other party.

Unlike the old aristocratic Senate, although the Supervisory Yuan is also a supervisory institution, the object of supervision is only for the reorganized cabinet government and is directly responsible to the royal family. Therefore, its status is slightly lowered by half and it is clearly in the royal family. under.Unlike the Senate, which nominally represents the interests of the entire aristocratic group, it has the ability to pressure the royal family and even interfere with the succession of the throne.

Although the queen mother didn’t understand the flowers in it very well, under Latuk’s best explanation, she understood the most important point, that is, after the Supervisory House replaced the Senate, the status of the royal family was elevated. After hearing this, the queen mother was very moved, and agreed without saying a word.

The military's attitude towards this is rather ambiguous. Dragoon has made it clear that it will not interfere in the reorganization of the government. They are also working hard to adjust the military to meet the new defense needs, and there is no idle time to control others.

It seems to be out of the picture, but from the perspective of the remnants of the Senate headed by Levins, this is no different from supporting Latuk.

In this way, Latuk quickly completed the reorganization of the government and the establishment of the Supervisory Council.

In this process, Latuk, with his agility, severely inflicted most of the political opponents he did not deal with, and at the same time attracted a group of centrists to the maximum extent, and completely excluded the power of the Senate from the core circle of politics.

In the mansion belonging to the Barano family, Levins is gathering with his confidants, but unlike the luxurious receptions of Nightingale Songs in the past, the atmosphere in the room is depressed and dull, and most of the men are sullenly smoking and drinking. The frowns seemed to be suffering from severe depression.

In the past two weeks, a fierce battle has broken out in the political circles of the Empire without gunpowder. The Latuk faction took the thunder and thunder to kill the remnants of the Senate, represented by Levins, and discarded their armor. As a result, the rebuilt Senate was reduced to a phantom shell, and its status was inevitably marginalized due to the lack of rights.

Before that, none of the members of the House of Representatives had expected Latour to give them such a hand. First, they relented and agreed to restore the Noble Senate, and then turned around to build the Supervisory House while they were not paying attention.Levins tried to find the Queen Mother, but he was helpless and slow. Latuk had already convinced the opponent one step ahead of him, leaving Levins at a loss for a while.

This incident has dealt a huge blow to the Senate faction. Although they have not changed in their lives, they are still very rich, but the right to help them accumulate this wealth is gone, and the protection also disappears. Many members Because of this, I fell into anxiety and felt that I had become a sheep from a wolf.And some of the hands that are not clean are even more panic all day long, for fear that their enemies will suddenly come to the door to settle the old accounts with them.

In fact, they knew that even without Latuk’s persecution, the Senate would no longer be the old Senate.

During the rebellion of the imperial capital, there were several big riots against the nobles, and many high-level personnel including the former speaker were hung up on street lights.The mob killed a number of them, and Firaway's rebels slaughtered a lot after entering the city, and Howard deliberately left them behind when the royal family evacuated.

It is no exaggeration to say that most of the political elites in the Senate have stayed in the imperial capital. Only Levins and a few small characters who can't be on the table can survive the disaster, and this group of miscellaneous fish is not Latuk's opponent at all. .

The parliamentarians present were silent collectively, and then some people began to complain to Levins, who was gloomy and drunk, saying that from fleeing with the royal family to the New World, the family's business was basically left in the mainland. My Jinyin Xiuyan sees that it is getting less and less every day, and the family is almost unable to eat steak.

Other local aristocrats who were drawn into the Senate are complaining that the unruly people in the factories below are becoming more and more disobedient, and various trade unions are blooming everywhere.I don’t want to think about who gave them work. I don’t want to be grateful for Dade’s hard work. I still use the "Labor Protection Law" that doesn’t make sense. I keep asking myself all the time. First, I have to raise my wages. Overtime is required, and then at least one rest day a week.

The reason why these colonial aristocrats chose to stand in line with the Senate was that they hoped that the Senate could counter the "Labor Protection Law" so that they could safeguard the interests of their noble capitalists, but it didn't work at all.

A group of people whimpered and called, all hoping that Levins, the speaker elected by everyone, could make a difference.After all, he has the highest title among all the people present. He is the new prestigious Duke of Barano, and he is also the brother of the current queen mother and third uncle of the emperor.

This identity is placed there, who is the one who doesn't come out?

Levins' head was blown up by the noise of these people, and he wished to sew their mouths on, and finally couldn't bear it. As soon as he got up, he slammed the wine glass on his hand to the ground, and then his throat was loud. Roared.

"He's ×! It's endless? Noisy, you know it's noisy, and you don't want to do anything, then what use does I want you to do? A bunch of waste!"

Levins' venting roar made the room become silent for a moment, because no one would have thought that the girl would suddenly spit out fragrance and curse all the nobles they were singing as rubbish.

So after a brief shock, everyone was angry.

"Sir! What do you mean by this? Are these people still paying less money and energy for the Senate? But what happened? We changed to such a nominal nursing home. Shouldn't everyone complain? "

"Ha! Resentment? You only know how to send grievances at me, why don't you send it at Latuk? Why don't you send it at Dragon? Are you brave?"


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