Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 430

Latuk believes that as long as these big bosses are dealt with, even if the other aristocrats in the middle and lower classes have complaints and lack opinion leaders to take the lead, it will be difficult for them to make trouble.There really is something that doesn't have a long eye, then he can ask the Dragoon bastard to come on stage, there is no taboo to start!

Latuk is not worried about these great nobles violating their own righteousness, because so far, everyone has been fighting against each other, but at least abide by the rules of the game, and occasional fouls are also within the bottom line.If anyone dares not to follow the rules, someone will naturally come out to punish them.

After working hard for more than half a month, although Latuk mainly relied on his lip service to output, after all, he was not forgiving, and he was very tired from running around.Being so busy with official duties every day, even the little lovers who have been newly raised for just six months have almost no time to meet for a month.

Latuk still likes this little lover who is the same age as his granddaughter very much, and his personality and appearance are very similar to his first love.The fly in the ointment is that this little fairy is too boring, Latourk's old waist can't stand the big toss, and she can't bear it.

In fact, Latourk knew very well in his heart that such a young and beautiful hot chick would be willing to be the mistress of this old man, certainly not out of love, the relationship between the two is limited to what they need.For this reason, Latuk clearly told the other party that he would only take up her youth for three years. After three years, she would be given a breakup fee that would definitely satisfy her. Latuk promised not to interfere with her again after the breakup. life.

"Wake up to the power of the world, drunk lying on the knees of a beauty!"

Latuk most appreciates these two famous quotes left by the university graduates and regards them as the first creed of his life struggle.

Seeing that all the preparations to be done were done, Latuk stamped the last few approved documents while planning in his heart, preparing to stay with the little lover after a long absence tonight.

"Take a copy of these documents processed today and send them to the palace for review by your majesty. Oh, yes! Call my house and say that I will work overtime here tonight, you know."

Latuk smiled slightly at his secretary, and the other party immediately understood it, and with an expression that a man knew, he took out the set of casual clothes that Latuk had hidden behind the bookshelf.

"Thanks for your hard work, Moore."

"Enjoy it, my lord."

Putting on a low-key coat, Latuk walked through the back door and left the Supervision Institute building.Once I went to my little lover's place for the night, the smell of perfume was accidentally stained on my clothes, which caused several "red flags" at home to be suspicious.

In fact, as Latuk’s status, no matter how old he gets married or how many women he marries, no one can criticize him.But as the saying goes, a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than stealing. Most men are born to find excitement.

Latuk was also a frequent visitor to the high-level club of the imperial capital. For the first time in the life of Emperor Sidney XIV, it was his old driver who led the way, and the two also established a very deep "comradeship".

Leaving the Supervisory House building, Latuk drove quickly to Canary Street where the little lover is.After all, he came out to "relax" this trip, and it was not easy to bring too much pomp, so the entourage was a driver who had been with him for many years and two bodyguards arranged by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When the car arrived, Latuk got out of the car quietly. The driver and a bodyguard stayed downstairs to watch the door, and the other went upstairs with him.

The place where Latuk takes care of her little lover is very secluded. There are only little lover and an elderly maid who takes care of her daily life in the quiet little villa.Latuk does not have extra bodyguards here. Although he doesn’t care if his little lover takes the break-up fee he gave to make a new love three years later, at least during his “contract” period, what Latuk wants is Exclusive.

The corridors of the villa were empty, and several bright wall lamps were emitting soft yellow light.After the old maid greeted them at the door, she bowed her head and retreated to her room. Latuk and the bodyguard came to the stairway on the second floor, signaled the bodyguard to stay here, and then took the prepared gift box to the location. Go to the innermost bedroom in the corridor on the second floor.

"Tracey, my good daughter, godfather is coming to see you."

Knocked on the door lightly, and Latuk pushed the door and entered. Through the crack of the door, a soothing sound of music came from the room. It was Latuk's favorite song.In the center of the room is a huge round princess bed, covered with translucent pink gauze curtains. Against the backdrop of the flickering candlelight, a graceful body can be seen lying flat on the bed.

Then, just as Latuk was about to step forward to open the gauze and confide the love words he had brewed to the little lover, the door behind him suddenly closed with a "click".

Latuk looked back violently. Two masked men stood behind the door, aiming their pistols at him.But when he got closer, he realized that the little lover on the bed was motionless, and there was a faint smell of blood.

In an instant, Latuk’s brain was swiftly sifting through those opponents. These people had no reason to kill themselves, because the existence of Latuk was absolutely necessary for them.

And if it weren't for them, there would only be one possibility left.

Latuk sighed and gently put the gift box on the bed before turning his head to look at the two masked men in black.From the eyes exposed in their hoods, it is not difficult to see that the two of them were far more nervous than Latuk, who was pointed at by the gun, and one of them even was shaking with the gun.

This made Latuk sneer and muttered.

"A bunch of little characters!"

Chapter 622

From the perspective of the upper echelons of the Eastern Empire, Latuk died suddenly.

Because before that, this old fox had reached a consensus with representatives of all major forces in the military and politics of the empire, and successfully persuaded them to contribute money to tide over the difficulties with this new and precarious country.

So when he suddenly died, everyone was shocked, and they couldn't help feeling a little curious. Who on earth was so bold and broke the rules of the game?

Dragon learned the news the next morning after the incident, when he was having breakfast with his family, and his subordinates suddenly came in to report that Inspector General Ratuk was assassinated last night.

The police received a report from residents near the villa in the morning, and arrived at the scene to find that the deceased was an incredible figure.Subsequently, the government's security department intervened in the investigation. They made a judgment based on the clues left on the scene. There may be several murderers. The other party was ambushing at the house of Latuk's mistress and successfully blocked the chief inspector who sneaked into the tryst.

In addition to Latuk himself, the rest of the dead also included his mistress, two bodyguards and the driver, while the old maid in the villa was missing, so it is very likely that he would be an accomplice.

Unfortunately, the police arrived at the scene too late. This assassination ambush can be said to be very successful.The Canary Street where the crime occurred is the famous "Second Milk Street" in Port Pandora. The villas on this side are almost all the mistresses of the big men. The rich can't live here, and the poor can't afford to live, so The occupancy rate is very low, and there are many vacancies and very secluded.

In addition, the house here has focused on strengthening the sound insulation effect, which made the murderer not alarmed his neighbors at all when he stabbed.

After the incident, the people of the Eastern Empire were shocked.Although Latuk is not as famous as Howard, he was also a minister of the three dynasties, and assisted Hidney XIII to create the most glorious heyday of the empire. As a result, he has now fallen into an assassination situation.

Regarding the royal family, the Queen Mother Susan convened the Manchu civil and military forces to discuss countermeasures.As the Minister of the Army, Dragun also came to attend the meeting.

As soon as Dragon entered the hall of discussion, he found that the faces of the civil and military officials and representatives of the great nobles present were very solemn. Some people looked at their eyes, obviously harboring hostility and fear.Dragon ignored these guys and went straight to the small circle of Owen and other senior generals.

At this time, the queen mother Susan and the young emperor Andy walked in, the queen mother's face was tense, like a tight spring, and Andy slightly gestured to Dragon with his eyes.

When the two of them took their seats in the first place one after another, the twenty or so ministers present, look at me, I look at you, and finally, the Speaker of the Senate, Levins, came out more and more to replace Latuk, who is no longer there, to give the temple The pre-meeting started.

"Everyone, I think you all know that Duke Latuk, the Chief Inspector, was assassinated by some shameless thugs. I personally deeply grieve and regret his death. After all, we inherit the legacy of the Duke. , And work hard to accomplish those missions that his old man failed to accomplish!"

Levins's condolences attracted many people present to agree, but as long as it is not a fool, everyone understands that Latuk's sudden death makes Levins the happiest person.

Although the two were rivals before, the old and cunning Latuk crushed Levins, regardless of his personal fame, ability, and means. He also successfully seized the power of the Senate by setting up the Supervisory House and let them The status of this group of people is increasingly marginalized.

But no matter how high you are, the dead will not be able to fight the living. Levins is like Voldemort who has reached the finals. There seems to be only the last "circle of fate" from eating chicken!

So after pretending to wipe a few drops of crocodile tears for Latuk, Levins couldn't wait to reveal his original purpose, thinking that the Supervisory Institute currently has no leader and someone urgently needs to come out to preside over the overall situation.As soon as he said this, several ministers who had colluded with him immediately stood up and recommended Levins.

A group of military representatives just stood by and watched the show.Dragon wanted to say something, but was quietly stopped by Owen.At this time, their military does not need to rush to express their opinions.

Dragon thought for a while, and said so.

Rather than arguing about right or wrong with those people above the hall, it is better to sit on the sidelines first, because compared to myself, the queen dowager who made the final decision obviously trusts Levins more.I am in a hurry to speak now, it will only have counterproductive effects, so I might as well wait for my brother-in-law to talk about it afterwards.

So Dragon didn't say a word during the whole process, and just watched Levins as the "Interim Inspector General" and took over the position left by La Tuc.

After the whole meeting, Latuk’s death was like a pretext. Most people present didn’t really care how he died. Who was the murderer?After all, this kind of assassination can already be regarded as one of the "traditional arts" of imperial politics, and it is no wonder that there are more deaths.

After the meeting, the ministers left the hall, most of them came forward to congratulate Levins on his position, and Dragon also casually said a few words of courtesy, and then turned around to go out.But at this time Levins suddenly stopped him, saying that he had some official duties, and hoped to talk to him in detail.

Dragon didn't know what medicine the man sold in the gourd, but after all it was not good, he left with a face like this, so he nodded, and the two borrowed a guest room in the palace to sit face to face.

"General Li, you have seen the situation in the hall today. It's not that I want to stand up, but everyone recommends me. I can't help it!"

Seeing it, Levins was proud of the spring breeze at the moment. He had been rubbed against the ground all the time. Now he suddenly turned over and could not wait to go out to celebrate his victory in vain.With this self-cultivation effort alone, Levins is completely inferior to Latuk, who is incapable of emotion and anger.

Dragon smiled and said stingingly.

"Yes, everyone's hope is well received. Latuk-sama knows well, maybe I will ask you to thank you in person tonight."

Dragoon’s irony made Levins’ expression a little stiff. Although he knew in his heart that Latour’s death had nothing to do with him, he knew that it didn’t mean that the ghost also knew it, in case he found the wrong one and complained. Object, that's so much fun!

"Ahem... General Lee is really good at joking, let's get back to the subject! This time I'm going to meet with you for nothing else. I know that everyone in the military has always had opinions on the previous cabinet government. Now I've changed my job. Naturally I won’t carry on some of the past mistakes. I’m a good person, and that’s the kindness and meaning to my friends. General Li, don’t you like your friends more?"

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