Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 432

Seeing that a lot of suspicious people began to be mixed in the game crowd, the sniper team on the top of the building immediately notified the comrades downstairs in sign language.

It's a pity that their action was a step late after all. Before the Marine soldiers standing guard on the street came forward to check the situation, several gunshots suddenly sounded from the parade, followed by harsh screams.The originally orderly procession was immediately plunged into large-scale chaos.

The sudden change made the soldiers startled. The crowd who had blown up the pot fled in all directions, attacking them like a flood bursting a bank, and some people in the crowd took the opportunity to shout.

"The soldiers shot! They murdered!"

"Everyone rush, fight with them!"

"Kill the official!"

There are men, women, and children in the chaotic crowd. The Marines who were shocked were afraid of hurting the innocent. They didn't dare to shoot indiscriminately, but they didn't know that the frightened sheep had long been caught in the hungry wolf.Without checking, several soldiers were hit by a blunt weapon that was beaten by Lengzi.

Within ten minutes, large-scale conflicts broke out in the 400,000 parade in Port Pandora, and chaos swept across the city.

When Dragoon, who was in the military headquarters, learned of the situation, he immediately understood what had happened. This was an organized and premeditated operation, and there were real explosive terrorists mixed into the parade.Before that, Dragon had too much faith in the organization of the Workers’ and Peasants Alliance, and he had seriously overestimated the moral bottom line of some people.

"Asshole! That bunch of dog stuff!"

"Sir, what shall we do now? The streets are all in chaos."

"Immediately join the riot suppression team. In order to confirm each other, the mice in the crowd must have conspicuous signs on their clothes. Send someone to catch me!"


The downside is that Dragoon had already prepared second-hand and deployed a number of rapid reaction forces equipped with riot control equipment in the urban area.Relying on the shield phalanx, tear gas and fire water cannons, he soon succeeded in suppressing the rioting crowd, and then arrested thousands of people.

The prepared prison carts were not enough. They simply tied up the arrested suspects with twine to a long string, and escorted them to the park open space for detention.

The riot, which lasted for several hours, subsided in the evening, causing nearly 600 deaths, more than 7,000 injuries to varying degrees, and numerous property losses.A total of 217 marines and policemen who maintained order at the scene died in the line of duty. Some of them were burned to death with Molotov cocktails by mobs, and their bodies were shamefully damaged.

Looking at the statistics report handed over by his subordinates, Dragon remained silent for a long time.

At this moment, a telephone on the desk suddenly rang, and Dragon glanced at the color of the telephone's landline, which was the royal line.He picked up the microphone and put it to his ear. Unexpectedly, Levins' voice came from the other side.

"General Li, you have seen the riots on the street today during the day. The Queen Mother is very angry and the consequences are very serious! The so-called Workers and Peasants Mutual Aid Alliance that organized this parade openly defied the authority of the imperial royal family and dared to incite the people to commit crimes. The Queen Mother has already ordered him to be punished for treason. I hope you, General Li, can live up to your reputation as the protector of the country and severely punish these villains!"

Chapter 625

The great riots caused by the parade during the day put Pandora into a state of martial law, and the army began to impose a curfew after nightfall.There are still traces of daytime riots in the streets and lanes, and military police patrolling with guns and live ammunition can be seen everywhere.

However, the impact of the daytime riots did not spread to the wealthy areas, because many of the wealthy people who lived here had experienced the Langley riots or the imperial capital riots.Personal experience made them understand that in similar situations, the police are basically unreliable. Although the army is strong, it is always late.

If you don't want to be hung on the street lamp by the mob who suddenly rushed into your house, you have to strengthen the defense of your house.So the rich have chosen to hire professional bodyguard teams to take care of their home nursing homes, ranging from three to five people to as many as ten or twenty, which is not uncommon.

In the wealthy area after nightfall, in the Ducal Mansion of Barano, Levins was enjoying the praise of a group of friends, smoking a cigar and drinking red wine.

What happened during the day made Levins feel that he had fought a "beautiful battle", which successfully embarrassed Dragoon, and made the alliance of workers and peasants who had been against their nobles a solid back. A big black pot that is difficult to take off gave the authorities a legitimate reason to destroy them.

Thinking of this trick would kill two birds with one stone. In a good mood, Levins couldn't help but look at the thin young man sitting across from him. It was precisely to him that he offered this trick and provided all the manpower to implement the plan, he and his friends. , Is simply his own lucky star.

"Viscount Danis, no! I have to call you, brother Koman, thank you and your good brothers, let me watch a great show today!"

"Well! It's an honour for our brothers to be able to help you, Lord Duke. It's an honor to go through all fire and water!"

"Ahahaha...Come on! Drink one, everyone!"

Levins raised his glass high, and under his drive, everyone in the room drank the famous wine in their glass one after another, and the atmosphere also became lively. The praise from Levins made them those who were not on the table in the past. Guys, all of them became excited.

As the leader of this group of three teachers and nine first class, Koman Danis is undoubtedly the most excited one. He feels that he has been lucky in recent times beyond imagination, just like the protagonist in a novel!

Koman recalled that the day before half a month ago, his annoying sister suddenly went back to her family's house, and as soon as she walked in and stopped doing anything else, she sprouted five and six to herself, asking him to stop the business that was booming. , And finally sold all the land acquired.

Koman didn’t want to see that the first big business he really handled ended up in such a hurry, and he didn’t want to be controlled by his sister anymore. So he called a group of friends he met during drinking and visiting the kiln. "Social people" who don't brag about how powerful they are, help themselves.

In the end, let alone one of the old brothers named Adam, he really thought of a trick that seemed to work for him-would he kill the old Latuk dog?How easy!

Adam is the elder brother of the local underworld in Port Pandora. He and his younger brother Bob created an energetic group called "Integration Gang". Relying on cruelty and daring to fight, their emerging gang has been in just three short years. Rising during the year, there are thousands of brothers under his staff to send him.

The two brothers have great ambitions, and they are not satisfied to be only one side and powerful, guarding the chassis of a few blocks to eat the leftovers of the three melons and jujubes. They want to dominate the rivers and lakes and become the "underworld emperors" of the imperial colony.

Therefore, when they learned from Koman that when the Chief Inspector Latuk wanted to increase taxes on the nobles who enclose the land, there were also Adam and Bob who were involved in this business. The first time they thought of the gangster’s common solution Technique.

A dead person will not stand in the way of the living!

No one would have thought that there may be many political opponents in the upper echelons of the empire who wish that Latuk would die immediately, but in the end, those who really dare to put it into practice will be the social scum of the Heather society.But Park Qiao, a group of ditch rats from the bottom of society, has no taboo, and there are many accidents in the wild.

The integration gang quickly found the residence of the little lover of Latuk through the local underground intelligence network, and it was the old maid in the villa that the seller sought glory.

So Adam and Bob immediately found several killers, and then used to kill the whole family to intimidate the old maid to provide them with assistance.With her help, the killers successfully sneaked into the villa and lay in wait. After waiting in the villa for ten days, it was finally Latuk who came to the tryst.

After the incident, Adam adhered to the consistent honesty style of the Heather people in speaking and doing things, and directly killed the old maid and her family, then destroyed the body and eliminated all evidence at the scene.

With the contemporary criminal investigation technology in this world, no one can find out that they did it unless they admit it themselves.

In this way, Latuk, who has been dominating the political arena of the Empire for dozens of years, killed several desperadoes from the colonies because of his carelessness, and even Levins, who had been suppressed by him for nothing, was for nothing.

After Levins came to power, he was not as "picky eater" as Latuk, and he did not refuse to honor visitors from all walks of life, so Koman, who visited him in person with a big gift, was able to meet with him, and the two hit it off.

You know that Levins was a dude when he was young. After entering the Senate, he didn't get rid of those low-level tastes. Koeman was like a Levins who was thirty years younger. Now, Levins even wants to take Coman as his adoptive son.

Accidentally climbed to the high branch, Koman naturally spared no effort to please Levins.It happened that the promulgation of the "Land Property Tax" caused a large-scale civil protest. Koman knew that Levins and the Secretary of the Army Dragoon were not going to deal with it, so he took the initiative to offer a plan and introduced Levins to the integration of the Adam Bob brothers .

Under their careful planning, the Integration Gang successfully turned this demonstration organized by the Workers' and Peasants Mutual Aid Alliance into a riot.Not only did the military, who had promised to maintain order on the scene lose a big face, but also firmly buckled the dung basin on the head of the Workers and Peasants Alliance, giving Levins an excuse for the serious crime.

Seeing that everything went well in the plan, Levins, who was in a good mood, couldn't wait to call Coman and his friends, friends, and friends to celebrate together. A group of people drank wine and ball to celebrate their "great victory".

At this moment Levins seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and said to Coman.

"Keman, I suddenly thought of an idea. I called Dragon this evening and ordered him to send troops across the country to arrest the members of that shit alliance, especially those high-level backbones, in the name of the royal family. Can’t let go. If our people can catch those big fish one step ahead of him, will that guy’s face lose more?"

"My lord! What a great idea!"

As soon as Levins' words fell, Adam, who was already drinking a little drunk, slapped his thigh fiercely, and the big black and tall fat man said excitedly.

"My Lord Duke, it's true that I am in the alliance, and I also have a few friends..."

Chapter 626: Interrupted Meeting

While Levins and others celebrated their victory happily, at the same time, on the other side, the top leaders of the Workers’ and Peasants Mutual Aid Alliance were holding an emergency meeting on the second floor of a small restaurant in Duolin Town, District 3, to study the Port of Pandora. There was a major riot in the demonstration.

The Alliance itself knows very well that they are engaged in demonstrations and have never thought of launching a large-scale riot from the beginning, and confronting the military and police.Lessons from history warn them that blindly resorting to violence will only be counterproductive and destroy the good image they have finally established in the minds of the people at the bottom.

From the mouths of the alliance members present at the time, it was learned that some strange faces were the first to make trouble. It was obvious that a third party was deliberately making trouble.

However, things have happened after all. The riots not only caused a large number of demonstrators and the military and police who maintained order at the scene, but also caused great anger from the imperial government.

Some pro-alliance officials in the government have secretly relayed the news. The royal family officially ordered this afternoon to characterize the daytime riots as treason. The alliance that organized the march has become a treason organization, offering a reward for all the senior management members of the alliance. .

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