Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 480

After learning of this situation, Dragon was a little bit dumbfounded for a while. He suddenly understood why some people on the earth would regard novels as scourges, because there are really some people with abnormal brains who will write books. The fabricated content is believed to be true.

Not to mention that they are in a real world now, even if this world is really a story in an online novel, Dragon wants these lunatics to find a mirror to take a look at their own face, are you special? Do you really feel like a "protagonist"!?

Chapter 712

Human beings are a complex race. Distress is at the forefront. Some people choose to believe in hope, and for the continuation of the entire human civilization, and to give up life and death to fight, some people choose to abandon themselves, and even want to procrastinate before the end. Finish playing with others.

Faced with the abrupt increase in public security pressure, Dragon knew the truth of "repeated codes should be used in troubled times." He mobilized all the armed police forces reorganized from three second-line infantry divisions when the army was adjusted. Various localities assist local police in maintaining public order.

Most ordinary people actually believe in the government. After all, the end of the world is here. What if they don’t believe it?

Moreover, Dragon has always had a good reputation among the people. After taking office, he implemented a series of revitalization policies and did a lot of practical things for the country and the people.Just taking back the privileges of the aristocratic class is enough for the majority of the people at the bottom to applaud him.

As for the government, since the news has been made public, Dragon has started the wartime system, striving to mobilize civil forces to the greatest extent possible, calling on all citizens to join hands to fight against natural disasters.A large number of professional construction teams were invested in the construction of the shelter, and the government subsequently recruited more than 500,000 people to build roads frantically.

Since most underground refuges directly use the underground palaces left by the Taranchi Zergs, and most of these underground palaces are in the undeveloped eastern inland areas, in order to improve the efficiency of the transportation of personnel and materials, a complete set of supporting facilities must be built on the ground. Road network.

Tens of thousands of people actively participate in these infrastructure projects. In addition to their simple patriotism, the main reason is actually the official promise to give priority to the eligibility of shelters for project participants. The salary is simple and clear, and it is not given at all. You rectify those imaginary ones!

Regardless of the fact that the official media has been emphasizing to the people that the government has the ability to build enough shelters for the people of the whole country before the arrival of natural disasters, many people think that the government subconsciously thinks that the Eastern Empire has more than 27 million citizens. It's bragging, this is an impossible big project.

But in fact, according to the calculations of official think tanks, with their currently mobilized engineering forces across the country, they really have the ability to build all 280 shelters in the eastern inland before the end of November, and they have each other. The tunnel is connected.

The reason why the efficiency is so amazing is mainly due to the help of the Zerg. In addition to the existing ruins of the underground palace, Klin Du also proactively loaned all the movable ground boats to the Eastern Empire government.

This thing can be called a super shield machine, in the tunneling mode, it can dig a tunnel with a diameter of about 15 meters at a speed of 28 kilometers per hour.No matter the soil or the rock, there is no difference between it and tofu.

But if you want to build a qualified shelter that can accommodate 100,000 people, you can't just dig out a bare hole.They also need to use land and boats for repeated digging to widen a large space at a depth of 300 to 500 meters underground, and then the engineering team will use reinforced concrete to reinforce and transform the space, making it a building that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. "Dungeons" in life for a long time.

However, if you plan for the worst possible scenario, such as the complete failure of the Skynet project, the creator hits the planet at full speed, causing the entire planet's surface ecosystem to be completely destroyed, then the people hiding underground will even escape the impact. The first wave of direct damage was unable to return to the ground in a short period of time, and the pre-hoarded materials alone might not last long.

If the situation has reached this point, citizens who have moved underground will have to start the follow-up "Refuge 2.0 Project" in order to survive.The purpose of this plan is to further upgrade the underground shelter in order to extend its self-sustainability as much as possible.

Of all the refuges, the most complete and self-sustaining are naturally the two Zerg shelters located 5 kilometers deep underground. The internal space of each can accommodate 350,000 people, and the interior is self-contained. The small ecology can operate independently for a hundred years even in complete isolation from the outside world.

However, the time and material resources required to construct such a high-level refuge are extremely exaggerated, and the original scraps, which can be called "magic nuclear fuel", are needed to ensure energy stability, otherwise it will not be able to maintain an independent operation of the ecosystem. At present, human beings do not have this condition at all.

In this case, the existence of the two Zerg refuges became the top secret of the Eastern Empire and could not be disclosed to the public in any case.

It’s easy to let the people of your own country know. It’s great to cause dissatisfaction among the people. But if you let other countries know that your Eastern Empire has two such powerful refuges, but you refuse to share it with other allies, for fear that the Salvation Alliance will collapse in minutes. Maybe you have to fight for this.

Regarding the quotas for the two high-level refuges, Dragon has set up a special selection department to strictly screen all citizens. Only true industry elites, academic masters, and healthy young men and women with no genetic history can be allowed. Eligible to be selected to ensure that even if the humans in the other 280 refuges are completely destroyed, the last few hundred thousand people alone can properly continue the human civilization of this world.

It is worth mentioning that although Dragoon used the privilege to send most of his wife and children into the high-level refuge, he himself will go to the southern hemisphere together with Enfia and Tafe when the natural disaster arrives. The headquarters is responsible for the command and dispatch of the entire Skynet operation.

The forward headquarters is located on a large island on the edge of the predicted impact zone.In theory, as long as the plan is successful, Dragon on the island can live. If it is not successful, he will go to Huangquan with the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who participated in the operation!

Many people persuaded Dragon that with his current status and status, he could not take the risk. The frontline command was changed to someone else, and there should be no problem.

But Dragon felt that this was his responsibility and obligation as a soldier and a commander. After all, he proposed this plan. The reason why these hundreds of thousands of people were willing to die generously was because they wanted Protect the family behind you, not those powerful and powerful.

So Dragon must go to let the soldiers know that they did not believe in the wrong person, and if he is there, the military spirit and morale can also be guaranteed, which invisibly increased the success rate of the entire plan.

Chapter 713

survive!It is the first need for a country, a nation, and a civilization to continue.The same is true for ordinary people as small as individuals. As long as there is still a glimmer of hope for survival, not many people will actively seek death.

As the news continues to spread all over the world, those non-mainstream small and medium-sized countries have also started to take action with the idea of ​​"I would rather be trusted to have something, but not be trusted to have nothing.They may not be able to build high-tech products such as airplanes, but digging holes is not too difficult.

In mid-May, the first batch of fifty Golden Eagle bombers were officially delivered to the Air Force. This large aircraft equipped with six aero engines is the highest crystallization of Eastern Empire aviation technology. It briefly reached a flying altitude of 26,000 meters.

In order to ensure that these aircraft can have a faster special speed during the implementation of the Skynet program, Dr. Dornier’s research team also wondered whether a disposable rocket engine could be plugged into the rear of the aircraft to achieve “short The role of distance limit acceleration.

At the beginning of the year, the Eastern Empire had three aircraft manufacturing plants with a total of 17 assembly lines.Because the demand for local defense is limited and the Air Force has enough aircraft on hand, the production capacity of these aircraft manufacturers is not high, and most of them are producing first-generation civilian aircraft.

However, with the launch of the wartime system by Dragon, the three major aircraft manufacturers received government orders to immediately expand the production capacity of their factories, increasing their production lines from 17 to 60, with full power production of heavy bombers required by the military.

The government has also established a special aircraft production committee to vigorously promote "standardized production", and transfer the production of parts and components with low technical content in aircraft manufacturing to private small and medium-sized factories for production.These factories that receive orders will be sent by the committee to these private factories for technical guidance, and finally unified inspection and acceptance, and the qualified products will be transferred to the factory for final assembly.

Relying on this system, the production efficiency of bombers has been greatly improved. Experimental production just started in May. The three major aircraft manufacturers added one, and only barely saved 50 aircraft in one month. As a result, the production capacity in June was directly increased by three And as the proficiency of workers on the new production line continues to increase, this production capacity can be further improved.

According to the committee’s conservative estimate, by the end of November, domestic factories will be able to provide the military with more than 2,000 bombers, while other Allied countries that have obtained production drawings can also produce about 3,000 to 4,000. Enough for them to implement the Skynet plan.

The problem of the aircraft is solved, and the other problem is fuel.

As we all know, oil has not yet existed in this world, and the only source of oil is an oil tree native to the Eleven Islands.After obtaining this magical magic plant, the empire introduced it to the colony of the New World. Now more than six years have passed and there has been a large forest.

But unlike oil, although oil trees are a renewable resource and the growth rate of trees is not low, the yield is really worrying.

A sapling needs to grow for three years before it can be harvested, and the yield of a single tree is extremely limited.On the premise of not damaging the health of the tree, a seven-eight-meter-high mature tree can only extract about three to four hundred milliliters of sap per day.Another way to extract oil is to cut trees and squeeze juice directly. A tree can squeeze out several thousand liters, but after the tree is squeezed, only the residue is left.

At present, the total number of oil trees in the entire plantation of the Eastern Empire has exceeded 800,000, of which about a quarter of the mature trees can be harvested, and the daily output of harvesting is around 80,000 liters.With this method alone, the output of the oil tree plantation is really not high, and it can barely maintain the air force's daily training.

Fortunately, there are a group of maidens from Dragon Palace Island on the plantation. Their main daily work is to go to great lengths to improve the efficiency of juicing.

They got inspiration from boiled broth and proposed a very magical "boiled oil refining method". They dug up the whole adult oil trees over five years old and sent them to a special soaking tank to soak them in clean water for a month. Then pull out the soaked trees and chop them into sawdust, then put them back in the original pond and "simmer" slowly over a low fire for two weeks, until no big trees are visible in the entire pond, and all are sticky porridge. , And finally filter out the remaining residue, and the remaining liquid will be usable fuel after several rounds of purification.

Refining oil in this way can maximize the conversion of the entire oil tree, and the residue rate is reduced from 60% of conventional extraction to 3% in one fell swoop. Coupled with the water added in the soaking stage, three trees can produce nearly ten trees in one pond. Ten thousand liters of fuel.

The only problem is that the temperature must be properly controlled during the cooking stage and be careful with open flames.If such a large pool of combustibles is lit, the effect of the explosion is much more powerful than throwing firecrackers into a septic tank!

At present, the Eastern Empire is still the only oil-producing country in the world. Although other countries have stolen a lot of saplings and seeds through various means, it is still too early to form a scale, so they can only stare at them with eyesight.

In order to provide enough aviation fuel for the entire Skynet project, the plantation plans to use oil refining methods to refine over 70% of the park’s ripening.Anyway, the end of the world can't survive, and the plantation is useless to keep eggs!

During this period, Dragon went out early and returned late every day, always having piles of documents waiting for him to review.The heavy work makes him exhausted every day. He often comes home from get off work at night. Before he gets to the door of the house, he sleeps in the car unconsciously and is carried back to the bedroom by Tafi.

Seeing their men so tired, the women of the old Li family felt distressed, and at the same time they were secretly anxious.

You must know that Dragon is determined to go to the front line to take charge of command. If the Tianyan network project eventually fails, this will be no return.As Dragon’s wife, Alicia and the others had a lot of reluctance in their hearts, but in the end they chose to support their husband’s decision.

However, in order to prepare for the worst case scenario, Enfia suggested to others with Dragoon on his back that the few people in the family who had not given birth to Dragon should hurry up and find him to inject eggs, but they have already given birth. , In addition to Enfia going to the front line together, it is best to arrange the second child.

But the plan was like this, but he couldn't bear it. Dragoon was tired every day when he went home, like a dead dog, there was no conditions for implementation.

Fortunately, Tafe has always been with Dragon. She told the sisters that the government’s current busyness is not endless. Once the official strategic deployment is fully deployed and it is fully operational, the workload of the high-level will also be It will reduce a lot with it, and it will get better in July and August.

Ever since, the country is making intensive preparations, and so are the ladies of the old Li family.Although Dragon was vaguely aware that they seemed to be hiding something from themselves, they didn't care too much, because Dragon believed his wives, they would never harm themselves!

Chapter 714

On the dinner table at the old Li's house, Dragon looked at the bowl of steaming pork kidney soup in front of him without a word.Fu Mi was smiling like a flower, and put a dish of fragrant charcoal-roasted lamb eggs to him.Your wife is suggesting something, Dragon who came by will naturally understand it.

One thing to say is that Fumi’s current craftsmanship is very good. At the beginning, she learned to cook from Dragon. Now she is green and blue. The pork kidney soup she made by herself is indeed very delicious, but she can’t resist drinking it. Little half a month, this made Dragon suspect that she wanted to make a big wave!

Fortunately, the work at hand has temporarily come to an end, and then finally I can rest for a while, and Dragon finally has time to accompany his wife and children.

Since there were children eating together on the table, Dragon did not dare to ask Fumi, but silently drank the soup in his bowl.During the period, Irene became interested in the charcoal grilled lamb eggs that her father "exclusively" enjoyed. If it smells fragrant, she would like to have a taste of it. It is not for the dragon to give it or not. , The wives all looked at him with embarrassed smiles, and finally Yunlong came out to make a relief and dragged his daughter to his side.

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