Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 57

When the food was wiped out like a windstorm, Dragon drove Huck and others away, and then offered to talk to Rurano about some "official business".

De Argonne could see that the other party suddenly came to find himself, nine out of ten, he wanted to "talk privately."It just so happened that he also had this intention, and simply pushed the boat forward.

Seeing that there was no one else on the left or right, Lannuo finally spoke slowly.However, he did not clearly admit the counsel, but rather euphemistically said that after careful consideration, he believed that since everyone is a brother in the same camp, he should uphold the idea of ​​"the great cause of the empire and solidarity".

It's better to give in, it's good for everyone.

As Lanno said, he took a small shiny object from his pocket and approached it.Dragon took a closer look, and it turned out to be an exquisite sapphire brooch, and he knew that it was very valuable.

This situation and circumstances can't help but make Dragon feel full of emotion, because he used to give gifts to others, but he didn't expect that someone finally gave him a confession.

With a smile, Dragon picked up the brooch from the table, played with it for a while, and then handed it back as it was.When Lanno saw this, his face suddenly changed very badly.

"Don't get me wrong, Captain Stein, I am not rejecting your kindness. It is my honor to be able to work with a predecessor who has experienced many battles with you. But I am a soldier. Please respect me."


"Don't look at me like that, I guess many of you think I am the eldest young master?"

Lannuo didn't speak, but basically acquiesced.Dragon shrugged with a wry smile, and said helplessly.

"Okay, okay! I know that I am naturally handsome and good-natured, which is easy to cause misunderstandings, but I have to clarify that I, just an ordinary civilian, may not be as good as Captain you in terms of your origin!"


"It's true, I can swear."

"Then, then why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Is it useful? Maybe it will make people think that you are trying to cover up and cause more misunderstandings. Natural beauty is hard to give up, I am used to it."


Although he wanted to make complaints, in order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment, Lanno finally ignored the slots that Dragon deliberately threw him.

The two immediately chatted about some topics about tanks and armored units. The probing between experts often did not require too much in-depth communication. In a few words, the level of each other can be confirmed through the eyes of keywords.

Lanno nodded secretly. Dragoon's theoretical foundation is quite solid. From the use and maintenance of tanks to tactical applications, he can say that his head is clear and methodical, and he has good personal opinions. Obviously he has had enough before. practice.

This made Lannuo breathe a sigh of relief again. He was not afraid of the troops being commanded by the noble children, he was afraid that the troops would be blindly commanded by a noble boy who didn't understand.

At least in terms of professionalism, Dragon has already received recognition from him.

As some misunderstandings caused by untimely communication were resolved, Lanno unknowingly changed a lot of Dragon.

The more they talked, the more speculative, Dragon exchanged their own experiences with Lanno.

He told Lanno about his several more well-known combat experiences, especially the street fighting in Meili Town and the surprise attack of the Seventh Division. These two battles were one defensive and one attack, and Dragoon was flexible with tanks. Responding to the appreciation of Delano.

We must know that the empire's application of tank tactics has always been crude. The high-level generals especially praised the "steel torrent", thinking that as long as a sufficient number is concentrated, the remaining operations can go up with a wave of A.

But this kind of simple and rude tactics is often accompanied by huge consumption and sacrifice.

So when Lanno discovered that Dragoon was not only a cheating pig teammate, but also a powerful man with a brain full of operations, the gloom in his heart was swept away, and even rekindled hope for the future.

Lannuo is 38 years old this year, and his age has seen that he will "hike +1" in another three months, but this relegation has almost ruined his career in the army.

Because according to the Imperial Military Regulations, all soldiers who are 45 years of age and below the rank of major must be forced to retire and be transferred to the second-line reserve.If the body has some disability, the age will be further reduced to 40 years old.

Originally Lanno met the conditions, but after being demoted to Captain, a great crisis was suddenly imminent!

In a battle in the early years, Lannuo was unfortunately injured in his left leg, leaving the old injury to his leg and foot.

In other words, if Lanno did not get enough promotion in the imperial counterattack in the near future, his military career would basically be over.

This made Lannuo, who once determined to join the army and aimed at generals, felt an unprecedented crisis.

But now the situation has taken a turn for the better. He talked with Dragon, which not only resolved all the misunderstandings and unhappiness before, but the two orangutans who were attracted to each other even felt a little bit late to meet each other.

Lannuo believes that as long as they can abandon their previous suspicions and work together, they will definitely be able to do something big!So the remaining question now is how to persuade my old subordinates.

In this regard, Dragon suggested that it is better to have a simulated team battle, and he will lead a company with more recruits to fight well with Lanno's second company.

After hearing this, Lanno nodded, then hesitated a little, and tentatively asked Dragon.

"You mean... let me cooperate?"

"No! I want you to show your strength and fight me seriously. Whether you win or lose, I will let you be the substantive deputy commander of this battalion."

"Why? This is a good opportunity for Liwei."

"Because I am also a soldier, would you be willing to accept charity from others?"

Lanno was taken aback when he heard this, and then couldn't help laughing.

That night, Lanno went back and said nothing to the old men. The next day, Dragon officially announced the simulation warfare after the morning exercise training.

Lannuo's old men thought it was Dragon who was writing to them, and they were gearing up one by one, wanting to give a bad breath for Big Brother Lannuo.

The supporters on Dragon also thought that the two of them broke up last night, so they have to see the truth and rely on strength to determine the leadership status.

The date of the simulated battle is set in two weeks. After all, it will take a period of time for Dragoon to integrate his new troops, and by the way, give the rookies who have added a period of running-in.

The two groups of people glared at each other, but their respective leading brothers silently glanced at each other and smiled!

Chapter 67

After the morning meeting, Dragon returned to the battalion office building, and all the officers belonging to him followed.Everyone didn't ask why the simulated battle was being played, so they just stepped into the topic, how to fight this simulated battle?

At the same time, on the other side, the tank soldiers who belonged to Lannuo gathered around him, and a voter regarded the garage of the Second Company as their "base camp."

As far as the average strength of both sides is concerned, Lanno's advantage is obvious. More than half of them are veterans of more than five years, and they have all been on the real battlefield.

On the other hand, the ten teams in Dragon, although there are some veterans of the same level, half of the teams have been reorganized, and the running-in between the members is not enough.Therefore, even if everyone uses the exact same tank, the combat power is not on the same level at all.

Lannuo naturally understands the gap in this regard, so he is better at what way Dragoon will make up for these deficiencies, after all, he seems to be confident.

The rules of the simulated warfare were formulated by Dragoon, and each of the participating parties sent a company, and the battle area was set at the military training field east of the camp.Although this area of ​​about 20 square kilometers is not large, it covers most of the common terrain, so it was selected by the military as a training ground.

The simulated battle starts in the early morning, and both sides can choose the attack time and route to the training field at will.

With reference to a certain animation in his previous life, Dragon created a "flag car" setting. Both parties must select a tank as the flag car and hang a conspicuous small flag on the car.The condition for victory in the simulated battle is to "destroy" this flag car.

Therefore, Lanno judged that Dragoon should choose to maximize its strengths and avoid its weaknesses, specifically to adopt the most direct and effective "beheading tactics" for this flag car.This is the only way they can beat their own veteran team!

Thinking of this, Lan Nuo smiled slightly.

In this way, the two groups of new and veteran soldiers launched their own preparations and training with the goal of winning the simulation battle.The two sides set up a playground to divide the camp area into two.Before the hot war started, the atmosphere of the cold war had already formed.

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