Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 77

At this time, Xia Li had fallen into a semi-conscious state, her body as soft as boneless, unable to exert her strength at all.

Dragon scratched his head awkwardly, and saw that all the children looked at Xia Li with concern, and at the same time cast a glance at himself for help, he knew he could only do it.

"All boys, turn your face away!"

Frowning and waving his hand, what Dragon will do to Xia Li next is too exciting for them who are still ignorant, and the child can't control it at all.

He first flattened Xia Li and wrung out the jacket he had taken off and folded it under her head. Then with excitement, he began to undress the girl.

Xia Li’s clothes were quickly taken off by him until only underwear was left. Even though Dragon knew that he was saving people right now, he should not have any evil thoughts in his heart, but he saw the girl’s white and plump body like suet. In front of him, when there was no resistance at all, he couldn't help his heartbeat speeding up and he subconsciously spit.

"Calm, calm! Dragon, you are an honest gentleman, or a man with a wife... Damn! It seems that it is not illegal to marry a few more..."

Dragoon, with his mouth broken, picked up his vest, and began to help Xia Li wipe her body carefully from head to toe.For him, this process is both painful and enjoyable.

He felt like he was kneading dough, and he could clearly feel the softness with his hands across the rag.Although Xia Li's consciousness is no longer awake, probably when Dragoon touches certain sensitive parts, he will still make some faint groans that make people think.

Damn it!This job is so exciting!

The whole process of Dragon took about eight minutes. It didn't take long to wipe the body, but because of some inconvenience, it was slightly delayed.

But just rubbing her body won't make Xia Li's body temperature rise.At this time, Dragon noticed that the children on the side had wisely chosen to hug together for warmth, and he was immediately "inspired"...

I don't know how long it took, Xia Li gradually woke up from that hazy state.

Xia Li knew very well that as a demon warrior, she was actually a defective product.She does not have the super endurance of a genuine demon warrior, and every time she engages in a fierce battle, her heart and lungs will be as uncomfortable as fire.

Fortunately, Xia Li's resilience is not weak, after a night of dormancy, she has generally returned to normal.

However, when she opened her eyes, the first view that caught her eye was Dragoon's familiar face close at hand, and she was snuggling in his arms.

It's not that Xia Li has never seen a shirtless man, but she has never been like this, close to a man who is almost full of fruit, and her face is still against the other's chest muscles.

Xia Li, who only remembered the part where she rescued the child, did not remember what happened afterwards, which put her in such an ambiguous state with Dragon now.

But when she looked down and found that a mountain on her chest had fallen into the enemy's hands, this dazedness and panic was quickly replaced by anger.

The sleeping children could only hear a scream in the dim, and then when they opened their eyes, they saw Dragon flying over their heads in an exaggerated posture, and then slapped them heavily on the water.

Chapter 92

In the children's playful eyes, Dragon climbed up from the water embarrassedly.Xia Li clutched her chest with embarrassment and stared at him with gnashing teeth.

Dragon felt very depressed about this. He was kind enough to save others. You don't need to say "thank you". How can you treat your lifesaver like this?

Besides, he didn't mean it, Dragon could swear by his personality, at least before he fell asleep, his hands were very regular.It's just that after falling asleep, the body was driven by the male instinct to change to a more comfortable gesture.

Xia Li seemed to know that her reaction was a little overwhelming, but when she thought of her body like a jade for nineteen years and let Dragoon hugged her as a pillow all night, she was still out of breath.

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became a bit awkward, but fortunately, it was already bright at this time, bright light began to come through the gap, and the water level in the cave dropped to an acceptable depth.

Everyone put on semi-dry clothes and prepared to leave the cave.Except for the two youngest children, which were carried by Dragon and Xia Li, the other older children held hands, followed the two adults, and walked along the water.

Since everyone was heading down the river, they didn't go far when they came across some rebel corpses half-floating in the water.Dragun hurriedly reminded the children behind him to lower their heads and not to look to the sides, but some people couldn't help but curiosity, and they saw a horrible scene that would leave them a psychological shadow.

Two adults who are used to seeing death are better, but the children following them are not so bold.Especially these corpses are familiar faces that the children know. When they see their hideous death, they can't help but think of the nightmare they experienced last night.

So the group walked along, and Dragon heard a child behind him starting to weep, and then the sadness spread quickly, and soon they all cried.

At the thought of these children losing their parents overnight, and the same parents' early deaths, Xia Li, who has been dependent on her brother Ellio for life, couldn't help but feel the same, and her heart panicked.

Just when she didn't know how to comfort these children who were immersed in grief, Dragoon who was walking behind her suddenly sang an imposing military song loudly. The crying children were suddenly caught by him. His loud voice was startled.

The military anthem sung by Dragon is "Song of Soldiers", which is popular in the army. The lyrics are rough and bold, and the tune is passionate and infectious.Many front-line officers like to take the lead to sing this before organizing an assault, in order to boost morale and arouse soldiers' fighting spirit.

Originally, he wanted to sing a more emotional "Imperial Army's Most Powerful", but when he thought of singing this in front of a group of rebels, it was obviously mocking, so he changed it to the present song that simply emphasizes the spirit of courage.

It is worth mentioning that these two songs are from the hands of the university scholar Stallone, obviously copied from another world song, only slightly adjusted in the lyrics.

To be fair, Dragon's singing is not very good, even a little out of tune, but his high-spirited aura has invisibly encouraged the children and also allowed them to find a way to vent their inner emotions.

So the children sang along with Dragon one after another, even Xia Li was no exception, everyone wept bitterly, while roaring at this cold world!

The group sang as they walked, and soon came to a bare stone wall.Xia Li took out a crowbar brought out of the village, and then inserted it into a round hole on the ground to pull it hard, and the stone wall moved slowly away, revealing a spiral staircase spiraling upward.

Just in case, Dragon and Xia Li asked for a pistol, and then went up alone to investigate.After confirming that there were no enemies around, Xia Li brought the children up.

When a group of people went up to the surface to see the sky again, the children couldn't help feeling a sense of loss as if they had been in a lifetime.Most of them have been living in caves since they can remember. This is the first time they have seen the outside world.

Xia Li was making trouble for the road ahead. This time the rebel camp was destroyed, and most of the key members died. Even her brother Ellio was still alive and dead.She can take these children to other strongholds, but she doesn't know how to convey the sad news to her comrades in other strongholds.

In addition, Dragon’s problem is not easy to deal with. Although this man is a prisoner they captured, everyone is in a tribulation after all.It is not difficult to see that he is a good person from the care he has taken to the children along the way.

So Xia Li wanted to let Dragon go, but there was a subtle hint of inexplicability in her heart.

However, just when she was hesitating whether to speak, Dragon sent her an invitation first.

"Xia Li, why don't you take the children back to the city with me! There is no way out when rebelling against the party. These children have lost everything. There is no need to make them the victims of a new batch and repeat the same tragedy. I It can help you change your identities, start a new life, a normal life in a different place!"

Dragon’s words are very sincere. As a professional soldier, it is his duty to fight the enemy courageously. However, no matter when and where, he will not slap butcher knives at children and innocent people, even if he often points a gun at him. Human head.

Under his persuasion, Xia Li couldn't help but hesitate.

However, without waiting for her to answer Dragon, a familiar man's voice suddenly appeared from the side.

"Major Li, you don't need to worry about my sister's life. In addition, we are not a traitor to the party, but a revolutionary army destined to overthrow the empire!"

In the exclamation of the children, Elliot led a group of rebels out of the woods.

Xia Li was naturally full of surprises when she saw that her brother was safe, but Dragon looked at him thoughtfully.

Ellio came to Dragon in a victorious posture.Seeing that there were rebels on the left and right, Dragon surrounded himself in groups, and had to let Elliot take his pistol again.

"Honestly, Major, I have to thank you for protecting these children and my sister."

"No thanks, I have already received a very satisfactory payment."

As Dragon said, he glanced at Xia Li next to him slightly.Xia Li suddenly remembered the embarrassment that she was being seen, and gave him an angry look back.

Elliot noticed this subtle interaction between the two, and his brows couldn't help but jump.

Damn it!Didn't he watch it all night, his sister let this bastard succeed?

Although he felt unhappy, Elliot still ignored Xia Li's dissuasion and insisted on letting people handcuff Dragon, on the grounds that the raid last night might have something to do with him.

Looking at the handcuffs, Dragon chose to remain silent. At this moment, he recalled the conversation between Thomas and the leader in black before his death, vaguely aware of the existence of greater conspiracy behind all this.

Chapter 93

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