Macho Wars

Heroine Wars Chapter 79

Seeing that Ellio was not angry but smiled, a look of interest appeared on his face. Dragoon knew that he was almost halfway through, so he continued.

"You want to get me into the gang, then we might as well be honest. I'll help you for three years, training a group of soldiers in the true sense, you help me smuggle to Wieland, plus a sum of pension money enough for the rest of my life. This is my condition. Don't tell me that you have robbed the rich for so many years, and the money you have earned has really been used to help the poor."

"Major Li, I originally thought you were a more ideal and righteous person."

"Ideal? That thing is worth a lot of money! Of course I have a sense of justice. My mother has taught me since I was a child that I have to accumulate more virtues so that I can be rewarded in the future. But Lao Tzu's sense of justice is also limited, I don't In order to help others, take my own life into it."

"So you changed your mind now?"

"Can you not change it? The third eye you just mentioned should be the secret police in the rumor? In case I have been on their blacklist, even if I can escape from you alive and fall into their hands I’m afraid it’s not necessary to take off a few layers of skin. I’d better run away early. I have planned the route. I will go to the colony of Wirante first, and then take a boat to my mother’s home country, Dongqin. It’s colder in winter, and it’s a good life.

"Okay! I can agree to your terms, but the employment time of three years is too short, and it takes five years. How many qualified soldiers can you train for me, I will give you as many Kindur as you like. ?"


The two immediately signed a formal "written contract." Dragoon and Elliot, as Party A and Party B, signed and drawn on it respectively.

This employment contract seemed to have no substantive effect, but Dragon knew that it was equivalent to giving Elliot a handle on his own initiative.The empire will not trust a soldier who can turn aside, even if he is forced to do nothing.

After signing the "Deed of Sale", Elliot immediately put the contract away, and then asked someone to open Dragon's handcuffs.

Dragon moved his wrist, Elliot kindly came up and patted him on the shoulder, smiling and announcing to the other rebel army members that Dragon would be their like-minded brother from today.

After listening, everyone gave a warm applause, but almost no one had a smile on their faces.

Dragon also knew in his heart that it was impossible for a newcomer to gain trust immediately.

Elliot told Dragon that in the next period of time, the rebels will temporarily enter a dormant state, and they should avoid the limelight first in order to recharge their energy.

In addition, he also wanted to see if Dragoon’s training skills were really better than Thomas, and hoped that he could first give simple training to these brothers in the cave.

So the next day, Ellio gathered most of the brothers who didn't need to be on guard and gathered them all together.

These people had all received Thomas' training before, and most of them had "practical combat experience", and they were considered more combat-effective veterans in the rebel army.

However, just seeing their standing posture, Dragun couldn't help but start shaking his head.Thomas, who was already cold, seemed to have only taught these people how to shoot, and all other training was omitted.

At this level, simple and quick-formed soldiers are nothing more than a group of armed mobs.

"No way! If you guys want to be useful, they have to go back to the furnace completely."

"Is it so bad? We have fought against the Imperial Army several times, and we have won several times."

"You are the most basic guerrilla warfare. You just use cold guns while people are not prepared. It's a bit awkward. It's something you can do with a monkey training. Do you want to kill the 100,000 soldiers and police in the colony by just shooting cold guns? ?"

As Dragon spoke, he walked up to a member of the rebel army and asked to see his weapon.

The opponent was unmoved at first, until Ellio, who was next to him, nodded secretly, and reluctantly handed over his rifle to Dragon.

Dragon took the gun, pulled the bolt open with a skillful and smooth movement, and buckled it into the barrel with his fingers, only to see a dark black patch on the fingertips, rubbing it twice, in the slimy black dust There are also some granular debris.

God knows how long this gun has not been wiped!

"Don't you usually maintain weapons?"

"It's okay to fight! We don't have as many stinky problems as the Imperial Army."

Regarding Dragon’s questioning, the rebel fighters in front of him didn't care, and even felt that Dragon was making a fuss and wanted to play the commander's prestige in front of them.

Upon seeing this, Dragun didn't say much, but asked Elliot for some rags and gun oil, and then another rifle to demonstrate the maintenance of the gun.

Don't look at Dragon from the Armored Academy, but during the school, he received the most formal infantry training like his classmates, and Dragon ranked in the top ten in all his achievements.

During the garrison in Suger Town, he personally wrote the training outline for the infantry platoon. If he hadn't been able to repair tanks, the understaffed maintenance squad would need him to help rescue the Big Squirrel who had been in the nest for half a year, and the infantry platoon training would not Leave it to Tafi to manage.

In the presence of all the members of the rebel army, Dragun disassembled the guns into parts step by step, and at the same time introduced them to the names and functions of these parts, and then picked up the tools to start wiping and maintenance one by one.

After he cleaned up, these dirty parts quickly got a new look. Dragon reassembled the parts, and then gave them to the rebel army members together with another unmaintained gun. .

Everyone soon discovered that the rifle that had been maintained had a significantly better feel than the other one, and that the push and pull of the bolt was extremely smooth, and there was almost no lag.

Seeing that everyone had seen the difference between the two guns and nodded frequently, Dragon said timely.

"I don’t know if you’ve heard this sentence. The gun is the second life of the soldier and is your brother. If you can’t even take care of your little brother, don’t blame it for losing the chain at a critical moment. !"

Chapter 95 The Dog of the Rebel Army

Under Dragoon's actual demonstration, the members of the rebels realized the importance of maintaining weapons for the first time, and Ellio, who was watching, also nodded.

Regardless of whether Dragon is reliable or not, at least the things he teaches are very practical, and he doesn't know where he is higher than Thomas, who can only kick people in the ass.

After successfully making a good start and taking the line of combining theory and practice, Dragun immediately began to instill the concept of "army" in these rebel army members, letting them understand the difference between soldiers and militants.

First, and most importantly, soldiers regard obedience to orders as their bounden duty, and they pay attention to orders and prohibitions.

An unorganized and undisciplined mob team, even if it has a ten-fold numerical advantage, can hardly defeat a well-trained professional army. This is the gap between the military and the civilian population.

Thomas, who was an ordinary big soldier, didn't understand this, so he felt that military regulations such as queues and internal affairs were useless things. They were "ghost ideas" that officers came up with to toss soldiers.

Therefore, when he was training soldiers, he wisely cancelled all these contents, and everything started from "actual combat." After only teaching these people how to use guns, other things would be saved.

As for why I didn't even teach how to wipe the gun.It is purely because this guy is always committing crimes in the army, and the squad leader punished him to wipe the guns for his brothers whenever he committed the crime, which caused him to have a strong psychological aversion to the guns, and it was annoying when he heard it.

After more than two hours of elementary teaching, more than 20 members of the rebel army who have been trained feel that they have benefited a lot, and they have also changed a lot for Dragon.

This little white face does have two brushes, speaks very well, speaks plainly and easily, and occasionally pops up a few professional terms such as tactics and tactics. It sounds peculiarly compelling.

So even after these guys even went to the toilet, they had to call tactics to urinate, and tactics to dispense.

After the teaching, Elliot immediately expressed his gratitude to Dragon, and half-jokingly said that if Dragon figured out in the future, he is welcome to renew the contract at any time.

Dragon just smiled at this, noncommittal.

After the class, Dragon returned to his residence to rest. The small table in the room had already prepared steaming meals, cut bread and a large pot of stew.

Ellio arranged a private room for him, and the food was good wine and meat, and the treatment was better than that of other members of the rebel army.But Dragon did not start immediately, but went out with the plate.

He went straight to the place where the children lived, benefiting from the feelings cultivated by the life-saving grace, these children now completely regard Dragon as good friends.Children are sincere in nature, at least not as dirty as adults.

Dragon divided the fragrant stew, one tablespoon per person, evenly among the children, while eating slices of bread with the soup.He was eating, looking around.

"Why didn't you see your sister Xia Li?"

Hearing Dragoon mentioned Xia Li, a few older children suddenly showed a smirk.

Although these little guys have a simple mind, it doesn't mean they know little.

At this time Dragon heard the sound of footsteps behind him, turned his head and saw Xia Li standing at the door holding a large basket of bread, looking at herself with complex expressions.

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