Macho Wars

Heroine Wars Chapter 82

"Is there anything to do with me?"

"It's nothing, just come here to bring some food. By the way, let me tell you that our food storage may be insufficient."

"Insufficient? The food stored here should be enough for three hundred people to eat for a month. How can it be insufficient?"

"It was really enough, but when Roland inspected the warehouse today, they found that rats were in the innermost rooms, and they had almost harmed our food."

"So how much is left?"

"About half a room, if we people save some food, it should last for four or five days."

"Okay! I will think of a way for the food issue. Thanks for your hard work."

He waved his hand to let Xia Li leave. As soon as the opponent came out of the house, Elliot slammed the wall with his fist to vent the negative emotions in his heart.

He knew better than anyone else in the rebel army, who the opponent he was going to face this time, and what he really wanted.

In terms of strength, his rebel army is definitely not the opponent of those guys. At present, the only "hole card" he can rely on in his hand is probably that thing...

Chapter 98

At this time, Dragun did not know what was happening outside. He was playing the role of an instructor, conducting the most basic formation training for members of the rebel army.

The trainees were puzzled at first, thinking that Dragon was teasing them, not teaching things to fight, but teaching how to walk.

Dragon knew in his heart that talking to these guys about discipline, they might not understand it for a while.So I changed a perspective and talked to them about endurance.

We must know that the essence of war is killing, and the process is full of boring and boring. It is by no means as passionate as depicted in film and television dramas.In many cases, in order to inflict heavy damage on the enemy by surprise, soldiers must be lurking for a long time in some bad environment.

At this time, endurance is very important.

Compared with putting on a camouflage net and lying down in a sewage pit full of flies to ambush, standing in a military posture and kicking forward is obviously easier and cleaner.

So in training, the concept of obedience began to be subtly accepted by the trainees.Just three days of training in a queue has greatly improved the mental outlook of these members of the rebel army who used to be sloppy.

However, Dragon understands that this significant growth in the short term is largely due to the low level of these rebel members in the past.

This situation is the same as the university military training on the other side of the earth. A group of high school students who have just graduated for two months can significantly improve their mental outlook by training instructors who have just graduated for two months. Real soldiers, that is purely dreaming.

If these people are pulled out now and confronted with an equal number of regular troops, it is estimated that the result will not be much stronger than the average armed mob.

After the training, Dragon let the queue disband, and then turned to find the children to play with.

When all the big men behind saw this, they all thought that the drunkard’s intention was not to drink. They went to find the children to get close to their "revolutionary flower", but in fact, no one of them would have thought of it. , Dragon actually went for a dog.

A few days ago, a naive little dog broke into the secret stronghold of the rebel army by mistake. The adults guessed that this little guy should have ran in through the air duct. Seeing that the children liked it, he stayed.But the appearance of this puppy made Dragon notice something.

The puppies are obviously small dogs, and they are very close to people. They are obviously not wild animals on the New World side. They should be pet dogs brought by colonists.

This means that there should be human activities on the surface near the secret stronghold, not too far from the town.

And the dog showed great "enthusiasm" for Dragon as soon as they met, always biting his trouser leg, as if he wanted to drag Dragon somewhere.

After thinking about it a little bit, Dragon suddenly realized that this must be a dog spy sent by Fumi!

So this dog became the only hope for Dragon to get in touch with his comrades, but helpless Wang Xingren has been included by the children, and even sleeps have to take turns holding, Dragon has no chance to be alone with the dog in private.Not to mention, let the dog send a letter to the outside.

In desperation, Dragon can only play with the children every day, waiting for opportunities to steal the dog.

When Dragon came over, the children's culture class hadn't finished, and because Mickey the Beard was gone, the task of teaching fell to Xia Li.

It's a pity that Xia Li's literacy level is not high. Dragoon came over and looked at it for a while, and found that she had taught a few words incorrectly, so she could only come up to correct her.

"Wrong, wrong! Although there are four ways to write this word, you didn't even write one right. The correct one should be written like this."

Dragon stepped forward and picked up a piece of chalk, one by one, correcting what Xia Li had taught wrong.Xia Li's expression suddenly became a little unnatural, and the children took the opportunity to booze.

Xia Li glared at Dragon, shrugging, and making a face with her tongue.

At this time, the little dog named "Wang Tsai (the adults call it hot pot in private)" rushed to the podium, bit the leg of Dragon's trousers, and pulled it up.

Dragon glanced down, and said to his heart, if you are so heartless, can't you change your trouser leg to bite?

"I always feel that this guy seems to have gained a lot."

"These little ghosts have fed them all the things they don't like. Can they grow up fast?"

Xia Li glanced at the cute puppy, squatted down and hugged it, but two majestic "mountains" directly covered the dog's head, so that Dragoon, who wanted to touch the dog's head, couldn't find it for a while. The place.

At this time, the alarm clock on the desk rang suddenly, and the children who had been listless before cheered.Before Xia Li called for the end of get out of class, she broke up, and even robbed Wang Tsai who was under heavy pressure before she left.

Seeing that the dog stealing had failed again, Dragon had no choice but to retreat to see if he could steal a person.

"It seems that neither of us is as popular as dogs."

"That's you."

Xia Li gave Dragon a blank look, but didn't just walk away like she used to.She may not have noticed this slight change in attitude, but it is particularly obvious in the eyes of others.

The two of them were facing each other silently in the room that was used as the classroom. Dragon wanted to invite each other out for a walk, but then he thought, this is the underground stronghold of the rebel army, there is no place to go shopping, it is better to stay here At least it can be clean.

Dragon was wondering how to start the conversation, but Xia Li spoke up first.

"I heard from my brother that you have a very good training strategy, and the effect of your training is much better than Thomas."

"I'm a major from the regular army anyhow, and it's not difficult to bring recruits."

"Yes, the empire's army is full of professionals like you, and there are hundreds of thousands of professional soldiers, but our level is not as good as the recruits. Can a revolutionary army like this really overthrow the empire?"

Xia Li's words seemed to be talking to herself, and she seemed to be asking Dragon.The attack not long ago caused a deep shock to Xia Li.

Facing the elite troops in black, the revolutionary army is like a lamb to be slaughtered. Although she killed a few with her own power, there was only one Xia Li in the rebel army, and the imperial army did not know how many men in black there were.

When the enemy showed overwhelming strength in front of them, no matter how wonderful the prospects for the revolution that Ellio had previously advocated, Xia Li couldn't help but wonder.

Can they really succeed?

Seeing Xia Li staring at her scorchingly, Dragon groaned for a moment, and said in a serious tone.

"Do you want to hear me tell the truth?"

Chapter 99

After experiencing the attack of the Man in Black, Xia Li has felt serious lack of confidence in the future of the rebels.

Dragon had originally intended to casually say a few words, but seeing a helpless look in the other side's blankness, this made him quite touched for a while.

So he considered it for a moment and said.

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