Macho Wars

Heroine Wars Chapter 84

Under normal circumstances, the military will immediately send a telegram to remind all localities to be careful.At this time, they can let some members of the rebel army put on the uniforms of the imperial army and go to the prison disguised as reinforcements sent by the military.

As soon as the fake soldiers entered the prison, the ambushing rebels immediately began to attack and seize the opportunity to attack the prison.

Obviously!This trick of Dragon is much more clever than a simple attack, Ellio readily adopted it, and praised Dragon as a good comrade, with a great conscience!

Dragon just smiled at this, wondering how to change his guilt and make meritorious service so as to offset this stain.

According to Dragon's plan, the rebels immediately began their preparations, and they planned to launch rescue operations the next night, because the longer the delay, the worse the situation would be for them.

Dozens of Imperial Army uniforms and weapons were quickly prepared. Although trucks and jeeps are not easy to handle, there are many military vehicles in Langley at the moment. It is not difficult to sneak one or two away from the street temporarily.

The biggest problem is how to pretend to be like that, Dragon also did a little "mean effort" for this, helped Ellio to check, and picked some image and temperament that is still like that.

In this way, time flies quickly in the busy preparation work. A total of about 500 members of the rebel army will participate in this rescue operation. This is almost all the remaining power of Elliot.

Before the operation officially started, Elliot boosted the morale of the assembled members of the rebel army.He declared that this will be a battle of revenge. They will not only rescue the captured comrades, but also make the empire pay its due price.

Elliot, who is quite gifted in speaking, portrays the magnificent future of the rebel army.

Standing in the crowd, Dragon silently watched the energetic rebel army around him, and then sneaked a pencil to the ground.

Just now, Dragon finally caught a good opportunity and successfully stole Wangzi out.He tied the prepared small note to the puppy's collar, and then directed it to escape from the stronghold to deliver the letter.

At first Wangzai refused to leave, still biting his trouser legs, and Dragoon, who didn't understand dog language, could only make a good gesture.Wangzai tilted his head and looked at it for a long time, and finally didn't know if he really understood it, or felt that Dragoon was so stupid as to be worthless, and finally Sa Yazi ran out of sight.

Seeing the puppies going away, Dragon suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of helplessness. All hope of his escape was pinned on a dog.

In any case, the letter has been sent out, and the next thing Dragoon has to do is continue to wait.

At this time, the rebel army's oath meeting was finished, and the action teams started their operations separately under the order of Elliot.As the "cute new" of the rebel army, Dragon naturally has no mission, but Xia Li was assigned to the fortified group to participate in the attack on the prison.

Before departure, the children came to see Xia Li off and cried out that Wangzi was missing.Xia Li comforted a few sad little Lori, and then looked at Dragon.

"When I'm away, these little guys will ask you."

"Don't worry, I will take care of them." A dog thief promised, patting his chest.

Xia Li smiled, turned and walked towards a pair of quaint old-style armor.

The rebel army did not know where they got such a heavy plate armor for the demon warrior. This armor is said to be made in the ancient times when the magic power has not yet declined, and the craftsmanship has now been lost.

The whole set of armor weighs more than two hundred kilograms, and the special material of the plate armor can greatly absorb damage. In theory, it can withstand the frontal shot of a 20mm cannon, although the human body inside may not be able to hold it.

There are no more than 500 sets of this kind of armor specially made for the magic warrior.Therefore, it has long since left the battlefield and became the collection of many collectors.

I don't know if the guards in the prison would be surprised if they saw this thing rushing over!?

Chapter 101

After the main force of the rebels was dispatched, only about thirty members of the rebels remained in the stronghold, which was when the defense was the weakest.But Dragon, as a "left-behind person", enjoys the same treatment as children.

He was forced to stay with a dozen children, and four gunmen were watching at the door of the room.

Dragoon, who was bare-handed, was naturally unsure of turning over the four men with guns, so he could only wait for the opportunity and pray that Wangzi could send the news smoothly.

At the same time, on the armored battalion side, Deputy Battalion Commander Lanno had just received an order from his superiors. Because of the outstanding performance of the first battalion in counterinsurgency, the superiors decided to dispatch the second armored battalion to replace them. The next day, he took over the defense and returned to the station in Port Pandora.

For most soldiers, this is undoubtedly good news.Stationing for a long time in a city where explosions are likely to occur at any time is undoubtedly a torture to human nerves. Therefore, it is necessary to relax and relax in a timely manner. The second battalion of the superior ranks to take their place, which is largely due to this consider.

But when Tafee and others heard the news, they were really unhappy, because Dragoon hadn't found it until now, and no one was born or a dead body was seen.

You must know that the Imperial Army does not pay attention to "not abandon or give up", unless there is a political or military need, otherwise in this special period, when one or two non-noble soldiers or officers disappear, the military will not waste time at all. Organize large-scale search and rescue operations.

So once the first battalion is transferred away, the second battalion that succeeds will definitely not send people to continue looking for Dragon.

However, the military order is like a mountain, and the order to adjust the defense has been issued. If the specified time is not moved, it is disobedience. No one in the battalion can take this responsibility.

But when everyone was at a loss, a naive little dog brought them a clue.

Wang Tsai successfully delivered the small note written by Dragon to Fu Mi. This news greatly excited everyone, and the content on the small note was even more important.

The rebels actually planned to cause another riot, and took advantage of the riot to attack the 13th prison outside the city and rob their arrested accomplices.

So the first battalion was divided into two groups immediately. Tafi led a platoon of veterans and followed the puppy to save people. Lanno assembled his troops and took the time to inform General Martini.

The heavily armed soldiers followed Wangzai and ran out of the camp all the way.At this time, the streets were still calm, and after the curfew was lifted, the city of Langley has somewhat restored to its former prosperity.

At this time, Tafee, who led the team, suddenly discovered that the puppy led them to the city center. After passing through three blocks, they quickly ran to the administrative area.

As soon as everyone arrived at the intersection, they were immediately stopped by the guards at the checkpoint, and a serious ensign stepped forward to question Tafe.

"Lieutenant, this is the administrative district. You are not allowed to enter without permission. Please show your credentials."

"I am the 1st Armored Battalion, Lieutenant Tafi Doger, the Deputy Chief of Staff, and this is my ID. According to reliable information, we suspect that rebels have entered the administrative district.

"The rebels have mixed into the administrative district? Lieutenant, do you know what you are talking about?"

Tafee's words made the ensign frowned and felt a little unhappy in his heart.Because the administrative area has always been defended by his troops, even during the most dangerous time of the riots, the mobs have not let the mob step over the line of defense. This is their pride.

But Tafee's words seemed to be slapped in the face, saying that they even allowed the rebels to infiltrate the administrative area without even noticing it. How could this make the guards and soldiers feel so embarrassed?

Besides, Taffi reported to himself earlier that he was an officer of the armored battalion, but the armored battalion was transferred to the town, and it was not their job to search the rebels.

Coupled with the fact that Tafee came to the administrative area with a platoon of armed soldiers at night, this made the ensign even more suspicious.

"Lieutenant Doge, I'm not sure if your source of intelligence is reliable, but without the approval of your superiors, I cannot let you pass by with weapons."

Seeing that the second lieutenant refused to let him go, Taffi didn't know how to explain it for a while.After all, they asked for this information from the dog's mouth. They only knew in advance that the rebel army had a secret stronghold in the city, and Dragon was currently being held there, but they never expected that this stronghold would be in the administrative district.

"Second Lieutenant, time is running out! Our deputy battalion commander should have already contacted the command center. If you don't believe me, you can call and ask your superiors. The situation is very urgent. Could you please move faster?"

Suppressing his violent temper, Tafi tried his best to calmly explain the situation to the other party.The second lieutenant hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, and turned to contact his superior.

Tafee also turned his head and ordered the infantry platoon behind him, and everyone stood at attention and rested their hands behind their backs to show their greatest restraint.Only the puppy Wangzai is still screaming, he doesn't understand what the hell these humans are doing in ink?

After a while, the second lieutenant returned from the call. The superior did receive the report of the armored battalion, but the evidence was not sufficient. The follow-up search work would be handed over to the professional intelligence department, and Tafee would immediately take his men back to the station. , Ready to move defense tomorrow.

After Tafe heard this, the anger that could be suppressed suddenly broke through her senses. She grabbed the ensign by the collar and lifted him up with only one hand.

When the other soldiers of the garrison saw this, they were all taken aback by Tafe's strange power, and then they turned their guns at her, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

Fortunately, Qifu who came with him hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade him, which made Tafee put down the surprised ensign again.

"Sister, please calm down, okay? This is the administrative district, and the deputy commander's headquarters is also inside. You are so messy, people really suspect that we are a rebel army!"


"It's nothing, but I also want to rescue the major quickly, but it's useless to be impulsive."

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