Mad Dog

Chapter 70: always dowry

    Jiang Qi officially visited Zhi's house on the day of the frost.

    In late October, Lin Lan was raining constantly, and it was a little cold. Zhiqi had been raised at home for two months, and the routine of getting up at 7:30, which was a sure thing, was gone, and she was very sleepy in the morning.

    She felt a little cold, so she wrapped the thin quilt on her body tighter.

    Small face unconsciously rubbed against the silk pillow, her sleep was sound and sweet.

    The next second, the bedroom door was knocked twice, Zhiqi frowned, and continued to sleep.

    Then the back door was pushed open with a 'bang', accompanied by Mei Ran's hurried urging: "Get up, Jiang Qi is coming to our house!"


    Jiang Qi?

    Zhixi opened her eyes in a daze, and her soul was pulled out from the half-dream and half-awake.

    The little girl jolted, sat up straight, the shoulder straps of the nightdress slid down with a big movement, and the tender shoulders were like the first snow.

    "Mom." Zhiqi asked dizzy: "Are you kidding me?"

    How could Jiang Qi come directly to his house so suddenly?

    Besides, they still had a video on WeChat last night, and the boy didn't mention what he was going to come over today.

    Mei Ran looked at the ignorant and dazed daughter, angry and funny, walked over and patted her little head lightly.

    "What did I lie to you for? He's sitting downstairs right now. Your father and brother are below, and he took a bunch of things... In short, come down quickly."

    From Mei Ran's vague embarrassment, Zhixi seemed to realize something, and her sleepy eyes slowly lit up.

    After she went out, the girl couldn't help laughing, picked up her phone and sent a WeChat message to Jiang Qi: "Are you here to propose marriage?"

    It is estimated that Jiang Qi is very formal.

    Otherwise, Mei Ran's expression just now wouldn't be so awkward.

    —It's just the little girl's 'bold' guess that the boy doesn't receive.

    Jiang Qi sat upright in the living room of Zhi's house, and every move was done in his mind after thousands of exercises. lonely.

    It's just that she didn't care about it, and after teasing the boy casually, she got up and changed her clothes.

    The girl didn't ignore Mei Ran's words 'dress up' just now, and wore a set of early autumn haute couture sent some time ago. A small piece of tender lotus-like calf was exposed, and he stepped on the furry shoes.

    As for makeup, Zhiqi has never been very fond of makeup.


    The girl opened the door and prepared to go downstairs.

    On the stairs, Zhiqi saw Jiang Qi's straight back, he was sitting on the side of the sofa in the living room with his back to her, and his front was sitting - and Mei Ran and Zhi Minglin in the front were also sitting It's very upright, obviously a little embarrassed.

    Of the few people in the living room, Zhiyu was the most relaxed.

    He leaned lazily on a sofa, casually fiddling with his mobile phone.


    I haven't heard Wu Nong's soft words close to the little girl for a long time, Jiang Qi was stunned for a moment, then got up and let her sit, and the two sat next to each other.


    "Xiaojiang." Zhi Minglin had to speak. He looked at the pile of luxury goods at the door and asked hesitantly, "Are you here today?"

    In fact, he had already asked this question just now, and Jiang Qi's answer was 'visiting uncles and aunts specially', Zhi Minglin now asked it again in front of Zhiqi, obviously It is for his real answer.

    So Jiang Qi was silent for a moment, and took out a thin card from the pocket of the suit he was wearing.

    He put this card on the thin table while facing everyone's blank stares.


    The rest he doesn't understand, he only knows that he will get money after signing a new movie and company, and what he wants to do most is now.

    In the dead silence, Jiang Qi added: "I know these are not enough, I just want to marry her, and I will make up for it later..."


    Her parents' faces were as black as the bottom of a pot.

    Even if I was prepared, I didn't expect Jiang Qi to say it so straightforwardly, even straight to the point.

    Zhi Minglin is a government worker and has always been very cultivated, but now it is rare to have a feeling of not knowing what to say.

    Indeed, their family is not short of money, but they have to admit that the 'dowry' given by Jiang Qi is generous, it can make them believe that Zhiqi will have a good life with him, that is ...not **** prepared at all!

    Zhi Minglin suppressed his anger and said politely, "Xiaojiang, this, we need to discuss this at home."

    After he finished speaking, he remembered that Jiang Qi had been guarding Zhiqi in the hospital before, and hurriedly added: "Internal."


    This is what an eviction order means.

    Jiang Qi smiled and stood up calmly to say goodbye.

    "Dad, mom, brother, you guys discuss first." Zhixi also stood up and smiled, "I'll take him off."

    I haven't seen each other for a long time, she misses him so much.

    As soon as the two walked out of the door of Zhi's house, Jiang Qi bent down and hugged her.

    "Oh." Zhi Qi was taken aback by surprise, and then couldn't help laughing: "My feet are all right."

    There is no need for Jiang Qi's "princess hug service" all the time, Zhiqi's two calves hanging on his arms moved, indicating that he can go by himself.

    "Be good." Jiang Qi's cold voice was slightly hoarse, staring at her light-colored eyes as if condensed with fire: "I'll take you away."


    Well, that's right, I'm sorry.


    Although their house is a detached area and there won't be any paparazzi, the teenagers are still too ostentatious.

    I should help him 'cover up', Jiang Qi understood what Zhiqi meant and went with her, but he couldn't help but let out a sullen laugh, the heat from the tip of his nose hit In the girl's palm, she couldn't help but shiver.

    I took Zhiqi all the way to the parking lot, put it on the co-pilot, and closed the door with a 'bang', the girl said, 'Is this car assigned to you by the company' Before he could ask the question, the impatient man pinched his chin and pressed it against the back of the car.

    Jiang Qi bit the corner of her lips, the tip of her tongue came in, and in an instant, everything Zhiqi wanted to say became a mess.

    Maybe it's because I haven't seen you for too long, the atmosphere on Jiang Qi is obviously anxious and anxious.

      Patting slowly, he gradually calmed down.

    Afterwards, she kissed her carefully, as if she were being treated to some peerless treasure.

      Coolness returned to God.

    "No." She felt embarrassed, bit Jiang Qi's ear in the dark, and whispered, "I have to go home."

    Now it's not like the time before, they can be 'hu Tianhudi' at any time, if they go back in the evening with disheveled clothes, maybe Mei Ran will question her.

    Jiang Qi also knew this, the boy rested his forehead on her shoulder and seemed to be slowly sorting out his restless emotions.

    After a long time, he took a deep breath and raised his head. Then, he politely helped Zhixi to tidy up the messy clothes, and his slender palm touched the girl's breathing. somewhere, there was a noticeable pause.

      He carried Zhiqi home and slapped her hard.

    Quiet your thirst, quench your thirst, do whatever you want, just think about it, the sound of mountains and running water is almost in the veins.

    But Zhiqi's voice was sweet and sweet, but she woke herself up—not yet.

    He is still a 'to be investigated' figure in the eyes of her parents.

    I just really miss her.

    "Xiqi." Jiang Qi put one hand on the girl's shoulder, his voice was barely audible: "When will you be back?"

    Zhixi pursed her lips and smiled: "Wait for me to go back to class."

    It's not too long.

    Jiang Qi closed her eyes and hugged her tighter.

      He knew it was Zhiqi, so he couldn't help but hug him tightly.

    However, he has taken this step today.

    "Xiqi." The boy said the same thing: "I will marry you, and I will do it."


& nbsp;

    He heard it right.

    The little girl just said...

    'If by next spring my parents don't agree. ’

    'I can only steal the account book. ’

    A parent doesn't really break a child's leg anyway.

    Relying on being a 'group pet', Zhiqi is willful and righteous, and just wants to hurt her boy first.

    What Zhixi didn't know was that after she said this, the "spring" in Jiang Qi's heart had already come.


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