The matter of the ancestral land of the witch tribe has been busy, Ye Qinghan got ten drops of Supreme God power, maybe made a promise, and will definitely exchange resources in the future, this cooperation officially started.

Ye Qinghan and the others left the ancestral land of the Wu tribe, galloping into the sky and passing away.

The 2nd-generation witch god looked at the sky and looked at the back of Ye Qinghan’s departure, and said to himself, “This man’s heart is too cruel, too big, too greedy, and most importantly too strong, too thoughtful, and the old man is a little stressed.”

The python god did not leave. Looking at the disappearing back, my heart was a little trembling. It seems that the person disappearing in front is not Ye Qinghan, but the chaos witch god. It can be burned for 9 days with a fire, and the lame can crack Nine Provinces. .

“I can’t see this person!” Boa Shen said hoarsely.

“Ignore him first. I put the Witch Emperor in the space of time and completely sealed it off. No one can enter without my permission. Wu Qingqing is taking care of it. Let’s go to 10000 Gu Yuntian Big World to find life. Divine medicine . “2 generations of witch god said solemnly.

Two people tore the void and disappeared on top of the sky, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, crossing the long river.


Ye Qinghan and the others did not go crazy, but instead went to Myriad Laws Domain. The reincarnation divide iron is still in Myriad Laws Domain. They can build Chaos Titan soldiers and worship Supreme Elder by the way.

A group of 6 people rode the wind to break the waves ten thousand li, and a long howl shook the clouds. Three days later they flew out of the witch territory, and the witches did not provoke on the way.

Take the Domain Portal directly to the 10000 Fa City. The clouds over the sky are covered with chaos. Many people have changed. It seems that the Heaven and Earth resonance caused by the Witch God Ceremony has caused more than just the Martial Practice Stage ’s immortal mark. It seems that the entire universe Have changed.

Lamenting and resounding, the breath of Myriad Laws Domain was extremely depressed, and many people spontaneously wore black clothed with white filial piety. The death of Supreme Elder made them particularly painful and sad, and the pressure became much greater.

Powerhouse is always strong, the weak is always weak.

In this troubled world, no one guards, and no longer rises, it will certainly be drowned by the long river of history, and the iron flow will be merciless.

Myriad Laws Domain young elites race against the clock, work hard on the secret technique, and even Myriad Laws Return To One Sect Master has released a lot of secret technique Magical Powers, which has also increased the cultivation of younger generation. Young powerhouse rapid progress Sect Master Bai Fengyun is a leader who competes with each other. When encountering foreign enemies, they will cooperate together and finally show the glory belonging to Primal Chaos Era.

Ye Qinghan led 5 people into the Myriad Laws Return To One sect. Bai Yelu personally led someone to the entrance of the mountain. The white cricket on his head had not yet been removed, and Bai Xiao was wrapped around his waist. He was much older.

“Qinghan, Old Ancestor is buried in the mountainside ancestral land, you go to sacrifice it.” Bai Yelu said hoarsely.

Ye Qinghan looked at the sad expression of the crowd, nodded, and took the lead in stepping towards the mountainside ancestral land.

da da da ————————

A group of people came to the ancestral land, there are not many tombstones, not many can be buried in the ancestral land, non-contributors, Sect Master can only be buried on the periphery, there are more than 100 tombstones, there is a great and famous existence in history .

Ye Qinghan looked at Supreme Elder’s tombstone. The tombstone was engraved with the glory and merit of his life. He held ten incense sticks, knelt down respectfully, and slammed his nine heads.

“Elderly Generation goes well!” Ye Qinghan said mutely.

The people behind him followed the great gift and left after offering the sacrifice.

Back in the area, the Book Collection Pavilion, the reincarnation divine iron is still in place, and no one moves.

Looking at the reincarnation of divine iron, Ye Qinghan estimated that with other divine iron resources, at least ten giant Divine Weapon can be created, but it will take a long time. If you do n’t have to do anything else in this year, just create Giant Divine Weapon will do.

However, other divine iron resources do not come from the water. The giant Divine Weapon material is very rare. This cycle of divine iron is a rare treasure of millions of years. How can other materials be worthy of chaos? treasure.

Ye Qinghan summoned the old trainer lineage Three Great Clans and gathered in the Myriad Laws Return To One sect.

“Please collect the materials of Chaos Holy Treasure. I want to create Chaos Titan soldiers, almost ten handles, Myriad Laws Domain and Tamer lineage each, but a certain amount of material.” Ye Qinghan said solemnly, “Sedum that handle I will send it separately. As for the ownership of the giant Divine Weapon, you Three Great Clans have always decided that I will not control it. The giant Divine Weapon who belongs to the same family will also handle it freely. I will not interfere. “

Chaos Titan soldier, Myriad Laws Return To One case inheritance For so long, the case is also a defective product, and it is also regarded as Clan Protecting Supreme Treasure. It is impossible to use without the danger of Sect extermination. Now there is reincarnation divin iron. The giant Divine Weapon is definitely the best!

There are a lot of chaotic holy treasure materials and animal trainer lineages. After all, inheritance has been so long, and they are in Abyss World, there are everywhere, there are a lot of chaos, and there are a lot of them. The remaining one can be handled freely, and a lot of rare materials such as divine iron are immediately taken out.

Ye Qinghan took the photos correctly, these materials are extremely difficult to find, don’t even think about finding the second one this time.

Myriad Laws Return To One Zong also has a long inheritance. A lot of iron ore resources have been collected, and some are chaotic holy treasures. They cannot be refining, they can only be saved, but they play a vital role.

Ye Qinghan took it all away, also took the reincarnation of the divine iron, opened the Domain Portal, and returned to the Asura Domain alone. Then, the non-stop lane entered the endless galaxy. Others went to Abyss World to continue searching for Supreme Treasure materials.

In the land of Great Desolate, the dead star drifts in endless time and space, and has no vitality.

Ye Qinghan took a deep breath, looking at so many materials, recalling the weapons that everyone needed.

Jiang Jingtian used guns, lone light feathers and magic swords, witchyne also used guns, Zixian used cartilage whip, and Ye Huang used a piano. Today’s ancient zither can’t play Ye Huang’s 10000 strength. Requires a giant Divine Weapon-level harp.

He used a 7-foot maniac. In order to disguise the identity of King Asura, he had to create an Asura sword. As for Emperor Dragon, he saved it. The Heavenly Dao sword in his hand was automatically advanced according to his cultivation base. Orders, do not lose to any giant Divine Weapon.

After thinking for a long time, the ten-handed giant Divine Weapon was easy to separate out. There was no extra. Others could only use ordinary Lord God for the time being.

Determine the appearance of the giant Divine Weapon. Ye Qinghan summon came out of the Little Jin Wu. Today, the Little Jin Wu is conserved by his blood, and has once again broken into the top of the giant god. Like the hot sun, burning ten thousand li, even the dead star must be refining. .

Woo ————————

Little Jin Wu Changxiao cried, the heat wave swept ten thousand li, and the endless stars shattered.

“Just so little, with my refining all the materials, I want to create a giant Divine Weapon, and the rest is used to create the armor of the armor!” Ye Qinghan big beckoned, the source of Divine Fire roars, the god of fire bursts out and emits The flame made the barren death star beneath his feet pungent and burning.

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