Wu Zufeng was dead, and his death was terrible, but Ye Kun laughed so much that it was very frizzy.

This kind of impersonal and powerful person is most scary. No one dares to control him 100%. Ye Qinghan can’t do it, and the Great Demonic God inheritance can’t do it!

Ye Qinghan was silent for a long time, didn’t wake up until the end of the next match, found Li Feng, said hoarsely, “Brother Li Feng, are you sure you can deal with Ye Kun?”

Li Feng is still healing at the moment, and the injury is quite serious. He has already obtained 40% for the Kuangzong, surpassing Ye Qinghan, and now he is trying to deal with the existence of Ye Kun, it is difficult to win, so he also shook the head, ” I do n’t know, his cultivation technique is weird and violent.

Ye Qinghan considered another 3, and said lowly, “Probe a thing or two, give up if you can’t do it, don’t delay with him, I worry that he will kill the brother Brother of Zongzong.”

Li Feng was nodded and continued to repair the injury.

Ye Qinghan continued to watch the battle and looked at the main scoring figures of various forces. It was found that several dark horse-level elites broke into the line of sight. Although not Goddess, the cultivation base surpassed most Godsons, and they were close to the top gods.

Qiu Yaojie, Titan-level Peak exists, and the Pan family ’s affiliated elites have won 60% for Pan ’s victory in 6 battles with 100% victory rate!

Wen Shao, the elite of the causal Holy Land subsidiary, the cultivation base surpassed the Celestial Demon spirit and became the leader of the causal Holy Land. He won 6 battles and lost one game. However, he encountered magic and took the initiative. Can not fight, but want to save strength.

If it weren’t for Wen Shao, the causal Holy Land would have been eliminated long ago. This person’s cultivation base is truly superb. Even Ye Huang can praise it, and now he has won the cultivation of the causal Holy Land.

“We have a total of 100 twenty six points. What is the ranking?” Ye Qinghan asked.

Medusa was statistically replied, “Our ranking is 9th, the points are not large, most of them are from Demon God Mountain, the points reached more than 150 points, followed by the space-time Supreme Holy Land, they joined forces with the eliminated Chaos Holy Land, 2 The powerhouse of Great Holy Land is only one point away from Demon God Mountain, and there is a trend of overtaking. According to normal reasoning, they should get the first. The third is the alliance between Panshi and Fairy of Ninth Heaven Holy Land, 3 points. The 150th is the alliance between the Witch and Heavenly Monster Territory, 4 100 points, and the 48th is Fengshen Supreme Holy Land. Their cooperation with Xuanyuan Lineage was only secretly, so there was no outbreak. Once they joined forces completely, they would definitely come later and counter pressure. One! The 5th is Xuanyuan Lineage, the 6th is Black Tortoise Holy Land, and the 7th is Vermilion Bird Holy Land. “

9nd !

Ye Qinghan clenched his fists, there were only 3 entrances, and there were no hopes for falling out of the 3th place. The 9th is very dangerous. In the later period, Holy Land must have chosen to join forces with other Holy Lands to exclude Kuangzong.

“Break into the top 6!”

Ye Qinghan’s eyes are firm. Only in the top 6 can he maintain the entrance qualification. Otherwise, if he wants to compete for the entrance, he will have to start a full-scale war with other Holy Land.

Soon, Ye Qinghan found Mo Li, hoping to cooperate vigorously, and hoped that Ye Kun would let it go. Mo Li was hesitating, and Ye Kun spoke.

“Let? I won’t let you, aren’t you strong? Isn’t your brother strong? You can fight with me! I didn’t lose 2 words in my dictionary, you taught me, don’t forget!” Ye Kun coldly said.

“You have to be against me?” Ye Qinghan glared, glaring at Ye Kun, anxious to go up and pump him.

Ye Kunmeng retreated, then immediately stopped his footsteps, his expression was very angry, he became stronger, in the bones is still afraid of Ye Qinghan, even if the surface is stronger, if he fights with Ye Qinghan, he will be afraid Fearful.

“It doesn’t matter if I’m right, I just live according to my heart. My World has only been defeated, and I have not given up! Next time, let Li Feng be careful.” Ye Kun raised his corner of his mouth in order to conceal his inner panic.

Ye Qinghan bit his lower lip with his teeth and stared at Ye Kun with his deep eyes, only to find that he stared back stronger, only to warn sternly, “Do n’t provoke me, you can play whatever you want, you dare to provoke me, I Dare to break your leg and abolish your cultivation base! “

Ye Qinghan walked away, but did not expect the last word of warning but was irritated, evil spirits shot, eyes filled with murderous intention, staring at Ye Qinghan’s back, want to vent angry flame hair to Li Feng.

After more than 20 breaths, the battle in the Formation ended, and Li Feng and Ye Kun turned to battle, and both sides came on the stage with anger.

“Li Feng, I will kill you!”

Ye Kun grinned sneer and said cruelly.

At this moment, Li Feng only maintains 60% battle strength in the Peak period. His chest injury is still bleeding. At this moment, he really does not have the ability to fight Ye Kun. Even if he is in Peak state, he may not win, but there are 2 battles against Ye Kun, it would be difficult for Kuangzong to advance without taking him seriously.

“My strength can only hit him badly, but I will lose resistance, so I must choose to give in before he launches an attack …”

After Li Feng thought secretly, his decision to take a shot was a heavy hit, and he could not delay time.

But Ye Kun was more powerful, and he didn’t give him time for consideration at all. I saw that he was exuding dark elements of violent energy, and the entire Formation was covered up.

唰 ————————

Ye Kun kicked on his toes, and there was a strong wave on the ground, his body blasted towards Li Feng like a sword.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

There were silhouettes everywhere, and the powerful and violent vigour filled the four parties, Ye Kun’s body appeared a tricky arc, Iron Fist blasted to Li Feng’s head.

Li Feng did not choose to dodge, but closed his eyes, holding the reincarnation of Divine Sword in both hands, and his body made an aggressive gesture.

Ye Qinghan startled, unexpectedly Li Feng even gave up his defense in order to seriously damage Ye Kun, and quickly shouted, “Li Feng, don’t fight like this! You will die!”

Yin ————————

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Li Feng did not obey Ye Qinghan’s instructions. When Ye Kun approached, he did not dodge or defend, and drew his sword directly across Ye Kun’s waist.

However, Ye Kun ’s reaction speed is definitely the same as that of Ye Qinghan. The lower body climbs up vertically. The giant Divine Sword cuts through his abdomen. The space is cut. His fists are turned into claws, piercing through nothingness and grasping the sharp edge. Wound.

puci ————————

He smashed Li Feng’s wound and shot with blood, but Li Feng’s response was faster. His sword was quickly incomparable. I saw his backhand raise upwards, Divine Sword fast as lightning, directly from Ye Kun’s left shoulder. Penetrating.


Ye Kun sharp claw penetrated Li Feng’s body at the moment of being impaled, only one step ahead, both sides suffer.

Ye Kun was hit hard, and suddenly burst into anger. He forcibly grabbed Divine Sword on his body and pulled it out directly. After landing, he saw that he ignored the injury and flew Li Feng directly, hitting Li Feng with a punch, and hit Li Feng’s chest. .

“I confess to losing …” Li Fengren resisted his injury in midair and yelled and conceded.


Li Feng was almost penetrated on the spot and fell heavily on the ground.

“I said I would kill you!”

Ye Kun shook the ground with one leg, blasted Li Feng’s body, swept through the volley, kicked Li Feng a few thousand meters, hit the Formation, and fainted on the spot.

Ye Qinghan was furious and growled, “Open the formation!”

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