The two went to Yunshan in Wushan. Ye Qinghan threatened and lured, and finally got this woman.

Sister Yao gave Ye Qinghan a name and asked him to find this person, and then let that person take himself to see the Third Young Master, and the rest could only be solved by Ye Qinghan himself.

Ye Qinghan has a lot of experience and certainty to deal with a shackle.

Yun Zhonghai is the younger brother of City Lord Yun Zhongjun and the uncle of Yun Family Third Young Master. This Yun Zhonghai seems to adore Sister Yao, but she has no guts and no chance to approach her. If there is a request, he will definitely respond!

Ye Qinghan let An 9 Long and Wang Junfeng secretly control Heitian County, killing the county guard lineage as much as possible, and the sensible child was secretly dismissed, never knowing his identity, perhaps the greatest kindness to them.

On this day, Ye Qinghan and Mo Li brought the broken card of Heijun Dao from Yuntian County toward Yunzhong City. The vast Yunzhong City territory is unknown, and the distance between Hetian County and Yunzhong City is even greater. It is impossible to measure. This Snow Country Divine Realm city 2 10000 shows that its size is not comparable to Chaos Realm.

However, not all cities are guarded by Supreme God, and there are not many Supreme Gods in Snow Country Divine Realm. Although it is a bit exaggerated than Chaos Realm, the number is always maintained at a few hundred people, no more and no less. There is only one Realm Master in the world. Only Chaos Realm does not have a Realm Master. The World level is too poor, and it is difficult to appear in the Realm Master level.

Yun Zhongjun, this person is the City Lord of Yunzhong City. The cultivation base is not the true Supreme God, but it is infinitely close to the Supreme God. With the Supreme Divine Artifact, you can definitely fight the Supreme God, but it will definitely not win, compared to Supreme God, he is 30% weaker than half step Supreme God, and he is 30% stronger. This person is lecherous, greedy, violent, cruel, and is a full-blown tyrant. He is a descendant of 10000 1000, but he is not much loved. Third Young Master is one of them.

Ye Qinghan secretly recalled the information that Sister Yao gave him, and learned that Third Young Master and Yun Zhongjun had almost nothing in common, or that his father’s ‘good’ genes were all inherited by him, greedy, lecherous, violent, cruel, and The talent is also very strong. In just 2 years, he has cultivated to the god Peak Realm, which has won the favor of Junzhong Yun.

Traveling all the way, 2 people appeared outside the city in the clouds across time and space.

The city in the clouds is towering and thick, and the city wall resembles a giant dragon. It stretches for 10000 years. The ancient buildings are sent into the sky. From a distance, the sky is magnificent. Standing on the city wall, blue sky and white clouds are at your fingertips. Human beings are extremely small under such a building. The giant god has only a deep sense of powerlessness when facing such a city wall.

Ye Qinghan felt at this moment that he was really very small. The whole city was full of avenues and mysteries.

The city gate floor is several ten zhang, arc domes, and many powerhouses are holding divine bows to look out of the city. Many people are hiding in the dark. Murderous intentions and the cold atmosphere are coming forward, and there are waves coming from under the ice. There was an evil breath, and it was not known how much bone and flesh was buried under the city.

Ye Qinghan 看了看魔厉,发现他陷入了沉思,Demon God 山的确很强,但是和这座城比起来,似乎差的不止一筹。

“这座城应该不是云中君打造的,不知inheritance 多久了。”魔厉暗暗自语。

“我们先进城找云中海。”Ye Qinghan 低语说道。

2 人进入city ,城内散发着沧桑的气息,历史的年轮翻阅一代又一代,无数建筑井井有序,琼楼玉宇,华灯璀璨,街道4 通8 达,修者川流不息,车水马龙,就像世俗间,商贩占据街道营运,Handsome Men and Beautiful Women ,富贵子弟皆在享受人生。

这座云中城方圆几million li ,分East, West, North, and South 4 个区,东区是富贵家族的领地,北区是正宫之地,City Lord Mansion 便在那里,Yun Family 嫡系和旁系都住在北区,南区是强大的修者占据的,Western Region 皆是2 等修者和一些****居住的地方。

2 条Great Dao of Connecting Heaven ,贯穿East, West, North, and South ,将云中城分开,等级森严。

Ye Qinghan 沿着中央的Great Dao of Connecting Heaven ,从南向北漫步,2 眼扫视街道all around ,不少人都在贩卖priceless and unique rare treasure ,或者是冒险得到的稀世材料,各种不知名字的岩石铁块摆的到处都是。

Ye Qinghan 没兴趣去购买,大步向前,魔厉和他保持一定的距离,并未靠近。

街道上喧杂,不断有小贩和adventurer 招呼声,甚至有人拉扯,brothel 艺妓更是肆无忌惮,白天夜晚灯火不灭。

“下面我单独行动,不管我们2 个谁出事,都要有一个回到Chaos Realm ,若是有一方必死无疑,10000000 不要逞强营救,明白吗?”Ye Qinghan 加快速度,快进入北区的时候sound transmission 说道。

魔厉groaned ,nodded replied ,“没问题。”


北区,有大量的云卫军守护,想要进入北区,不仅仅需要显赫的身份,还要有北区Yun Family 嫡系powerhouse 的引荐或者召见手令。

北区非常大,街道hundred zhang 宽,纵贯东西,街道上南边有很多adventurer 在游荡,但是北边却空无一人,时而有军队巡视。


北城区是天堂,灵质Divine Stone 铺路,无数灵质宛若精灵在舞动,divine medicine 圣药盛开,绝对是修炼的Holy Land 。

Ye Qinghan 跨过街道,来带大门口,一个巨神Peak 的beard 大汉走了过来,一脸冷酷,coldly said ,“who is the newcomer ?可有召见手令?”

“在下黑天郡Ye Qinghan ,受清香阁Pavilion Lord 之命特来觐见Yun Family 9 Lord Elder ,还请Fellow Daoist 通知一下。”Ye Qinghan 伸手送出2 块玄阶灵质Divine Stone ,悄无声息的送入大汉的手中。

有钱能使鬼推磨,大汉一看到玄阶灵质Divine Stone ,顿时笑容满面。

“在这候着,我让人去通知Lord Elder 。”大汉说完便转身回到门口,对着一个年轻修者说道,“你去通知9 Lord Elder ,就说外面有个youngster 受黑天郡清香阁Pavilion Lord 之命前来觐见。”

那youngster 快速离开了大门,朝内部奔去。

Ye Qinghan 立在门口,时而有身着年轻锦衣华袍的男女走出北城内城,看服饰应该不是侍卫,而是Yun Family 嫡系子弟。

那些年轻disciple 都好奇的看着Ye Qinghan ,回头率100% ,女子皆为之容貌惊艳,以笑待之,Yun Family 男子却带着一丝不屑和敌意,Ye Qinghan 皆笑对之,不愿在这时候节外生枝。

伸手不打笑脸人,Ye Qinghan 态度还算和善,所以这群人尽管有敌意也没有发作。

很快,城内走出一位儒雅的middle-aged man ,cultivation base 比黑君道要强一些,身上的灵质非常纯,纯粹的ice attribute 灵质,不像黑君道那么杂,样貌非常英俊,白白净净,更像是Emperor Family 文质彬彬的Prince 。

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