Ye Qinghan kicked his fist for a while, and he fisted into the flesh, with each foot as heavy as a lightning strike.

The 2nd-generation Witch God was not only seized with weapons, but was also beaten hard. He could only curl up and resist, screaming and roaring, hoping that the python god came forward to help, but the group of Kuangzong already stared at him. If he dares to mess, he will It was not a powerhouse attack, but a siege by a group of people.


The blood tribe of the tribe of the Wu tribe and the tribe of the god of the witch rushed all over. The major tribe members of the tribe were angry and cursing Ye Qinghan with no respect, but the group of Holy Lord and Holy Sons swarmed up, Nearly 2 1000 giants besieged Witch God Guard and Blood Sha Guard, suppressing them on the spot.

Ye Qinghan one after another was banned, the witches were completely controlled, Chaos Realm was finally cleared, and the hidden dangers were getting smaller and smaller.

The second generation of witch gods was full of blood, glaring at Ye Qinghan, watching the little rookie waving at the time and beheaded to death, growing up to the era of their own Peak, and beating themselves up, think about it is a shame full of heart!

Ye Qinghan stood in front of the 2nd-generation witch god, looking down at him, his eyes were full of jokes.

“2 generations, I want to know what it looks like when you look at your father and god.” Ye Qinghan lightly saying.

“You are not the inheritor of the Great Desolate World Lord!” The 2nd-generation Witch God was very reconciled, said hoarsely.

“It’s very clever, but it’s a pity that cleverness is wrong. If you were not a deserter then, you might not be reduced to today.” Ye Qinghan said coldly.

“I’m not a deserter! I’m not!” Roared the 2nd Witch God.

“Hmph, are you a deserter? When I find the Witch God, he will take the initiative to clean up the sect. This seat is now for the stability of Chaos Realm. I will not kill you for now, but do n’t force me to do it. If you are not obedient, I will not mind giving you a ride, I am worried that there is no excuse. “Ye Qinghan coldly snorted, said indifferently.

Looking at the overall situation, the python god has taken a step back. Although he is not timid in his eyes, he does not want to look directly at Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan turned to watch the python god shook his fist, solemnly asked, “python god shit, are you obediently surrender, or do you want me to shoot?”

The python god twitched his lips and twitched. The 2nd generation of witch gods were defeated, and they were beaten so miserably. Isn’t it purely to seek abuse?

“The winner is the king and the loser, and it’s up to you to deal with it.” The python god clan gave up resistance, said in a tranquil voice.

At Ye Qinghan’s fingertips, a ray of divine force accompanied by a ray of Divine Consciousness broke into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the python god, attached to his soul, and the python god was also banned.

The Great Holy Land powerhouse and Ye Qinghan kept a certain distance. The group of Holy Son and the king were horrified. Ye Qinghan was not so exaggerated in the betting battle, but it turned out to be so horrible and ridiculous after a year. language.

Everyone was silent, and for a while they didn’t know what to do.

Many people in Zi Family’s complexion greatly changed. Some people looked at Ziyi and Zisheng angrily. They thought that this time they were really doing something special. It turned out that they were betraying the motherland and they were going to enemies outside the powerhouse!

Obviously Ziyi didn’t tell everyone the truth, only a few old people of the Dai family knew that they also recognized Ziyi’s behavior. At this moment, the old face didn’t know where to put it.

Ye Qinghan looked at everyone in the Zi Family, and then looked at Zixian’s stunning face. There was no blood, pain, guilt, anger and helplessness. Although Zi Family hurt her again and again, she was Ziyi after all. Daughter, Zi Sheng’s dear younger sister.

“Zi Family betrayed the motherland, kill it! All the Lords have no opinion!” Ye Qinghan said firmly.

Without killing the chicken to warn the monkey, there will still be mutiny in the later period. Although it will hurt Zixian, Ye Qinghan can’t control that many.

“This incident has nothing to do with the Zi Family. It was all done by me. They were fooled by me. I told them that this time it was a mission, but not at all told them what the real mission was. They wanted to kill. I am enough! “Ziyi growled.

“This matter has nothing to do with me, younger sister save me! Please beg me, I really don’t know about this!” Zisheng’s attitude changed greatly, and he knelt directly in front of Zixian and begged.

The Zi Family watched Zi Sheng so indifferently. In order to survive, he even did not hesitate to give up his own father and begged his sister. It was a shame!

Ziyi does not feel that Zisheng’s approach is wrong. He is just such a son. Of course, he wants to protect inheritance and does not want Zi Family inheritance to fall into the hands of outsiders!

“Xian Er, this matter is indeed not related to your big brother. You are his younger sister. You must save him!” Zi Yi begged.

Zixian was hesitant and didn’t want Ye Qinghan at this moment, but she didn’t want all the family members to betray their motherland.

“I …” Zixian didn’t know how to answer.

“Aren’t you a friend of Sect Master Ye? Aren’t your relationships very good? As long as you speak, Ye Qinghan will definitely handle it at your discretion!” Zi Yi followed her knees, forcing Zi Xian to make a stand.

Ye Qinghan looked at Ziyi and Zisheng, with no disdain in his eyes, and did not want Zixian to bear moral public opinion, and said decisively, “Do n’t forget, Zixian is no longer a Zi Family person. She was used by me as Divine. Stone bought out, so you don’t need to ask her. As for who has betrayed me, I will find out. Do you think I will only listen to your testimony? “

“Kill without mercy, betrayal of the motherland, otherwise how can you stand up?” Mo Li angrily said.

“This seat supports the meaning of the Lord of the Magic Mountain. Anyone who knows Ziyi’s plan should not leave his life. What’s the use of doing such a hurtful thing?” Pan Hu followed suit and hoped that Ye Qinghan would be able to Painful.

Ye Qinghan looked at Zixian’s painful expression, stared at each other with 4 eyes, and slightly shook the head, begging her not to participate in this matter.


Ye Qinghan reached out and held Ziyi in his palm. Divine Consciousness forcibly grabbed his memory, and soon locked the list of people with knowledge.

Three clan elders, two Elders, plus the Supreme God son of Zisheng, a total of eight people, is the fate of their eight or so Zi Family.

“His memory shows that Zi Family Three Great Clans, Zilder and Zilie, two Elders and Zisheng Supreme God, all know the real reason for this operation, and they all strongly agree that the rest of the Zi Family did not know. Do you think the betrayer should kill? If more than half of Holy Land thinks it should be killed, this seat will be shot in person. “Ye Qinghan said in a tranquil voice.

Zi Yi was paralyzed, knowing that Zi Sheng could not protect him, Zi Sheng was full of resentment, and looked at Ye Qinghan and Zi Xian in anger, as if he had the feud of killing his father and hatred of his wife.

“Kill! You can also warn others that you will betray your motherland and you will die!” Mo Li said again.

“Old man supports killing!” Nangong overlord also said.

Soon, the other saints all agreed to kill, perhaps not sincerely, but fate was in the hands of Ye Qinghan, and it was not their turn to decide. As for the attitude of the second generation, it was irrelevant.

Ye Qinghan waved and wiped out the souls of the 8 strongest members of the Zi Family, 8 lying horizontally and no life aura.

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