With the official seal, the military ranks of 2 people were upgraded several levels in an instant!

The three princes all contributed to Ye Qinghan and no intention of promotion. They thought it was Snowless that gave them a chance and gave them a chance to conquer these two evils, but they did n’t know that it was intentional. If Snowless The two princes were elected, and the three princes would never promise to make them two of the most important army commanders in charge of Holy City.


Xue Wuchen’s belly was almost hurting, and I like Divine Bird more and more. He awakened the dreamer and sent these two most important positions to the hands of Juxinxin and Ye Qinghan. I’m still smug.

Ye Qinghan looked at Xue Wuchen involuntarily, knowing that his IQ would never think of such a treacherous idea, it is estimated that Divine Bird was a stumbling block from it.

After the retreat, the emperor quickly left, and the ministers congratulated Ye Qinghan and no intention, and wanted to show off. Some ministers who did not stand in line also tried their best. The 3 princes Li Bao, the emperor Your Majesty liked it, and following them 2 definitely did problem!

On the first night, Ye Qinghan prepared to check the remaining party of Ninth Prince, but those people were smarter than ghosts, smelled the crisis in advance, and offered a lot of resource wealth that night to come to loyalty to Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan accepted it, symbolically high-profile punishment of those officials, ordered the implementation of family law, strict control of their children, apologize to the victims for compensation, and strive for forgiveness.

However, some officials and wealthy children did not want to beg for mercy. Ye Qinghan and Juxin had no intention of just taking up the ranks and did not dare to mess around. Unfortunately, they were disappointed!

That night, the houses of the Ninth Prince Yu party were all surrounded, and the rich and noble families, the magnificent family, all surrounded by the City Protecting Army and the embargo!

At this time, all the people found out how resolute Ye Qinghan and Wuxin were, regardless of their feelings.

However, Ye Qinghan and Wuxin were very cautious. They only arrested the Ninth Prince Yu party, but did not move to the other Three Great Influences. They let them relax and feel that they are good. They have a chance to fall to themselves, so Three Great Emperors Instead of embarrassing the Guard Army and the City Protecting Army, the son took the initiative to provide the criminal evidence of those people.

Anyone who dares to arrogant and despotic, and confronts the forbidden and city guards, will be bound and taken away, but most people choose to surrender.

There are 33 City Lord Mansion mansions, ten 6 magnates and 6 sects.

There were only 2 City Lord arrogant and despotic, who actually wanted to resist. They were captured by the Guard on the spot, City Lord was detained, and the whole family was put into jail. City took office.

On this night, many families were arrested continuously. Holy City was frightened. The three princes’ whole family were guests, all afraid of bringing disaster to innocent people.

The three princes looked at their chests to appease everyone.

Fourth Prince faintly said to the major forces of Patriarch and the staff, “Rest assured, these two people are recommended by me, and he will give the king a face if he is in trouble, and those who do not see him are all old 2.” Well, he didn’t move any of us! “

At this moment, Sixth Prince and Seventh Prince have not slept overnight, so they watch Ye Qinghan and have no intention to perform.

Some people rejoice and some worry, 100 surnames rejoice, wealthy and trembling, Holy City has entered sleepless night today.

Ninth Prince became a wasteful man within a day, and he did not understand why the three princes suddenly exerted their power and killed themselves. In terms of strength, he could not cause the hostility of the three princes, and he had always had a good relationship with the three princes. , At least superficially.

At this moment, Ninth Prince was beaten into the cold palace and confined to his own courtyard. 6 God has no master.

“His Highness, after our power is over, after Zuo Feng and Absolutely dominate, we will arrest and detain all our loyal people, and the rest will turn to his name! We … no chance!” An old man Slaves covered her face with tears and said sadly.

“Zuo Feng! No intention, the king kindly entertained you and showed you, you did such a thing! Don’t give me a chance, otherwise I will kill you first!” Ninth Prince was furious and extremely resentful.

“His Royal Highness, now we can’t offend them 2 and want to make a comeback, but also rely on them …” the old slave said hoarsely.

“How can we come back? Since these two people have already shown their attitude to the people who are working with me, it is impossible to cooperate with me!” Ninth Prince said weakly and hopelessly.

“We can ask Emperor Imperial Empress to take the shot. After all, she is in the palace, and may be able to plead with Your Majesty. We have the opportunity to take back the Guard and the City Protecting Army,” the old slave suggested.

“You send someone to attack your mother! At this step, the king is not willing!” Ninth Prince’s eyes were terrifying, as if he could not wait to tear Ye Qinghan.


It was almost dawn, and Ye Qinghan joined forces with absolutely no heart, galloping hundreds of forces and taking 100% of Holy City’s power.

At this time, there is a shortage of manpower, and neither people with no trace of snow nor other princes must be held in their palms so that other princes will not question and will not let them perceive them. Who is loyal.

In the end, Ye Qinghan transferred a group of people from the city in the cloud, and transferred both Yao and Ten Third Young Lady and the others, otherwise the manpower would not be enough.

Fourth Prince, Sixth Prince, and Seventh Prince also secretly sent four confidants, hoping that Ye Qinghan could intersperse them, Ye Qinghan all satisfied them, and let them rejoice 4 points. If Ye Qinghan did not agree to allegiance, why would he be willing to treat himself People interspersed in?

The three princes were so anxious that Ye Qinghan and Absolute Mind were more powerful. When the time comes, it showed an overwhelming advantage and won the Crown Prince in one fell swoop.

And at this moment, Xue was invincible, and he was with the emperor day and night. Anyone who wanted to get close to the emperor, want to bring down Ye Qinghan, and had no intention, was stopped by him secretly. His name is to help the emperor share common things, lest The emperor toiled.

The emperor was very pleased, and he paid more and more attention to Xue Wuhen, and sometimes he gave the important things to Xue Wuhen to do.

Xue Wuchen also began to secretly intersperse some confidants in important positions.

On the 2nd day, Ye Qinghan started to meet some people who had not expressed their opinions. Most people could see that as long as Ye Qinghan fell to, who must be Crown Prince. At this time, the candidate prince should choose Ye Qinghan!

Most of the city lords who have not stood in line, have come to take the initiative to take refuge, and there were more than 3 major forces in 300 days! Occupy 30% of the power on the bright side! For a while it became the biggest supporter.

The support ratings of the three princes totaled only 3%, and now the remaining 60% are dead and refuse to stand in the team. Be careful and overdo it, but they will bring themselves to death.

On the 4th day, dozens of people including Xie Nianxue and Emperor Dragon Sky rushed from Great Desolate World to Cloud City, and waited for Ye Qinghan’s order. After they arrived, they would really erode the Snow Country Divine Realm from the inside!

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