“Zuo Xiaoyou, you are just the commander of the embargo army. It is not good to frame Divine Sect like this?” Gu Tianfeng frowned.

“I am an official of the Snow Country, so I am qualified to say such things, is it framed, you and I know, 500 years ago, your snow Divine Sect dispatched 8,000 powerhouse to attack the Borneo Tong family at night, killing more than 80000 Tong family overnight. , Including ordinary villagers, external staff, all children’s families, all women were caught in the snow Divine Sect as slave, and your purpose is to remove the bone from a child, not only did you not let go of a 7-year-old child, and killed him alive, and hanged himself on the most vicious bloody peak of Borneo! Is that right? “Ye Qinghan asked arrogantly.

“Who … are you? Don’t spray people with blood!” Zheng Junyan shouted angrily.

“I? Now the father of that child! Today I am here to catch those who were involved in the slaughter of my son. The first person is a person named Zheng Junyan. It should be you. It doesn’t matter if you deny it. There are also witnesses in the case. I have sent someone to bring them. Besides, my son can also testify. I now hope that Snow Divine Sect can give me a lot of the killers of the year, otherwise I can go in and arrest someone. “Ye Qinghan said coldly holding the pupil.

“Arrogant and despotic! I Divine Sect, don’t kill a clansman, even if you kill ten clansman, you won’t care!” Zheng Junyan sneered sarcastically.

“The emperor broke the law and guilty with the people! Since the King is the Prince of the Imperial Family, he has the right to control this matter. Senior Gu, I did not want to be the enemy of Divine Sect. I hope that Divine Sect will cooperate with me in investigating the incident. It’s about to storm! “Xue Shuai said solemnly.

Snow Divine Sect was furious and killed a little clansman. He had already been dealt with for the crime of betrayal of the Tong family. For hundreds of years, he still turned it out and clearly wanted to turn his face.

Gu Tianfeng was not angry and stared at Xue Shuai indifferently, saying hoarsely, “Xue Chen, you tried the case yourself, the Tong family betrayed the world, and colluded with outsiders to sell Snow Country Divine Realm …”

“That year was the year, 5 Imperial Uncle was not a saint, deceived by a villain, and forgivable. Now that you have witnesses, you have to re-examine this case!” Sixth Prince was ecstatic, toppled Snow Divine Sect, and Fourth Prince was equal to Without his left arm and right arm, he could not take advantage of the attack.

“Boy, who do you say is a villain? Old man hit you!” Zheng Junyan was furious and was about to attack when he raised his hand.


Ye Qinghan pointed at his sword and pressed to Zheng Junyan, coldly said, “You are so brave, you can kill the prince, and clearly not seeing the Imperial Family in your eyes is tantamount to blaspheming the Supreme Realm Master and betraying the Snow Country Divine Realm, Come, prepare me for attack! “

“Ready to storm!” Xue Shuai followed the order, and the army immediately moved, soaring into the sky, and pressed against Snow Divine Sect.

Bang bang bang!

Hua hua hua!

1000000 Elites, 1000000 Titans, and Gu Tianfeng all feel that the hair is fried. This is equal to the full details of Snow Divine Sect. Both sides suffer, Snow Divine Sect is bound to be charged with a treason!

“No hands are allowed!” Gu Tianfeng shouted in a deep voice.

“Junyan, go with them, I will go to Mr. Ling Yan, Xuechen is afraid to take you.” Gu Tianfeng immediately sound transmission said.

Zheng Junyan was so helpless that he could only choose to be arrested.

However, Ye Qinghan wanted to enter the Divine Sect territory to find Divine Bird and Little Jin Wu, so he waved his hands and said lowly, “Everyone who participated in this case took me away, dare to resist, kill without mercy! “

Immediately, 30000 100 troops rushed into the Divine Sect in the snow, captured Zheng Junyan, and banned the cultivation base.

Half of the 8,000 people are here, but I only know the mastermind. Those powerhouses that year were not pillars or deacons. Ye Qinghan did n’t know, Tong Tong did n’t know, but Xue Shuai knew that, after all, he was involved in the trial. Case.

Xue Shuai commanded the army to arrest some people of the year, but many others were not here.

“Many thanks Senior Gu, this coach will never injustice a good person. If Xue Divine Sect was wronged, I will make my own reparations.” Xue Shuai looked at Gu Tianfeng and said in a condensed voice.

After speaking, Xue Shuai and Ye Qinghan and the others led the army toward the deep Divine Sect territory, saying that they were going to catch those people, but in fact they only cooperated with Ye Qinghan and went to Divine Bird.

Ye Qinghan gave Xiaotong to him, and he took the Tongtong to follow the army and rushed to the depths. Divine Consciousness was slowly released, very secretive, covering the square ten thousand li. No one could find this strand of Divine except the Realm Master. Consciousness.

At this moment, Divine Bird is lying in a small wood house with Little Jin Wu, 100 boring, big eyes staring at small eyes.

“So boring! So boring! Damn Divine Sect, stuck this Divine Bird here for so many days, I must steal you 100 times, 100 times!”

Divine Bird was boring and mad, with his legs straight, staring at the roof of a short roof, and swearing, but he did n’t know that the drunkard was not found in the past few days, so he notified the nearby snow Divine Sect powerhouse. The powerhouse rushed here from all directions.

When Divine Bird found that there was a wave of the divine force approaching this place, it was too late, because the Formation had been successfully arranged, and it was several dozen li apart. Even if it could break through the Formation and escape, it would not take Little Jin.

“It’s finished! We are surrounded.” Divine Bird sat up in panic, looking at Little Jin Wu.

“What to do?” Little Jin panicked. Divine Bird was able to pierce Formula, but he couldn’t.

“Don’t resist here, I’ll go to rescue the soldiers, you tell them, as long as they dare to move you a hair, I will eat Paragon snowdrops and lose the rotten bone.” Divine Bird will slip away after finishing.

“Big brother …” Little Jin Wu was dumbfounded. When he heard that Divine Bird was about to run, he held down Divine Bird with two small paws, and said pitifully, “I want to die before the Master comes, let him forget Be my poor and loyal Ancient Divine Beast! Leave me alone, let’s go! “

“Fuck! What nerve do you have, let me go quickly! You press me, I take a ball! We will be caught if we don’t run, but no one will ask for help.” Divine Bird screamed frantically.

“Oh oh…”

Little Jin felt helpless and let go of Divine Bird. The two eyes didn’t know where to squeeze out two tears, and they were evaporated before they came out.

“Rest assured, you are my younger brother, Ben Divine Bird will not give up to rescue you! Take care, 10000000 Do not resist, fool them, fool them, how dare they take you …”

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Divine Bird dropped a word, rushed out of the courtyard, and dived into the depths of the snow, and the effort disappeared, leaving only Little Jin Wu Duo in bed.

“Hide first …”

Little Jin Wu didn’t want to sit still, and clung to the bottom of the bed, and didn’t dare to come up.

After a while, at least 7 or 8 Titan Peak powerhouse came close to this place,

There were 4 people defending, 3 people went in, and after a search, they blasted Little Jin Wu directly from the bottom of the bed.

“Don’t kill me, I surrender!”

Little Jin surrendered on the spot, and the resistance is no longer there. It is no matter how strong it is, but it is just an ordinary giant god cultivation base. It has not reached the giant god Peak Realm. The opponent has 7 people, and they are all Divine Sect people. The battle strength is not bad. At this time, resistance is courting death.

Watching Little Jin’s surrender, everyone’s mouth twitched.

“What about that cheap bird?” A deacon headed by the deacon shouted angrily.

“When the cheap bird saw you coming, he abandoned me and ran out. You killed the bastard! I will help you find it!” Little Jin Wu immediately said righteously.

Mixed with Divine Bird for a long time, without its realm, there will not be any good bird, Little Jin Wushen’s true biography.

Ka ka ka ……

7 giant divine iron fisted tightly.

“Bring the Divine Chain.”


Little Jin Wu was directly tied to the feathers by a small lock Divine Chain, which sealed the divine force and became a captive.

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