The fat-headed City Lord waved his hand and arrested Ye Qinghan and Sixth Prince without asking.

Sixth Prince was furious. “You jerk, you dare to arrest the king without asking why, be careful I want your head!”


Zhu Mao rushed out of Qingxiang Pavilion with a few youngsters, his face was swollen. When he saw the arrival of City Lord Zhu Younian, he was full of anger, and he was “brother-in-law.” Before you put your eyes on you, hit us and Great Elder of Qingxiang Pavilion. You must help us decide. “

“Hmph! It’s such a big dog bile. This is Yangzhou City, not Holy City. Don’t say it’s fake, even if it is true, give me face.” Zhu Younian proudly said.

“Really? That is to say, if this is really a prince, if they are hit by these people, they will be hit in vain?” Ye Qinghan asked faintly.

“What else do you want?” Zhu Younian asked dismissively.


Ye Qinghan pats sighed, “It’s awesome, it really is a party overlord, not even the prince in the eyes. I wonder if my Zuo Shuai Ling is worthless here?”

Ye Qinghan immediately showed a gold medal, which was the gold medal given by the emperor, and the token of the commander of the embargo. The word “forbidden” was engraved on it.


Zhu Younian swallowed a saliva, but this token could not be counterfeited, and no one dared to counterfeit it! Enough to see this person is really legendary Zuo Shuai! And this one around him is really a prince!

Zhu Mao and the group of youngsters were dumbfounded. I didn’t think I really took the slap of the prince and kicked me!

The giant powerhouse in the Qingxiang Pavilion shivered. If Xuexuan was really a Sixth Prince, it might not be Zuo Shuai who was angry, but the big guy in the Divine City!

“Qingxiang Pavilion Elder Wang Ziyi met His Royal Highness and Master Zuo Shuai, just to have eyes but can’t recognize Mount Tai, please forgive me.” The big man was beaten, and at this moment had to kneel and plead guilty.

“You bastard, look at the king being beaten, not even a fart. What do you want? Get me out and wait for me to see my grandfather, you must have all your skins!”


Sixth Prince lifted his feet and stunned, and turned Wang Ziyi directly to the ground, but he did not even dare to resist, for fear of hurting Sixth Prince.

“His Highness is angry, the villain really does not know that you are Sixth Prince, otherwise how can you not allow others to hurt you …” Wang Ziyi climbed up, kneeling again, respectful 10000 points.

“If Mr. Zuo Shuai had issued a Zuo Shuai command, would you kill the King? You don’t even have the Imperial Family in your eyes, but you kneel for me!” Xuexuan growled.

Ye Qinghan shook the head. At this time, getting angry is of no use. It is the most important thing to win the Yangzhou City City Lord.

“Yangzhou City City Lord Zhu Younian has no king law, disrespectful Imperial Family, corruption and cover clansman, the commander in the name of the assistant minister ordered you to take him down and wait for processing.” Ye Qinghan sneered at the City Protecting Army, Chill ordered.

The City Protecting Army was frightened and afraid to disobey Ye Qinghan’s will, but he did not dare to catch the City Lord!

“Why? The command of this coach has no effect on you? Who dares not to take action today?

Ye Qinghan stomped his feet, and an air of energy rushed up from the ground, directly hitting Zhu Younian’s chest, knocking it into flight, suppressing his spiritual space.


A large group of City Protecting Army rushed towards Zhu Younian, but Zhu Younian also had loyal guards, and the two sides fought directly.

The bloody battles on the streets, the guards were all the dead men of the City Lord. The battle strength was definitely much stronger than the ordinary City Protecting Army.

Ye Qinghan squinted and watched the crowds fight. He waved some leaves with his fingertips, and smashing void, directly pierced the heads of those guards. A leaf can kill the giant gods, and the dead are lost.

“Zuo Shuai’s life, His Royal Highness! The villain to have eyes but can’t recognize Mount Tai, you 2 adults have a large number, forgive us!” Zhu Mao and the others quickly nodded for mercy.

Sixth Prince’s anger hadn’t dissipated. When he saw these people, he immediately slammed a few youngsters. After a long fight, he was tired.

Ye Qinghan shook his head. Such a prince is very fool, it is really difficult to be a big office, that is, his foreign relatives are more powerful.

“Come here, grab these wastes, put them in the jail, and guard them heavily. If they run away, ask you!” Ye Qinghan retorted.

“Yes! Master Zuo Shuai!” Although the commander of the city guard was scared at this moment, he was more excited. At this time, he could face Ye Qinghan and the prince directly, and the object of loyalty changed.

“To convene all the people in Yangzhou City to gather outside the city gate, the coach must re-establish City Lord. Regardless of the cultivation base, only morality is talked about, and the world pushes it together, it is City Lord!” Ye Qinghan said in a low voice.

“Respect the command of Zuo Shuai.” The Commander of the City Protecting Army ordered a group of people to press City Lord Zhu Younian to go to jail, and also mobilized a large number of city guards to report to the people in the city to meet outside the city and select City Lord, regardless of the cultivation base Just talk about virtue!

A good City Lord, on behalf of the entire city 100 surname, will benefit. Everyone puts down the work in their hands and wants to choose the person in their hearts as the City Lord.

Ordinary 100 surnames have their own scales. Whoever thinks about 100 surnames will get support.

Some respected old man rich people have an idea, their wealth reaches the top, and they want to impact the knighthood and become a City Lord. They will inevitably be lorded by the prince or Your Majesty, and the family will be protected in the future.

The vast crowd outside Yangzhou City is full of enthusiasm, and they are discussedly, hoping to jointly recommend a highly respected person to come and become the City Lord.

Ye Qinghan Divine Consciousness was released, and he found the child pupils and small pupils in the crowd, took them out, and returned to the city wall of Yangzhou City, overlooking the beings, said solemnly, “This commander of the embargo, assistant minister left Feng, my side is His Highness Prince Sixth Prince, so this election of City Lord is absolutely effective unless the emperor Your Majesty vetoes it. It is absolutely valid for you to participate in the election and choose your favorite City Lord! Or people who want to participate can go to The city wall pulls votes. As long as all beings like it, the coach and His Highness will naturally support it! “

“Many thanks, Master Zuo Shuai, Cao Min is willing to serve Yangzhou City, loyal to His Highness, loyal to Master Zuo Shuai!” A big man rushed out, the cultivation base is also the limit of the giant god, a leader of a mercenary, very prestigious in the city, one Appeared and was recognized.

“It’s Ling Zhen, I have a sense of justice, and often help us!” The 100 surname is discussed spiritedly.

Ye Qinghan heard in his ears, and in his eyes, this person is very suitable to be a City Lord. The main thing is that once he chooses to be loyal, he will not be as jealous as those of Patriarch, hesitating between Divine City and him Final decision, be a wall grass.

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