Ling Huanyu readily agreed with Ye Qinghan’s proposal, but did not know that he had stepped into a trap set by Ye Qinghan. Once dragged into the water, he couldn’t run away if he wanted to run!

Ye Qinghan smiled straight at the corner of her mouth, and Ling Huanyu saw her hair exploding, feeling as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

“You won’t be uneasy, want to hurt me?” Ling Huanyu asked frowning.

Ye Qinghan immediately said rightly, “Where is this! You can ask, familiar people know that I am an upright gentleman! My brother, which is not a fatal friendship?”

Looking at Ye Qinghan’s righteous expression, Ling Huanyu was still a little uneasy in his heart, but reluctantly accepted it.

Arrange Ling Lingyu, Ye Qinghan smiled and returned to his own courtyard, feeling very comfortable, and specially called sister Yao to come in to sleep.

“The host is in a good mood.” Sister Yao said happily as she watched Ye Qinghan’s always serious face with an unmaskable smile.

“Everybody is happy in every happy event! The lady is coming to sleep ~” Ye Qinghan sang strangely.

Having said that, Ye Qinghan forcibly swooped up, took the initiative to attack, and made Sister Yao excited and greeted, and voluntarily ushered in, and the soul was trembling with 1000 100 shocks.


Overnight, quickly passed, the sky gradually lightened, people in Zuo Shuaifu have begun to plan to leave.

Ye Qinghan lazily gazed at the perfect Yao sister, as if 10000 things in the world had nothing to do with him.

“Get up and let others see it.”

Ye Qinghan’s cheerful mood was suppressed and became cold again.

Sister Yao lay on her chest and said softly, “Master, what are you going to do about the bride of Wang Family? You can’t just keep hanging it up until now, you don’t have a cave.”

Ye Qinghan was silent for a long time, and said hoarsely, “Let’s talk later, I don’t have time to care about her now.”

Sister Yao sighed, put on her clothes and got up, brought a basin of hot water to Ye Qinghan, and washed out before going out together.


Thirteen Chaos Realm masters, 3 snow soldiers, guarding Ninth Prince and Ye Qinghan, Ling Xuanyu quietly mixed in the crowd, this is the only unpredictable power, how Mu Yunfeng and God Lord will not predict him Will follow Ye Qinghan.

Divine Bird and Xuan Nianxue went back to back and talked secretly, not knowing what to do.

Regarding Divine Bird and Xie Nianxue, Ye Qinghan never wanted to ask, as long as he didn’t suffer losses.

The army is galloping, and the mount is the best snow wolf. The banner of the wolf rider is displayed in the wind. Wherever they go, the stations quickly provide supplies to replace the best snow waves.

The snow wolf is 3 meters high, has strong limbs, breaks mountain rocks, runs at a speed comparable to the speed of the Giant Peak, and has a high endurance. Mercedes-Benz can run at the fastest speed for 4 to 3 days without any problems.

There are too many troops in the army, and they cannot travel through them. They can only travel long distances. For safety, Ye Qinghan naturally will not consume too much power to move.

The auction is about half a year away, and a group of people wander all the way, which can be regarded as a distraction to Ninth Prince.

Ninth Prince is happy, but he does not know that he may be killed at any time! This bait has been spilled, and he will wait for Mu Yunfeng and Divine Sect.

On the road, the owners and overlords of all parties are diligent. Every time they reach a state capital, they will be guarded by several thousand ordinary troops, and they will be safely sent out of the state capital. The other state capital will pick them up at the border. Huang and Zuo Shuai had an accident within their sphere of influence.

Ye Qinghan is also not easy to refuse, otherwise it will be too obvious.

It was safe along the way, and the Lord did not want to cause Realm Master to exit because he slaughtered a hundred thousand troops in a state capital. Mu Yunfeng was even more afraid to do too much, assassinate the emperor, and disrupt the order of the Imperial Family, even if he is a Realm Master disciple , Can not escape.

After all, Realm Master still cares about his own children, after all, blood is thicker than water.

Straddling more than ten state capitals in a row, heading for the auction state capital, 3 months later, the army finally arrived at 9 Huangzhou. This is the territory of the 9th emperor of Xiandi and 9 Imperial Uncle of Ninth Prince. The name of this place is named For 9 Huangzhou.

Snow 9 Emperor, this person was a generation of Heaven’s Chosen. The cultivation base is strong and effective for the Snow World Army, but 100,000 years ago. In order to show his attitude, he did not want to compete for the throne. He automatically retired to 9 Huangzhou and became the King of Peace. favorite.

Ninth Prince also likes this 9 Imperial Uncle. I have seen it several times, and found Ye Qinghan on purpose. He asked, “Sir, it is the 9th Royal State. It is my 9 Imperial Uncle’s territory. I have not seen him for many years. , Shall we visit in the past? “

Ye Qinghan knew the identity of Emperor Xue 9 and was very curious about this person. He could compete for the throne at that time, but unfathomable mystery chose to give up, otherwise there would be no matter for Xue Shuai or Xiandi.

“Let’s check it out, time is too late.” Ye Qinghan lightly saying.

With the permission of Ye Qinghan, Ninth Prince was full of joy. He thought that Ye Qinghan still respected him and was very spirited. He personally led the army and rushed to 9 Huangzhou.

The 9th emperor had already learned that Ninth Prince was close to his territory under the leadership of Ye Qinghan, so he let his best son Xuefeng lead the army to the border to meet him.

Ye Qinghan followed in silence, Tong Tong and he rode with him, but Xiao Tong did not follow. This action was too dangerous. Once Divine Sect really acted, I don’t know how many people would die!

The snow wolf howled ahead, echoing end to end.


9 Captain Xiao, the army at the border of Huangzhou, uniformly and uniformly uttered Megatron. The private army did not lose to the Xuejie Army.

Ye Qinghan was shocked and looked at the troops in 9 Huangzhou.

“This Snow Emperor is by no means to be trifled with.”

Ye Qinghan secretly admired.

Ye Qinghan accelerated slightly, chased ahead, and stood shoulder to shoulder with the emperor, gaze as if a torch, staring at the leader of 9 Huangzhou, his eyes shot awesome, the heart beat accelerated a lot, and the blood ran .

“Illusion? Why is there a sense of a deserter?”

Ye Qinghan looked at the leader youngster in shock and had an incredible feeling.

After the deserted girls in the Snow Country Divine Realm become slaves, they will be executed if they become pregnant. There can be no descendants of the deserted. Although the blood of the deserted people is suppressed and thin, Ye Qinghan, who is a deserted father, cannot feel it. To.

The speed is getting closer and closer to that youngster, Ye Qinghan is more and more certain that this person within the body definitely has the blood of a famine!

“Sir, that headed youngster is my cousin, Xuefeng, the cultivation base is pretty good, but 9 Imperial Uncle just doesn’t want him to leave 9 Huangzhou, and he doesn’t let him fight, it is hard to get a door in normally. Imperial Uncle still seems to like me. “Ninth Prince said happy with a smile.

Ye Qinghan’s mouth also showed a faint smile. Listening to the meaning of Ninth Prince, Snow 9 emperor knew that Xuefeng had great bloodlines, otherwise he would not be suppressed, and he would not be allowed out of 9 Huangzhou.

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