Time and space are sticky

A silhouette above the void gradually solidified, and its coercion became stronger and stronger, just like the divine sacrifice came to earth, a stream of pump light overlooked the earth, and the land about 1000 miles away.


Bianjia all around has become the realm of this person, everything must follow his will.

Ye Qinghan suddenly raised his head, his hair rose suddenly, his hands turned into a frenzy, and he looked at him with vigilance. It was the god Sect Master. He never realized that he could understand the mysterious law of World Strength. He could instantly control one side of time and space and turn it into a Own field.

Extreme Great Perfection powerhouse!

The Lord God straddled a trance and became the second only to Realm Master. It belongs to the same class of people as the top masters of the older generation such as Huang Peng, and is even better than Xue 9 Emperor.

Ye Qinghan squinted and watched the gradual fall of the Lord with a touch of Murderous intention and sneer. He could not help but retreat slightly, took the Yin pot in his palm, but did not speak.

Snow 9 emperor sucks in a breath of cold air, no wonder Elder of Divine Sect dares to say such a word, the original God ’s cultivation base has grown to this step!

Bian Changlong was excited, and his will to survive suddenly erupted. If Charlotte knew that the Lord God appeared at this time, he would not choose to escape, and died in the end.

“9 Imperial Brother, this one is going to kill the left wing. What is the gap between Divine Sect and the Imperial Family, let’s sit down and talk about it?” The Lord of the Lord condescended and said with an irreversible will, and it was not allowed for the 9 Emperor to refute.

What is the Snow 9 Emperor and the others? Except for the Imperial Family ancestor, Supreme Realm Master appears, and no one can order him!

“Snow Master, you are so arrogant that you dare to trample the Imperial Family’s face in front of the King. Is it true that when you break through, you are invincible in the whole world?” Snow 9 Emperor is not maintaining Ye Qinghan, but is maintaining the Imperial Family With dignity, sound, and strong explosive power, he climbed wildly and opposed the Lord of God. He had to tear the general field and control half the sky.

Bang bang bang!

Heaven and earth, earth and sky, and darkness, tornado uprooted houses and ancient trees, steel was distorted into a ball, and the defensive grand formation broke out on its own, defending the aftermath, otherwise the creatures here would wipe out the entire army!

Wang Long and Bian Changlong left, while only Bian Ying was trampled under Ye Qinghan’s feet.

Hu hu hu!

Moan moan!

The wind howled, Ye Qinghan’s wristband screamed and groaned.

World Strength controlled a distance of 2 meters and formed a very small area. The outside tornado could tear the time and space, but it couldn’t curl up a hair on his body, and even the clothes corner was completely motionless!

heaven falls and earth rends

Ye Qinghan stood next to vortex and did not choose to leave because the center of the matter was himself!


The pressure of God ’s Lord is getting stronger and stronger, and he starts to crush the power of Snow 9 Emperor. Although the power of Snow 9 Emperor is strong, the battle strength does worse than God ’s Lord by one level and begins to fall back.


Snow 9 Emperor stepped on the ground, her clothes hunted, and she retreated to the side of Ye Qinghan, looking pale, her body twisted, and she was about to lose sight.

“9 Imperial Brother, old man no longer respects the Imperial Family, but also respects Supreme’s Realm Master. Even more how old man is disrespected only by the puppet regime assisted by Zuo Feng, not the overall Imperial Family! You have not left home for years. The first emperor was unwilling to go out of the mountain. You know that this so-called Zuo Shuai is hid the sky with one hand. He borrowed treacherous schemes, Murder a person with a borrowed knife, and slaughtered his partners step by step. You come to annihilate Divine Sect, with sinister heart, and constantly weakening the strength of Divine Kingdom, its heart is stubborn. The sentence I said is true. If you do n’t believe it, you can go to Holy City to check it! “

The Lord God crushed the Snow 9 Emperor in strength, and finally borrowed the Divine Force and blasted the Snow 9 Sovereign Sea of ​​Consciousness with Soul Attack. His blood was surging, his soul was restless, and he couldn’t help but want to compromise.

At this moment, Ye Qinghan took away the Yin’s pot, printed the palms of his hands, and pressed it with one finger on the back of Snow 9 Emperor. The World Strength turned into a divine force and rushed towards his four limbs and 4 skeletons, mobilizing the soul of the Realm Master, Shouted low, “Snow Lord, you are not afraid of the world ’s laughter? Xue Shuai was killed by you! Is it my murder a person with a borrowed knife? On the day of my wedding, you also appointed a hell killer to assassinate this handsome and Xue Shuai, you even do it yourself, hurt Xue Shuai, is it still me Murder a person with a borrowed knife? When I am not in Holy City, kill Xue Shuai, assassinate countless Imperial Court ministers, and it is still my Murder a Person with a borrowed knife? Now you are attacking 100 Emperor ’s soul, and you want to force him to submit, is it still me Murder a person with a borrowed knife? It ’s self-evident that the Emperor naturally understands that you cannot tolerate this Villain challenge! “

The sound was thunderous, the roar continued, with a subtle Soul Attack, towards the 4th party.

Snow 9 Emperor’s soul was blessed by Ye Qinghan divine force and the soul for a while, and the slump was immediately restored. The two teamed up to counterattack in madness, fighting for territory with their potential, and the 2 Fangshan stones broke and the ground was divided.

Bang bang bang!

Hua hua hua!

The scramble for three people led to flash floods, torrential rains, and raging winds. As if at the end of the century, the army brought by Charlotte Charlotte blocked the aftermath and continued to retreat, staying at a distance of 3 li for a stable foothold.

On the situation, Ye Qinghan can stand against the Lord and be invincible, let alone a powerful Snow 9 Emperor!

When the two of them joined forces, the Lord of God immediately lost power and kept flying backwards. There was a look of fierceness in his eyes, and his palms were printed. He took out the Sect-protection Priceless Treasure of Snow Divine Sect. Tearing Heaven and Earth, destroying 2 miles of land, the periphery of the side home was directly destroyed and flattened!

“Snow 9 Emperor! You are so obsessed with it. If you do n’t believe me, you can go to Holy City. Please ask the Imperial Family to go to Old Ancestor and check out the origin of this child. I do n’t believe that there is any clue. This person is from a small city. Where does it come from? That many strong cronies? “

With the release of Thor’s electric hammer, Heaven and Earth’s power is fully controlled. It is comparable to the Peak status of stone bricks, plus the power of God, it can definitely destroy ten thousand li!

The Snow 9 Emperor does not have a pseudo-world device, but Ye Qinghan does. This Yin’s pot is full of World Strength and is mobilized by Ye Qinghan. It seems to have the power to swallow the earth and defeat the thunder hammer, World Strength and strength of Thunder. Tear and shred 10000 things!

Bang bang bang!

Hua hua hua!

divine glow ten thousand zhang, gas and mountains!

Ye Qinghan was impatient and didn’t want to entangle with the Lord again. This person is definitely a big trouble. Once he causes the suspicion of Emperor Xue 9 and thoroughly investigates his history, it may be exposed!


Ye Qinghan stood up, with his hands printed, the Yin’s pot turned into a giant giant pot, the mouth turned into a black hole, engulfed ten thousand li, World Strength entangled, and attacked the Lord of God.

The thunderstrike strikes World Strength, but there is a confrontational trend. The central area is destroyed, and it seems that it will spread to the auction house in the distance.

The powerhouses within ten thousand li were all shocked, rushing up, looking at the side home, watching Ye Qinghan and the Lord of the Lord, even the 9th Emperor was unable to help, and was shocked.

In the war with the pseudo-spheres involved, Supreme God looked pale and weak!

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