Wu Jimian ’s eyes are blooming with golden rays of light, fleshhy body is overbearing, and Martial Dao is an extreme. It is a difficult and horrible character. When waving his hand, he can drive Martial Dao to roar.

5 Pole-handed Pseudo-Boundary Device, who will be tempted if you change it!

“General Tianwu, the two armies of the Emperor ordered Wuji Army and Dragon God Army to deal with you Tianwu Army, Wu Ji Army Commander Sun Yang, where is the Dragon God Army Dragon Moon?” Wu Ji curtain looked at the great hall and stared at 2 A burly middle-aged man, 2 of them are tall and burly, full of warfare, at first glance, they have been in the powerhouse for many years.

Sun Yang, the elite of the 9th emperor’s contemporaries, is only half a step away from the sages of the military family. It is deeply liked by Wu Jimen, otherwise he will not control the most powerful Wu Ji army. A cultivation base is not inferior to Tian Wu Paragon. The ability to lead a war is inferior to that of Tianwu Paragon. He has entered the army for many years without losing a defeat, and has been registered as an undefeated general by Wu Ji. He has a very high status in the army and controls 1000000 Wu Ji.

Long Ziyue, the forward commander, intelligent, both civil and military, is the soul of the Dragon God Army, powerful and invincible, as long as he rushes forward, the Dragon God Army must tear the enemy like a sharp knife, 1000000 Dragon God The army claims to be able to block ordinary army 10000000!

“The Admiral will obey my emperor’s orders, and here I am going to cut off the heads of 2 left children and absolutely unintentional children, and bring the extreme false world to Your Majesty!”

2 people came forward, the voice was deep and powerful, giving people an inexplicable self-confidence, it seems that what they have decided to do can definitely be done in general.

“Okay! The Emperor believes in you 3, take off the heads of Zuo Feng and the two children who have no heart, to sacrifice my 2 army undead!” Wu Jimian cold glow flashed, coldly said.

“As you bid!”

Sun Yang and Long Ziye and Tianwu Paragon bowed and retreated, leaving the army.


The border of Jiwu Realm, Jidao City Territory, never accidentally did not rush to attack other cities, but instead found a map in the vicinity to find a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. First, give the army of Jiwu Realm a headache and boost morale. This is the chance to stand firm!

Ye Qinghan is standing on the city wall, thinking about what to do next. Now I am shocked. The wrong step will be consigned to eternal damnation! And it is with the mad Zong people to the abyss.

A mad Zong cannot die!

Ye Qinghan clenched his fists and prepared to speed up his pace to withdraw from the battlefield. The baptism of war this time was enough to get them back to the Great Desolate World and work hard for some time.

In the border area of ​​the Jiwu Realm, people’s hearts are terrified, even if the war spreads to their areas, even if the ordinary creatures are giants, they will not escape. Once they are affected, they will surely die. War is cruel, especially to 100 surnames.

At the moment, at the Snow Country Divine Realm, some people are propaganda, inspiring war, and continuously sending reports of the army ahead.

The deserted city is broken, and the city is destroyed!

The army counter-attacked, suppressing 300,000 days of the army, killing ten Martial Venerable powerhouse, and capturing 80000 troops.

Listening to each and everyone news, Snow Country Divine Realm was up and down, but bad news soon came.

Zuo Shuaifu lost a Great General, and Xuan Yezhen was killed. It immediately aroused public anger. Who may be Xuan Yezhen? Many people do not know, but Zuo Shuaifu should always know. Zuo Feng is a spokesperson for civilians. How many people worship idols when I arrive at the position of commander of the Xuejie Army and assistant minister?

Snow Country Divine Realm The hawks are fighting more and more, and their voices are getting higher and higher. Those who want to join the army are rushing to the edge of the deserted city like a tide, hoping to join the army and follow the ‘Left Handsome’ campaign.

Immediately after that, a good news came again in front of him. Zuo Shuaifu and the soldiers of the soldier family never joined forces to directly capture the Jidao city of the Jiwu world and overthrow Dao Sect!

There was an uproar and excitement at the back, and I felt that the Ji Wu World was the same. If the Ji Wu World was beaten down, then it would raise its eyebrows. Many people want to use their merits to get to the rank of aristocracy. This is the fundamental way out for Loose Cultivator and civilians!

Ye Qinghan is in the martial arts world, but he knows the rear well and propaganda. At first is designed by him. He also understands how to let the call of Snow Country Divine Realm cover up everything. When dragging the entire Snow Country Divine Realm into the war At that time, once the Realm Master in the extreme martial arts came out, the Old Guy in Snow Country Divine Realm must not sit idly by.

War, Realm Master generally will not shoot, and they are now hit hard. As long as it is not world annihilation, they will never shoot.

I arranged everything with no intention, found Ye Qinghan, took out a map, and drew a few circles, pointed at Jidao City, and said, “Zuo Shuai, this is Jidao City, ten ten thousand li from the border, The Jiehe River is in the back, and the central state is 5 miles away. There are the central army in the town, about 300,000 people. The right side is the polar Martial Mountain, and the right side is a primitive forest. It is bordered by Jidao City and Dao Sect. A 30000-corner situation, about 3 li or so, there is a gorge called Tongtian Gorge, which is the necessary place to go to the central state, which is the main place for soldiers, but at first they are guarded by the bounded army in the front. I sent someone to guard it alone, and now I have sent someone to guard the place, and once a large army approaches, I can take a headache. “

Ye Qinghan looked at the city branch on the map, and the offensive and defensive lines that he had no intention of drawing. He couldn’t help but be nodded. There were no shortcomings. He could attack and retreat and defend, which was enough to take root.

“Now we’ll wait for the 9th emperor to come to help.” Ye Qinghan nodded, big beckoned, stretched out his hand and pulled Startar, a bit of a toe, a silhouette flashing, appearing in Tongtianxia.

Tongtian Gorge is very narrow, steep and straight, without fulcrum. The clouds over the sky are actually 7 colors. This kind of mist looks very beautiful, but it is very poisonous. The skin is itchy and unbearable after being touched, and the skin will be scratched. Even bones are seen, which is a common poison barrier between canyons.

The drug barrier is endless, and only the lower part of the canyon can pass through it.

Hundred thousand Snow Squadron has built fortifications. From below the mountainside, all the people of the Snow Squadron. It is absolutely impossible to pass here without paying some price.

Ye Qinghan casually dropped the star-wrapped vine on the canyon, causing it to devour the creatures above, and cooperated with the Snow Realm to defend the place, causing greater losses to the Jiwu realm, the bigger the better!

Star-wrapped vines began to swallow, desperately devoured, including all plants being swallowed by him. The valley all around quickly became the territory of star-wrapped vines, rattan dances, and under the stimulation of poison barriers, rattans carried poison qi.

As time passed, the sky was getting darker, and three armies appeared in the depths of the extreme martial arts, each holding 3 troops. There were three roads in the middle and left, and the destinations were all central cities in the central state.

The 3rd Army gathered, a total of 1000000 troops, and 3 more commanders, enough to sweep the 4 sides and smooth everything out.

Feeling the shaking of the earth, Ye Qinghan exhales one mouthful of impure air, but reveals a relaxed smile, which makes people puzzled.

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