A team of men and horses appeared under the city wall. The speed was very fast. The head was a guard beside Ninth Prince. The cultivation base was good. It was a Supreme God called Xuelong. Ye Qinghan had seen it a few times.

Xuelong was in awe of Ye Qinghan. He dismounted and walked down the city wall, trotting all the way to the city wall, and bowed, “Master Zuo, Imperial Family Supreme Elder Snow Flame Emperor, and you learned that you were extremely guilty. World Majesty ordered your Majesty to give you 2 handles back … Your Majesty did not dare to violate it, and the Special Majesty came to inform. “

Ye Qinghan frowned, very angry, the front line was fighting hard to fight, this Snow Flame Emperor was too shameless, and actually wanted to take away 2 pseudo-spheres, let alone fight now, even in peacetime, it is impossible Give the false world to someone else.

I never felt very angry. This request was actually made from the old mouth of the Imperial Family.

“Go back and tell him that for the time being the army cannot do without pseudo-boundary devices! He needs pseudo-boundary devices, so use the family treasures in the Imperial Family. This pseudo-boundary device is his personal weapon and will not be given to anyone.” Ye Qinghan replied coldly.

Xuelong’s face was embarrassing and he did not dare to offend Ye Qinghan. Naturally, he could not give Ye Qinghan’s words to Snow Flame Emperor. He could only leave with a bitter smile and organize his own language. He implicitly told Snow Flame Emperor that he died. heart.

Rejecting the request of Snow Flame Emperor, Zhi Ge defeated Wu Jijun’s attack, and the recruits lost a lot, but the cooperation was getting better and better, and there was already some scale.

Subsequently, the army advanced, conquered the central state, successively knocked down more than a dozen small cities, began to attack the central city, was blocked by the Dragon God Army led by Long Ziyue, and suffered a lot of losses, but the central city also suffered heavy losses and the city wall had to be broken.

However, Long Ziyue, Tianwu Paragon, and Sun Yang transferred all their troops to the central state. Although they lost a lot before, they did not hurt the foundation. Nearly 3,000,000 troops were pulled into a half-moon shape, showing a trend of encirclement and preventing The Snow Squadron attacked and wanted to push the Snow Squadron out of the extreme Wu world.

Paper Ge sits in the middle of the town, dispatching troops, and even Qingxin and Ye Qinghan actively cooperate to control the left and right wing armies, blocking the 2 rd army, and preventing them from completely surrounding the Snow Squadron.

The six commanders gathered in the central state are definitely elites, and they are definitely not good at fighting. Each has its own losses. The snow reinforcements have been late, and Zhi Ge is a little impatient. He has issued more than ten consecutive orders and asked the rear reinforcements to speed up the process. Provide troop resources and resupply.

However, it was not support that was ushered in, but a strong command from Xue Flame Emperor, which required ‘Zuo Shuai’ to return the two-handed pole realm in the hands of Gu Qingyu and Xiaoyue to Holy City.

Moreover, Snow Flame Emperor cut off the supplies and sat on the border in person. Even the 9th Emperor was not qualified to mobilize the Snow Squadron to threaten Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan Iron Fist clenched, and hoarsely shouted, “Mum / this mental retardation, has actually been an emperor. Has his mind been caught by the door? In order to get the pseudo-world device, it is so unknown!”

Paper Ge then understood why the rear supplies and reinforcements had been late. It turned out to be Snow Flame Emperor in order to take away the 2 large pseudo-boundary devices. This pseudo-boundary device had a formidable power during the war. Needless to say, if it is not 5 The big pseudo realm is carried here. With his 3,000,000 recruits and 300,000 snow realm, how can he resist the 3 ace troops of Jiwu Realm?

Zhi Ge looked at the loyal toes sent by Xue Flame Emperor. He slapped his hands and pointed at the middle-aged man’s nose and cursed, “Mum / Yes, labor and capital are fighting at the front. Snow Flame Emperor does not support or Just that’s all, I still want to pull my hind legs, you go back and tell him that you want a false realm, let him come to the front line and ask me to ask, if you do n’t dare, let him get off! Then dare to cut off the resources and the supply of troops, labor and capital Then go back and kill him! “

The middle-aged man looked at Zhi Ge angrily, covering his face angrily. He did not expect that he was so arrogant and crazy, and his eyes were a little weird, but he did not find that the cold glow in Ye Qinghan’s eyes had condensed into substance.

“Get out of here! I will see no more resources and supplies in 5 days. I want you to look good!”

Paper Ge is rude, and does not give Xue Flame Emperor face at all, even if Xue Flame Emperor is so high? In terms of seniority, only Realm Master and a few seniors are older than him, because Ling Yan and Realm Master are both brothers!

The middle-aged man representing Snow Flame Emperor was extremely angry, but he didn’t dare to say anything else, or Zhi Ge could throw him to the front to fight.

There is no source of troops and supplies for the time being. Paper Ge and Ye Qinghan as well as no intention to discuss it, had to withdraw the army, let the city that was laid down before hand, let people temporarily retreat to the Tiantian Gorge, and use the natural barrier as a defense point to temporarily maintain the advantage. .


In the deserted city, Xue Flame Emperor was even more angry, because the middle-aged man added fuel and vinegar and told Ji Ge and Ye Qinghan’s words several times to listen to Xue Flame Emperor.

“Arrogant child! Hello, a paper Ge, if the emperor hadn’t looked at Mr. Ling Yan’s face, he would have embarrassed you already, and now he is so insulting Ben Sovereign’s prestige Yan, since you want resources and supply of soldiers, the emperor I’ll let you get rid of it! “

Snow 9 Emperor cold glow flashed, it turned out shouted, “Come here, seal me the edge of the deserted city boundary river, and do not allow any soldier to enter the Snow Country Divine Realm …”

“Old Ancestor, no! Child never agrees! Now I am the commander of the Snow World Army. If you want to seize power, at least you must deprive me of the commander’s right through the clan association!” Snow 9 Emperor was a little bit angry, and could not think of the older Snow Flame Emperor. The more confused, for the false realm, in order to enter the Danger Land to find a stronger potion of life, to become the existence of the Great Perfection Realm, even he did not hesitate to give up the warrior Daxian such as paper Ge and inadvertently, but also the commander of the Snow World Army The Minister of Political Affairs Zuo Shuai was put to death.

“You filial son! They are so insulting to the emperor! Do you even want to help them speak?” Xue Flame Emperor snapped.

Murderous aura rushing to the sky in the frontier city, has recruited nearly 10000000 million troops, has been training for more than ten days, although not as good as the regular army, but these people have a strong cultivation base and can support at any time. They ca n’t cross the river, they ca n’t cross the river, they are anxious for 10000 points, but they do n’t dare to offend Snow Flame Emperor, they can only wait slowly.

There was a quarrel in the Great Hall of the Deserted City, and Snow 9 emperor refuse to yield an inch. He never agreed to seal the frontier, because that would be equivalent to giving up 3,000,000 troops, 3 soldiers and Daxian, and even 5 poles. Pseudo-boundary!

“Old Ancestor, Zuo Shuai is definitely not deliberately blaspheming the Imperial Family divine might. Right now the front line is tight. The pseudo-realm is very important and can play the role of an independent army. He naturally refuses to give it to you now, but waits for the end of the battle. He will naturally please Old Ancestor, so why are you in a hurry? “Xue 9 Huang bitterly persuaded.

But Snow Flame Emperor can’t wait, because his life can’t wait that long!

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