The sword is not like Goddess. It cannot be blasphemed. It stands on the top of the mountain, curls white robes, and stares at Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan seemed to understand the sword not returning. He stood relaxed in front of him with a smile. His faint self-confidence made the sword not returning. He faintly saw some clues from this temperament, but he couldn’t relate to the wildness of the year Father contacted.

The sword did not move its fingers, the hilt moved slightly, and tried to force Ye Qinghan’s identity, but saw Ye Qinghan lightly shook the head and whispered sound transmission, “Master Sword, don’t shoot well, just remember “The great wasteland, the sky shakes, Nine Realms return to one sword or not” is just fine. “

The sword on the top of the mountain didn’t move, and asked hoarsely, “Which of them are you?”

Ye Qinghan didn’t say a word, it was already the bottom line to say that.

“Master Sword! I beg you to help Jiji World. We don’t have a pseudo-world device. It is difficult to fight against the Snow World Army with 5 pseudo-world devices!” Tianwu Paragon knelt on one knee and asked in a deep voice.

“I beg Lord Sword for a shot! Yang me extremely divin might!” Long Ziyue and Sun Yang did not bother their faces, and asked directly on one knee.

“Begging Lord Sword for a shot! Young me mighty divide might!”

10000000 The soldiers and civilians speak in unison and are extremely firm, hoping to use morals to persuade the sword not to return.

Sword does not return and looked indifferently at the 3 chief commanders such as Sun Yang and Tian Wu Paragon, said in a tranquil voice, “This palace has not been involved in world affairs for many years, Wu Ji Shenzun will not reluctant me, let alone you young people thing?”

Tianwu Paragon twitched his lips, and dare not say more.

Heaven and Earth is dead, the breeze swaying the mountain forest, the fallen leaves are flying all over the sky, filled with Murderous intention, the fallen leaves can penetrate the rocks, and they are extremely sharp.

At this moment, there was a coercion in the sky, which spread over 100 miles, and even the sword was not under control. The fiery air waves swept the earth and rolled up dust.


The sword does not return coldly snorted, the sword sheath moves, a touch of sword glow tears the coercion, the sword has been sheathed, and it is too fast to capture the trajectory. A woman can use the sword to such an extent that it is against the sky.

Kendo masters such as Li Feng and Gu Qingyu were also stunned by this hand, as if this sword can destroy Heaven and Earth. If that sword was killed by them just now, they are dead and there is no room for resistance.

Ye Qinghan pupils shrank, I ca n’t think of a cultivation base that has n’t returned without a sword! It is infinitely close to the level of the pseudo-Realm Master Great Perfection, but its attack power is slightly stronger than that of the pseudo-Realm Master Great Perfection. The sword is the king of the soldiers, and he is the best at attacking. This is the advantage of the sword not returning.

dashing eyebrows Willow, shoots out a sword energy, the sword does not return and looks at the silhouette appearing in the torn void, with a magnificent look.

The old and gloomy powerhouse appeared in a red robe. It looked like a scorching sun. It burned his eyes and made people dare not look directly, but he saw that the sword was not returning, and his eyes were awkward. He said quickly, “The original sword My lord is here too, it’s just being rude. “

Staring at the comer with unsatisfied sword, coldly said, “Li Zun, I hate people to lock me up with energy, this is the second time you have touched the bottom line of this palace!”

It turns out that this person is the Master of Wuzun and King Wujiling. He can burn 10000 objects in the universe with one hand away from the fire. He once refining the existence of the false realm alone, he fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, only afraid to see I do n’t return to the sword, but I want to see her, because the secret love is uncomfortable, but unfortunately he is not very lucky. Whenever anger appears, he can always touch the sword without returning, and every time he touches her bottom line .

Li Zunyin’s face is a bit embarrassing, and he keeps making dsaid with a bitter smile, “Master Jian, don’t be angry, old man is also killed because the most proud inheritor is stunned, and he has no scruples, so he locked this place. You are here too. “

Ye Qinghan evil smile, this kind of goods is also worthy of secret love swords do not return, purely looking for abuse, those who like swords do not return, which is not the existence of today ’s world overlord or a fake Realm Master Great Perfection, most of the time is a fake Realm Master The existence of the limit is not bad from the cultivation base, but compared with that kind of existence, the gap is too great.


The sword is not coldly snorted, so I do n’t talk too much, I ’m too lazy to care about dignity, after all, it is a powerhouse in the world, and it will definitely involve those old bastards that year, when the time comes a lot of people, this is her Displeased things.

When Li Zun saw that the sword would not return, he could not help but sighed in relief, turned to look at Ye Qinghan and the others, and finally locked the target, Li Feng, said gloomily, “Boy, you killed my love grandson , Won 3 fork pliers? “

Li Feng held the 3-fork tongs and became a scapegoat, but would Ye Qinghan let him bear the charge? He reached for the 3-fork tongs and stroked the 3-fork with his big hand. Lightly saying, “I was killed by fire Yes, dear, you want to avenge him? “

“You are such a big dog courage! Now that you know me, you still dare to kill Li Huo unscrupulously and seize the 3-fork pliers. Is this a challenge to the old man?” Li Zun asked coldly.

The army of Jiwu World was excited and finally attracted a horrible existence. It happened to be revenge with Ye Qinghan. As long as the momentum of the Snow World Army was extinguished, its commander-in-chief was suppressed, and how the Snow World Army was arrogant!

Tianwu Paragon and the others is also extremely excited. His eyes flashed brightly, looking forward to the dignity on the valley, raising a smile, and then looking at Ye Qinghan’s expression, it was a stun.

Ye Qinghan smiled with a smile on his face, and he didn’t seem to be afraid of dignity. The quiet court walked a few steps forward and said quietly, “Yeah, I’m challenging you, I want to lead you out, send you back to the West, I don’t know if you are ready Yet?”

si si ——————

Count 100 overlords suck in a breath of cold air, never seen such an arrogant person, and even the high Peak cultivation base dare to challenge the existence of the fake Realm Master Peak! It’s like a young child challenging an adult!

Li Zun frowned and looked at Ye Qinghan, coldly said, “It’s up to you?”

Hahaha ……

Ye Qinghan said with a big smile, “Of course, there is more than one of me. I have 6 people in Shuaifu, and it is more than enough to kill you.”

Shua! ! !

Li Feng, Gu Qingyu, Shi Ge, Xiaoyue, and Jiang Jingtian stepped on Ye Qinghan and reached out, all holding pseudo-spheres. Ye Qinghan erased the Divine Consciousness in the 3-fork pliers and handed it to Li Feng. With the Yin’s pot, the six pseudo-spheres echoed each other, soaring into the sky, blowing the wind and sand charming eyes.

There was no stopping the sword from returning. Looking at Ye Qinghan with interest, it was hoped that it would fight, so that the identity of Ye Qinghan could be determined.

Li Zun looked at the six big false worlds, his eyebrows locked, and his eyes were a little dignified. These six people are not good at all, and they all have fake real worlds. It is like 6 young children holding Divine Weapon weapon against an adult. Being swept up by a false realm, even a fake Realm Master will be injured.

“You you think you can kill me, you know me?” Lizun frowned.

Ye Qinghan’s mouth slightly lifted, his energy broke out, the Yin’s pot was evoked, World Strength tore everything and formed a huge vortex. The mouth of the pot was aimed at the dignity, and said firmly, “More than just knowing!”

“Brothers, come on!”

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