Wu Ji Mu Leader personally bringing troops into battle, the mount is unicorn, about the size of an ordinary horse, as fast as lightning, and Yutian Divine Beast mention on equal terms. The unicorn between the foreheads can be pierced by Supreme in adulthood. God ’s defense of the extreme powerhouse, killing the pseudo-Realm Master is not considered a Legendary, and the unicorn he sat down is an ancestor, and he is an adult and very powerful.

Wu Jimian is full of spirits, leading 100 Supreme Gods and controlling the 1000000 embargoes. These are all elites in the army, like a hot knife through butter, killing Ye Qinghan where he is.

The Supreme community supported 10000000 million troops, divided into 3 routes, replaced the 6,000,000 army of the Jiwu world. The 6,000,000 army retreated three thousand miles under their command, bypassed the mountain range of the pole road, and rushed from the hinterland to the periphery of Longshan Prefecture. Meet with Wu Jimian.

The place of three thousand miles is where the Xiaolin Army meets, but this three thousand miles has become the sky brand, the 11 million army to break through the Wuji curtain, and a unicorn, 100 Supreme God, these powerhouses But they are all terrible, otherwise they are not eligible to be enshrined in the Imperial Family.

A few days later, Ye Qinghan took control of Longshan Prefecture, but Wu Ji Mu has also merged with the 4th Army of Sun Yang and Tian Wu Paragon.

The city’s garrisons have also begun to gather towards this place, and they are going to fight the Snow Realm.

The army is everywhere, magnificent, and the army is in a semi-arc shape, encircling Longshan Prefecture.

Ye Qinghan sits in the town of Yeli, Longshan Prefecture, which is the gateway to Longshan Prefecture. Once out of Yeli City, it is out of Longshan Prefecture. If you go out, it is the hinterland, which is an endless plain.

Zhi Gehe never stood on the left and right sides of Ye Qinghan, staring at the battlefield of the 2 million army outside the city. It seemed that even a soldier had the idea of ​​a decisive battle.

“According to reliable information, the Emperor Wu Ji curtain of the Ji Wu world is leading personally bringing troops into battle,” Ye Qinghan instructed, whispering against the stone bricks.

“Wu Jimu actually came, no wonder these armies are like eating divin medicine. It turned out that they wanted to make achievements. Such morale is probably not good.” Zhi Ge was a little worried. If he continued to fight like this, even if the Snow World Army It is impossible to win after finishing the fight.

I have no intention of watching countless camps meeting at 30 li. I am even more worried that they will abandon Longshan Prefecture and directly attack with fire or water.

“If they attacked with fire or water, we would be very unfavorable,” warned inadvertently.

Ye Qinghan shook the head said, “Don’t worry about water attack or fire attack. I have a Yin’s pot, which can ingest everything in the world. Water and fire are no exception. What I am most worried about now is that they will not attack and fight against us. After all, we are lonely and in-depth. Once we do n’t work for a long time and consume a lot of resources, the Imperial Family at the rear is definitely not willing to fight protracted wars. By then, we will suffer the enemy on our backs.

Zhi Ge’s face was very bad, and he sighed, “The old bastards really don’t support the war. I promise again that they will enter the imperial city within ten years, and they promised nodded. It has now been a year or so, and they delay again. 3-3 years, even if we let our army gallop, we will not be able to reach the imperial city’s imperial city. “

“I don’t think so. Since Wu Jimu came to lead personally bringing troops into battle, he would definitely want to retreat us earlier. Our army is limited in number, occupying natural danger, only defending against attack, and consuming 30% of this group can counterattack. “It’s absolutely unintentional to give a different answer.

“What kind of person is this Wu Ji Mu? What is the world’s evaluation of him?” Ye Qinghan curiously asked.

“Seeking instant benefit, hot and irritable, very hot, suspicious and skeptical, is a very contradictory person.” Zhi Ge said immediately.


Hear Zhi Ge’s evaluation of Wu Ji Mu, Ye Qinghan sighed in relief.

“Close the city gate and get ready to cross the crossbow and crossbow and wait for the enemy to attack.”

Ye Qinghan’s low order resounded through the city of Yeri.

“Report! Commander, our crossbow has consumed more than half, only less than 10,000,000, and the rear support has been late. We have been saying that preparations are still needed, and we have no way.” Logistics Reserve Legion’s Corps Head rushed quickly Come here and tell the truth.

“This group of damn things are making troubles in the rear again! It must be Snow Flame Emperor united some tribe to revenge us.”

Zhi Ge waved his hands angrily on the city wall, angry.

Ye Qinghan didn’t have much reaction. He didn’t think of such a situation, so he quickly said, “Here is a hilly area with the most veins. Take back all the divine iron ore, find someone to mine, and we will make the crossbow.”

“Is it too late?” Asked with no intention of frowning.

1000 crossbows, even a military factory, can take several months to prepare for refining, which cannot be completed overnight.

Ye Qinghan said with a bitter smile, “It’s too late to delay time to support me to make enough crossbow arrows.”

Delayed time, naturally, the commander came forward and called for battle one by one, demanding one-on-one battle, and the army called forward, either retreat or one-on-one. This kind of thing is very common. Of course, the commander without absolute confidence is absolutely afraid to Did it.

Wu Jijun’s army had no rest for 3 days. Wu Jimu did not seem to be anxious to attack, but to allow the army to have enough rest time, adjust the state to the best, and prepare for in a spurt of energy. Defend and completely destroy the Snow Squad Army, so that his divide might.

“This battle, I want you to become a template of forever in history, just like the last battle of Great Desolate World, becoming a classic legend of 10000 generations!” Wu Jimu stared at the top ten commanders and said sharply, “If you ca n’t, See you! “

Sun Yang and the others looked at each other, their eyes were a little dignified, they all knew that this snow army was very difficult to fight, especially the group of people in Zuo Shuaifu, even the Lizun killed, once joined together, the breakthrough army, Kill the emperor as a spoiler.

“Now you discuss how to fight in order to destroy the Snow Squadron in Longshan Prefecture in the fastest and most overbearing way. The attack tomorrow morning will be enough for you to discuss the countermeasures,” Wu Jimu said firmly.


Wu Jijun’s army barracks are discussing how to attack, and Ye Qinghan has ordered a large number of troops to step up the acquisition and mining of divine iron vein resources, but the Murderous aura is pervasive, the sky is overcast with heavy rain, and the world is about to be flooded.

The low-lying land quickly became a lake, and some houses were flooded.

Ye Qinghan built a refining room, refining all searched divine iron veins into open crossbow arrows, but the material was too little and too little, and only 10000 were made in one night, not even a wave of attacks.

In the morning of the 2nd day, Wu Jimian stood on the battle drum platform himself, pretending to be a solemn shouted. Enough for you to advance to the first order! Alone with you! ”

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